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It came in stages. 

The realisation that people were looking at my pictures with a microscope was a thrill to almost get drunk off and also so scary I often dreaded even being in the same room as my phone. The notifications were turned off, all trace of the social media even existing on it gone until I consciously decided to open the app and take a look. I started out thrilled that the plot was working, that we managed to roll the story we'd carefully concocted just as we wanted it to be. Jiwoo texted me not even a day later with a link of some Kpop news channel featuring my Instagram profile on it and with that bit of information came the dread of being exposed without having a say in the matter. The followers still fell in like ants to the remnants of a picnic and the account had accumulated almost 20 thousand followers in only its first day.

As the days passed I was comforted thoroughly, my partners in crime happy to help take my mind off of it and it almost became a game to them to help inspire a new picture. When the notice came that I was allowed to leave the apartment after so many negative tests, and the managers informed me they'd found an apartment for me to rent closer to where Hoseok's sister lived. Reality suddenly hit me like a brick wall and it felt like I couldn't breathe.

It hadn't even been that many days in their apartment, but I was so attached to the boys I struggled to see how I'd make it in Seoul without them constantly being around.

"I've gotten too used to this" I mumbled, snuggling further into Jin's side where we sat watching TV in the living room.

"I personally think that's a good thing" Jin said, kissing the top of my head, his hand stroking broadly across my back, sending a relaxed comfort through me.

"Noo it's not. Now I have to leave you and I'll miss you."

"We did that on purpose." Namjoon's voice came up from behind us, steps sounding nearer and nearer until he was sat in the sofa with us, pulling my legs across his lap.

"That way you'll come back to us" He smiled

"If I had it my way I'd never leave"

We were alone in the apartment, all the other guys away to fulfil obligations of different sorts. It was calm whenever I was with Namjoon and Jin. Their caretaking characteristics prominent and comforting, giving me space to just be.

"You know we don't want you to leave either. I'm sorry you can't live here with us, but we talked about this, remember? You need an apartment tied to your name, we're building a story here to keep people from the real story. And for that to work you actually will have to stay at that apartment for a while."

"And when this goes to plan, you can come visit as often as you'd like! And we'll sneak in to your place from the underground garage. This will be fun, I promise. Like a hidden, illegal romance."

"Is that what's happening?" I turned to Jin. "Are you romancing me now? I thought this was just physical, no?" I smirked.

"If you're not joking right now I might have to turn you over and slap some sense into you of course we're romancing you, did you think we went to these lengths with every person we slept with?" Namjoon's voice was heightened in frustration.

"I'm trying to be funny, I know there's something here. I'm also trying to romance all of you if you hadn't noticed." I blushed a little.

The increasing attraction between all eight of us was overwhelming yet somehow incredibly naturally progressing. It felt like we enjoyed our time like we were supposed to and envy or imbalance were terms we didn't even consider. It was scary trying to trick such a following as the one BTS had, but it also seemed necessary in order to make our lives bearable.

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now