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"You're going to stay with us for the next two weeks, so don't worry if you don't learn the names right away. We've got time,"

The sentence went on repeat in my head as I was guided to an elevator and standing in a corner, keeping as much of a distance as we could from each other as Hobi clicked a button for the fourth floor.

"This is going to sound weird, but I have made arrangements for someone to clean all your clothes before you bring them into the apartment. There's also a bathroom down here where you have to shower and change and stuff just to make sure you're physically free of the virus. We're pretty convinced the chances of you catching it on the trip down here are slim. But just in case anything you're wearing has been in contact with it, we want to make sure it's cleaned properly."

I just stared at him dumbfounded, not really hearing what he was saying. He pointed to a door with the word bathroom written in Korean on it. "Don't worry, everything will be brought back to you in the morning" He said again and motioned for me to enter the bathroom.

Inside was a shower, toilet, a couple of sinks, and on a bench was a neatly folded pajama set along with some underwear and a bra in my size. How in the hell would they know this would fit me? I spotted a plastic bag next to the clothes, with a neatly written note in English saying to put the used clothes and everything on my person in there and leave it in the bathroom.

I quickly showered, made sure to clean everything thoroughly, stepping out and drying my self off as best as possible before changing into the blue matching pajama set with some cartoon character on them. It was big on my 5'4 self, and very obviously not bought to fit me either. But I guess it would do in a pinch. I hadn't even really thought of how this day was panning out compared to how I had thought it would pan out. I left my entire bag with all my belongings in the plastic bag before I had showered and now felt the sudden nakedness of not having my phone with me as I walked out of the bathroom.

I forgot my worries as I met four sets of eyes in the hallway. Hoseok and Taehyung I somewhat expected to see, now without masks and hats. But between them stood two guys I recognized as Namjoon and Jin. Neither looked very happy to see me, but Namjoon was trying more than Jin to put up a friendly face as he introduced himself, actually shaking my hand.

"Hi, my name is Namjoon, it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry you've been kidnapped to stay here but I'll do my best to make you comfortable while you're here" His english was more advanced than Hoseok's and he fronted a friendly smile. His hand was large and strong and somehow his handshake gave me the feeling that he was safe, comfortably safe. Jin made a brief introduction, explaining how they had just five minutes before I had been picked up found out about Hoseok and Taehyung's plan to bring me here. He was stern, everything about him screamed authority. It was nothing like how Jiwoo had described him the couple of times they had talked about the guys, but i didn't mind it. The way he flexed his jaw while talking sharpened his jawline to a point where i think it could cut something, and how his arms were sternly crossed across his chest highlighted his muscles stretching out his shirt. I had to blink a couple of times to remind myself to look away.

I followed the guys into the elevator again, this time taehyung was stood right next to me. Top floor button was pressed and we all waited in silence for it to reach its destination.

"She's wearing your pajamas" Namjoon said quietly in Korean, looking at Hobi. Not intending for me to understand what he was saying. "I know" Hobi said and giggled, looking back at me and smiling. I smiled back, not really knowing when the best time for me to tell them I could understand them would be.

I met the rest of the guys once we entered the apartment. Jungkook wasn't aware I was coming and waltzed around in just his boxers when we arrived. I had immediately turned around, thinking he would want to hide behind something or go get dressed. But suddenly i could hear his voice closer to me and he turned me around, taking my hand and shaking it while looking straight into my eyes. I did my best to return the stare, praying to a god that my eyes stayed where they were. He had a sly smile on his mouth and oozed confidence to the point where i felt like the more i looked at him the taller he became.

Jimin hugged me the moment he saw me, it took me by surprise but he smelt good and the warmth from the hug made me realize I was cold, so I hugged him back, letting a small giggle out.

Yoongi stood across the room from me, he looked tired but smiled and nodded. I nodded back and from my back i heard Hoseok talking to someone again in Korean "...Sister's friend. We had sex on the europe tour" Was all i caught but i turned around locking eyes with namjoon talking to Hobi. God, also not a great time to admit to this non existent language barrier. Namjoon looked as if he was deep in thought while staring at me and i felt flustered and turned around again finding Taehyung.

"So when will I get my things back?" I asked him. He explained my phone would be up as soon as it was cleaned and the rest should be done by tomorrow evening. I nodded.

They showed me to my room in the unnaturally large apartment. A spare room with a double bed and barely any decor. I guess this was my home for the next two weeks. It was close to 9pm korean time, and I had stayed up the night before to not be so affected by jet lag after the travels so as soon as I laid my eyes on the bed i started yawning. I excused myself and told them I wanted to sleep. They all understood and left the room leaving me alone. It didn't even take me five minutes under the covers before I had dozed off.

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now