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I had no intention of making it awkward during breakfast, I sat between Yoongi and Jungkook, neither saying much to me but the random free seat between them rose my suspicion as soon as I walked into the kitchen this morning.

I promised myself to not be weird though

I promised myself.

"Did you fuck her JK?" Hobi said loudly in Korean. Smiling at Jungkook.

I choked. I couldn't breathe, the water I was drinking was almost spat out in front of me and my stomach cramped up in a cough as I could feel my eyes getting watery from the pain.

I got confused looks from everyone around the table, and once I calmed down enough to focus on other things. I could hear low chuckles coming from my right side. Yoongi was laughing uncontrollably.

Jungkook joined and soon enough Jimin was laughing as well. I sank down in my chair, wanting so badly to be Invisible right now.

"H-h-hi my name is Jung Hoseok" Jungkook imitated his bandmate.

"And I never bothered to find out if this girl I've known for a year knows my language" he continued and laughed even harder, the three men were holding their stomachs and wiping tears from their eyes. I turned to look at Hoseok and I could see the confusion in his face switch to understanding as he returned my gaze and shut his mouth. I sank even furter down, but kept my eyes on his.

I grinned slightly, seeing the amusement in the situation but also feeling guilty for not saying anything.


I nodded slowly.

"She speaks three languages actually" Jimin chimed in. I hated the attention on me but it didn't look like it was going away.

As a saving angel though, for the first time I was actually happy when my mother called my phone.

"Speaking of, I gotta get this" I said and smiled apologetically trying to hide my relief.

"Hello" I said as I answered while making my way out of the kitchen

(English will be in regular font from now on, Korean in slanted and Native language in bold)

I sat down on a chair in the hallway, listening calmly to my mothers rambles. She said the same as she'd been saying whenever she called the past days. "Can't wait for you to come home", "Demian is asking about you", "Remember you've got a degree to finish". I had run out of ideas to avoid her nagging though so i might as well just follow along.

"I don't know how long I'll be here mom. I'm currently quarantined for another 10 days before I can do anything at all. I'll try to find an answer for you after then. Don't tell Demian anything about me, if he want's to know he should talk to me, not you"

"But he's such a nice man, he came over with a pie the other day, it was the raspberry one, my favourite! Oh Mari can't you just forgive him and come home?"

I sighed.

My mom loved my ex boyfriend. And she was the reason I had stayed with him as long as I had. Demian was not a nice person once he had his claws in you but of course she couldn't see that. She hadn't been there the times I had tried to go out with friends and been refused because other men would be present. Or when I wasn't allowed to open the door for the pizza delivery guy because I was in my pajamas and he was a man. And because he is so freaking nice to everybody, nobody believed me when I told them about the time he locked me in the bedroom and called me in sick to my work because I refused to give him a blowjob right as I was on my way out the house to go to said workplace.

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now