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"But who says I've been craving company of the male kind"

I didn't know where the confidence came from but i kept a hard hold on it, not ready to cower yet. I smirked at him and sat back, taking the glass into my hand again as i sighed and took another sip.

His eyes were on me, they were dark with something new. I pretended not to notice as i adjusted myself, taking the freedom to let my legs rest on his lap as i sat to almost face him. He didn't even flinch, lifting his arms to give me room and then resting them on my calves. The heat from his skin doing things to me I hadn't taken in account.

I kept my glass close to my mouth to not give away too much of an expression as his hands started caressing my skin slowly. My breath got stuck in my throat and i took a deep breath as his hands moved further up my legs, reaching my knees. His eyes hadn't left mine yet, and I still hadn't met them, currently keeping my focus on his hands. The air was thick with tension and I didn't really know how to read it.

Whimping out I pulled my legs to me again and stood up quickly.

"I think i need some water with this wine" I said and hurried into the kitchen. Holding my breath and only letting it out when I had left the room. Grabbing two glasses from the cupboard then, getting some water out of the fridge.

As i was filling the glasses i could feel someone standing behind me, the heat from his body radiating onto my back. I froze, the tension in the room was suddenly the same as before. Arms reached around me, leaning on the counter in front of me, trapping me between them.

"You need to say yes or no. I won't touch you if you don't want me to" He whispered. His words softly lingering on the back of my neck. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, knowing full well how my body was reacting to him but trying to seem like i had it more together. I reached for my glass of water and took a big gulp, before turning around in his arms finally making eye contact with him. My voice came out shaky as I spoke the word yes as slowly and quietly as i could. A smile spread on his face for a moment before his lips crashed onto mine and his hands moved to my waist closing the space between us.

I was caught off guard, sure. But it didn't take long to figure it all out. He pushed me into the counter deepening the kiss, making a moan escape my mouth which seemed to be a cue for him to get even more intense. His arms snaked me even closer, and I could feel his heartbeat in my chest as if we were still too far away from each other.

He grabbed my thighs and lifted me up on the counter making me lean down to meet his face again. Now standing between my legs, my crotch was lined up with his making me moan into his mouth as i could feel his erection against me. We stayed there for what felt like an eternity and at the same time two seconds, but the action suddenly came to a halt as the light turned on in the kitchen. Making us twist our heads in the direction of the doorway, meeting two pairs of eyes.

"Shit" I muttered as I jumped off the kitchen counter, doing my best not to make eye contact with Jungkook and Jimin.

"Hyung you got to her first?" Jungkook complained in Korean. "I was so sure I would win her over"

"Damn she's hot hyung, ask if she wants to do a foursome" Jimin chimed in.

My face turned bright red and i looked up at Yoongi, he met my look and nodded, understanding what i was thinking without me saying anything.

"She can understand you" He said calmly, a chuckle following. I finally looked up at them, giving them my best 'surpriseeeee' smile.


"I speak Korean" I said. In Korean for once. Not comfortable but the looks on their faces made my inconvenience worth it.

Jimin stared at me.

"Hot" was all Jungkook said. A smirk forming on his face.



Sorry for the short chapter, trying to see what works best capturing readers attention so I would highly appreciate it if you told me whether you like the longer chapters or shorter ones. I tend to just write and not stop so it would be nice with some feedback. 

For grammar mistakes I  would appreciate it if you pointed them out. Nobody's perfect and sometimes i feel like i look at something for too long and go blind as to what's actually on the page so i can't really be my best critique. 

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