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I was alone in the apartment almost the entire day, with the livestream, practice, filming for a show and a fitting for a future filming the guys were busy all day. I couldn't complain though. If one were to judge places to be quarantined, I'm pretty sure this would be one of the best ones.

My day without company was spent messaging my friends and catching up with everything at home, and a long painful phone call to my mother telling her once more to stop talking to Damien and stop giving him information about me. She wouldn't hear it of course. Naturally it's my problem seeing as I'm the one who's being a drama queen.

Around 4pm a man dressed in a hazmat suit showed up with a bag of takeout. I am living in a strange world.

I had just unplugged the bathtub in my bathroom when I heard voices in the hallway outside. The guys were back.

A sort of giddiness fluttered in my chest as I quickly got out of my bath and started the shower. I've never been able to consider myself clean after soaking in water tainted with all the dirt and dead skin coming off my body so I always need a shower afterwards. Quickly washing my hair and shaving my legs before getting out and wrapping myself in a comfortable silk robe.

I'm not sure why I was so excited that they were back, it hadn't even been 12 hours since I last saw them, but apparently I wasn't as good at being alone as I thought. 

Jimin's pov

I was the first one home today, throwing myself onto my bed in exhaustion as I let my mind wander over the events of the day.

I couldn't believe my own eyes when Jin hyung showed up to the livestream with an erection. He never loses his professionalism in these things, but there he was, horny and stressed and I could literally feel my own arousal stepping up trying to match his.

It was a live though, I had to control myself.

Sitting down between Jin hyung and Jungkook on the sofa I leaned my back towards Kook and lifted my legs to rest on Jin hyung's lap.

Knowing our fans, they would always choose to focus on the dynamic between Jungkook and I so my legs would probably almost go unnoticed.

I caught Jin hyung's eyes and smiled sweetly, and he nodded my way. We were good at this acting like we didn't want to rip each other's clothes off thing. Leaning on Jungkook he shifted to make me more comfortable while making sure I was still faced towards the camera. It was all pretty naturally staged.

The live went well. We had a bunch of fans asking about our new projects. Namjoon hyung spoke English to help the international fans keep up with what we were saying.

In our group I am definitely the worst at pretending nothing is going on between us, and that has somehow become one of my trademark characteristics. I usually flirt freely while the other guys tone my advances down by making jokes or acting upset. I enjoy the tension and insecurity in a situation when I say something none of them know how to react properly to in a public setting.

I wanted Jin hyung so badly that today was no exception. Everything he said I would laugh at, casually grabbing his body while laughing just to feel him. And whenever I adjusted my seating position I made sure to put enough pressure on my legs for him to never really lose that fabulous erection he was sporting in his jeans.

And because of the other guys' bickering, nobody even commented on my attitude towards Jin hyung. Park Jimin you win again.

When the live ended it hadn't taken long before we had gone our separate ways for different projects throughout the day.

I was doing a studio thing with Yoongi hyung so we were cooped up in his studio trying to choose a beat for a song we wanted to make. I hummed a melody line a couple of days ago in bed without really thinking about it, lost in my own thoughts after he'd carried me into bed and away from Jungkook and Mari. He couldn't get it out of his head afterwards and we just had to make something out of it.

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