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Jimin slowly undressing definitely was a sight to be seen. The atmosphere was heavy with a sexual tension beyond my imagination as Jimin was leisurely unbuttoning his shirt, his seductive eyes searching the reaction of everyone in the room.

The desire for him was like a universal language between all of us in that moment. Apparent in all six sets of eyes and I was sure mine displayed the same. Jimin's confidence was overpowering, like nothing I had seen before. Unparalleled to anything I'd witnessed in my life. His slow seductive movements removing his clothes had me wanting more, waiting for his next move, imagining the skin beneath the cloth even before it was revealed.

He was beautiful, there was no question about it. The slim muscular body revealing itself to be just as ridiculously attractive as his face and mind was. I was without words, looking at him like he was a statue made to be admired.

It was probably the alcohol's fault that I was drooling over Jimin right now like a child in a candy shop. The men in this house definitely had my entire body on a constant horny standby but the strip tease happening before me when everything in the room was slightly blurry had me shaking with anticipation.

We were all drunk. The shots of the game forcing everyone over that last line between tipsy and hammered. Jimin was left in just his boxers when his four items of clothing were removed and the only thought residing in my mind was that I wanted to touch him.

I had the urge to trace every line on his body, feel his soft skin against mine, his lips on my lips once more. More than anything I wanted to remove that last item of clothing, just to get a chance to experience his naked body.

Eyes burning into Jimin my body jolted when I felt a pair of lips leave traces of heavy kisses on my neck. Jungkook's muscular arms moving from around me to rest on my thighs in front of us, caressing my skin in upwards and downwards strokes, the sensation combined immediately making a whimper leave my body.

I had almost forgotten how I was so close to a half naked Jungkook, and the knowledge seeping into my brain while still taking in Jimin's naked form in front of me was almost enough for me to lose it.

I sat up straight, the lips tracing my skin and the arms on my body ripped away from their placement as I hurried to stand up.

"We're still playing a game, I can't focus if I stay here" I said before I as quickly and smoothly as I could walked over to an opposing corner of the table, sitting down between Jin and Yoongi.

We played a couple more rounds, and I managed to get away without taking off any clothes until now. Seven cards still left in my hands and only one opponent left, hoseok had a mischievous smile resting on his lips and a single card between his fingers.

In the previous round everyone had attacked Taehyung with cards making him have to draw almost the entire deck into his hands. This proved fruitful as the end of the round ended up being everyone removing two or more pieces of clothing. I was grinning from ear to ear seeing the gorgeous men around me confidently removing their clothes like they were being recorded for an underwear campaign.

However now it turned out to be my turn, and the intensity and excitement in the eyes surrounding me left me a tad bit shy. I shook my head, grabbed Jin's drink as mine was already empty and downed it.

I made eye contact with Taehyung from across the table, focusing on him to gain the confidence to undress and show the suggestive lingerie to a room full of men I ideally would want to have sex with.

Keeping his gaze I let my fingers find the hem of my dress and I stood on my knees to be able to pull it off me. Taehyung's eyes flickered from my body and back to my eyes a couple of times and I could see his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed heavily giving me all the confidence I needed to proceed.

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