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Jungkook Pov

I almost couldn't believe the progression of the situation in front of me. I was the first one on my feet when Namjoon came running into the living room saying something was wrong. When she finally opened the door to her bathroom I didn't know what to do, my feet were stuck in their spot and when the boys hugged her, and stood up for her, I just stood there.

Namjoon took over the phone from Hoseok who made immediate eye contact with me and walked straight into my arms. His warmth calmed me and released some of the tension I was feeling from not knowing what to do in this situation.

I breathed in his scent and let it take over my mind for a moment. When I came back to it, Mari was wrapped in Jin's arms, and he was sporting the biggest grin I've seen in a while. I loved seeing him happy, but what happened after nobody could have guessed.

Never in my life have I seen anyone go little so fast, and it was freaking textbook! I would know, I've read the books. Jimin and Jin's been trying to go there for a while but they've stopped trying as it never really seemed to go as planned.

We watched in awe as Jin got her into bed, I was impressed with how calm he was. I would have just stood there not knowing how to act or what to do. Not unfamiliar when it comes to my actions though is it?

I was still holding Hobi in my arms. We shuffled out of the room when Jin laid down with Mari, feeling like we've overstayed our welcome.

"I'm so confused right now" Taehyung exclaimed once we entered the living room.

"Yeah Joon hyung what happened before we got there?" I asked.

"She had texts in her language on her phone, and when she read them her face turned white and when I asked her about it she ran into the bathroom. The rest you were there for" Namjoon fell into the sofa, jimin following quickly to sit on his lap.

"I'm sure she'll explain when she wakes up" Jimin said. "Can we now talk about how insanely hot Jin hyung was? I don't think I'll ever get over the grin on his face when he realised where she went. I'm not okay." Jimin was dramatically draping his body over namjoon and the rest of the sofa trying to make it visible how affected he was.

"Yeah how did that happen so quickly? I don't understand anything" I really didn't.

"Pretty sure she's been submissive all day. Maybe that's normal for her. Little space comes easily for some" Namjoon said matter-of-factly.

"And not so easy for others" Taehyung snickered from the opposing sofa, making Jimin roll his eyes.

"Can we also talk about how Hobi froze and couldn't say anything?" Tae added.

"Hey I freaked out! I had this great narrative as a boyfriend who was getting his dick sucked by a man while answering the phone, but when I tried to open my mouth all I could think of was the fear in Mari's eyes and I started thinking of how terrible of a person that guy must be if she's that scared of him." He took a breath "And then I started thinking maybe I should be afraid of him, but I let that thought leave me in favour of thinking what I could do to protect Mari from him and I just spiraled into a big mess of thoughts and then I made eye contact with kookie and all I wanted was a hug and well yeah I'm disappointed in myself too okay" Hoseok was almost out of breath and his face was red from his rant. I wanted to squeeze his cheeks he was so cute.

"I'm sure she'll explain everything in the morning, stop talking about it. I'm sure you all have something else you could be doing right now." I nodded and walked off to my room.

I have this habit of feeling like I'm in the way unless someone explicitly says they want my company. This usually leads to alone time. But I'm okay with that, I like my room, it has everything I need to both relax and work a bit if I want to. I probably made it like that because I spend so much time in here.

My bed looked beyond inviting as I got into the familiar room, I plopped down onto the comfortable duvet and dug my phone out of my pocket. I've recently made a TikTok account and I am addicted to the app. I have been scrolling down from video to video for hours on end the past couple of days. We also made an account for the entire band, and when I find a video of army that I like I send it to that account for it to like it. All in the name of staying off the grid.

Hoseok walked into my bedroom only minutes after I'd gotten myself comfy in bed. When I was younger I was usually the one sneaking into his bed at night, looking for warmth. But the past years, whenever he needed someone to hold him at night, he'd show up here. It was an unspoken agreement, everyone knows the dynamic between the two of us. Hoseok was never as submissive with the others as he was with me, both emotionally and physically.

He lets himself be vulnerable in a unique way when it's me and him and it's the most intoxicating feeling if I'm going to be honest.

He stripped out of his pants and shirt and crawled into my bed, letting his arms snake around my body as he got himself as close as possible and resting his head on my chest. The familiar feeling of him in my arms a relaxing comfort. I was so weak for this man. It's been almost 8 years and it still feels brand new whenever he makes me laugh or smile. My whole heart is his and he knows it so well. 



Hi and happy monday. This was a quick update to again make some character descriptions and to deepen the emotion a bit, hope it's not too boring. 

I've been told my work will be closed down as of wednesday due to another covid outbreak in my town so it looks like i'll have a lot more time to write this week than i thought so let's hope you'll get at least a couple more updates this week. 

Hope everyone's doing well and are healthy and happy. 

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