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My heart was beating at the highest speed of its capacity, my mind was making the room spin around me as the situation sank into my brain and I comprehended the severity of the situation. My breath hitched and for every sigh it was as if I was spending energy I hadn't previously stored up to manage to let the air out of my body again, leaving me without any power to stop my traveling mind.

No one were looking at me anymore, Namjoon's hand was tightening around the phone and Jungkook was staring intensely into the carpet as his hand traveled to his face picking on his skin out of nervousness. Hoseok was walking in circles behind the sofa. All of their movements and lack there of just increased my stress towards the top of its limits and I would probably have said something to make them stop freaking me out even more hadn't Taehyung taken my hand in his and pulled me to him for him to comfort me.

His scent and his warmth was an immediate source of calm and I could feel some of the panic leave me as he rubbed his free hand across my back in repetitive motions. My breath slowed, but my mind was still running a marathon, and I couldn't take my eyes off of Hoseok as he paced the floor obviously in deep thought.

I couldn't believe this was happening, I couldn't understand why someone would photograph us up there, and I didn't understand why he would steal my things in order to scare me with it. Nothing made sense in my mind and because I had nothing holding any logical grounding in my head I couldn't get myself to say anything out loud. My tears were welling up in my eyes and when Hoseok stopped pacing, and looked at me, his beautiful, welcoming eyes meeting mine, the tears ran out of space and started falling.

I could see the immediate worry in Hoseok's eyes once I began crying but let everything fade to black as I hid my face in my hands and let out the sob that so eagerly wanted to escape me as my body caught up to the fear my mind had been feeling for the past minutes. I felt empty, not a single solution obvious to me I felt trapped within the situation and had no outlet. I couldn't run away, I couldn't hide. So I just cried like I was alone, letting the world rest even heavier on my head as it sunk down towards my lap.

It didn't make it that far though, hands not belonging to me or the man next to me caught my head in the midst of its fall and cupped it softly, caressing gently with their thumbs across my hands over my face. In soft movements he pulled my hands away and to my side, and I opened my eyes to once again rest them on the eyes of Hoseok. Full of worry as they were they still held that familiar confidence and spark, almost giving me an urge to smile at him even now.

"I thought we told you, Sunshine. We don't let pretty people be hurt in this house" He said and a calm smile appeared on his lips as he pushed the bangs wet from tears away from my face. I caught his reference, remembered how Jin had seductively told me what felt like years ago that pretty people get pleasure not pain.

But wasn't that exactly what had gotten us into this problem? How could he be insinuating anything of the sort when pleasurable activities had been the source of the problem we now had at hand. And why was his cheerful tone and sexually loaded words actually working in moving my mind away from the initial panic?

"I don't get why you are crying. You did nothing wrong, Sunshine, none of this is your fault. I might blame a tiny bit on my hormones, but if anyone asks..." He moved even closer and whispered. "Let's blame Jungkook, okay? He is the one with the tattoos, people have a much easier time thinking the tattooed ones are the ones causing trouble. You and I will be in the clear, I'm sure of it"

I knew he was trying to make the situation less serious by changing my perspective and dragging a laugh out of me, and though the laugh was successfully summoned I was still so painfully aware of what was going on.

Another frame bent down in front of me on the sofa and I turned to meet Jin's worried eyes as his hand reached out to mine, meeting it in an embrace.

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now