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It felt like only seconds had passed when we moved to get out of the bed, but in reality it had been a couple of hours. I think I fell asleep at some point, either that or I just went into my own head so much I lost track of my surroundings. What I do know though is that Jin's arms around my body never once loosened or shifted. They were like a promise not needing to be said out loud but still being understood loudly. He was safety.

I got up first and groaned as I felt the stiff muscles in my body cry out when I tried to move. Stretching my back I looked at the sea of shopping bags I still hadn't done anything with. "I should probably get all this into my closet today" I mumbled as I grabbed one of Jungkook's shirts and pulled it on me over my underwear. It reached my knees so I felt sufficiently covered up for the task.

"You do that, I'll go get us some breakfast." Jin got up and stood right beside me, pulling my head slightly to him to kiss the top of it before the gorgeous man walked out the door.

How had I ended up in a situation like this, I thought to myself. They're literally some of the most famous people on the planet, and I'm just hanging around experimenting sexually and emotionally with them. How the fuck is this my reality?

And speaking of reality, should I ask them about how close they are? The cuddles and playfulness is one thing but I'm pretty sure there's more going on. I did see Jimin jerking off Taehyung the other day, but I don't think it's just them. They all have this dynamic between them. I want to know more, but I'm afraid to hit the limit and cross over to delving into someone else's business.

I grabbed a couple of bags and poured the clothes onto the bed, repeating the process with the rest of the bags. Shit they bought a lot of clothes.

I separated them into categories. Tops, bottoms, dresses, underwear, you know the drill. I also added in the clothing items I had borrowed from the guys, not willing to give them back just yet.

Once I had all the categories I started placing them in the drawers or hanging them up. It took some time but when Jin walked in with two plates of food on a tray I was close to done.

"You're still in a t-shirt" He laughed at me and picked at my choice of outfit. I giggled back and grabbed an egg sandwich from one of the plates, eating it immediately not realising how hungry I was until I had smelt the food. A moan escaping my mouth as I let it enter my body.

"I had to see what I have before I could change. Can you believe they didn't get me a single pair of sweatpants? I'm quarantined inside for two weeks and I don't have sweatpants!" I scoffed at my own discovery as I kept chewing my sandwich, sitting down next to Jin.

"Thanks for breakfast, this is delicious" He nodded and took a bite of his own sandwich.

After eating I decided on an outfit, with Jin's help of course. He was not afraid of telling me what he liked and what he didn't. I ended up with a grey sweater inside a pink velvet dress. It was quite short on the legs but let's be honest, everything in this closet was quite short. At this point I don't think I cared about it anymore.

"You look cute"

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"You look cute"

I smiled at Jin and twirled on the spot to show my outfit, almost falling over because of my terrible balance. He stopped the fall of course, still sitting on my bed he had grabbed my dress and pulled me towards him to stabilise me. It all took less than three seconds and my breath was caught in my throat.

His dark eyes stared straight into mine, making me shy away and look down.

"Look at me"

The tone in his voice made my knees weak, what else is new.

Feeling playful I closed my eyes and quickly got out of his grasp, twirling out on the floor and towards the door. I could feel myself getting dizzy again but the excitement of testing Jin's control made me laugh happily as I spun around.

In a movement my feet lost contact with the floor, first I thought I finally fell, but the gravity of the floor was replaced with strong arms under my thighs and my back. The scent of Jin surrounding me once more. Before I knew it I was sitting in the arm chair in the corner of the room, and as I opened my eyes, Jin was towering above me. His arms were leaning on the arm rests, and his face was mere millimetres away from mine.

His eyes traveled between mine and down to my lips and back up for a couple of seconds, filling me with anticipation from just the idea of his lips meeting mine. We'd shared a couple of kisses. I mean he had casually kissed me a couple of times, but they were short, and we were never alone.

I couldn't see anything apart from him, I felt a hunger to put my lips just close enough to meet his, but he controlled this situation and we both knew it. Studying his pillow-like lips trying to imagine what a passionate kiss would feel like I could feel a blush cover my face and a heat enter my body. I couldn't handle this tension anymore.

"Can you please kiss me?" My voice was unsteady and my need could be easily heard.

He smirked and leaned in even more, still not all the way but I swear I could taste his breath, it sent shivers from the top of my head and down to my heels.

When his lips met mine it was with such force that I thought I saw stars for a second. My eyes shut closed on instinct and my hands were grabbing at him to pull him closer to me. He wrapped one arm around my waist, pulled me to him and spun us around so that he was now sitting in the chair and I was straddling his lap, all without once breaking the kiss.

His breath was minty, the kisses soft and passionate. I had noticed how all the guys I had kissed in this house had distinct differences in their kissing style. This was probably a factor not many people ever thought of, as it is not normal making out on several occasions with more than one person in a household but here we were.

Jin kissed with an intensity I had never experienced before. It was like he could speak without saying a word, projecting emotion and thought through a pillowy kiss from the gates of heaven. I was lost for words and full of desire as the kiss deepened even further and my appreciation for Hoseok and Taehyung's choice of clothes increased by a mile as I could feel every inch Jin's growing bulge thanks to the short dress I had on.

Breaking the kiss as I was actively grinding down on his member giving both myself and him some much wanted friction I leaned back and let a chuckle leave my throat as I just took a second to take in the pleasure and how comfortable I was.

Jin picked me up once more. He must have a thing for doing that. And carried me over to the bed while still straddling him. I felt the cushiony mattress welcome me and Jin let his body rest flush against mine as our lips met once more making even more fireworks go off inside my head.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, grinding on each other, making out and moaning each others names whenever we felt the need to. But without us noticing, Namjoon had entered the room and was leaning on the door when he spoke up.

"Now I would want nothing more than to stay and watch how this story unfolds, but Jin we've got a live we have to do in less than five minutes and you need to make your horny ass look less horny right now."

Jin jumped up and out of the bed almost running out of the room, but he turned around walking back to me quickly, leaving me with one more sloppy kiss.

"Let's continue this soon" he winked at me and spun around running out of the room. I was out of breath, my body was throbbing and Namjoon was still standing there by the door, smiling from ear to ear.

"God what I wouldn't do to just devour you right now" 



Thank you for all the votes and comments! I can't believe this story has hit 4000 readers! 

lots and lots of covid friendly hugs from me xx

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