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Refresher before chapter cause I post with such long intervals:


Jungkook's hands, Jin's mouth, the hot sun against any exposed skin, I couldn't comprehend what was happening, I was barely aware enough of my surroundings to notice it when my dress was pulled over my head and used to tie my hands behind me, hanging around Jungkook's neck. I closed my eyes once more in pleasure as my body began shaking, ready for the orgasm I knew would knock my socks off, and it arrived seconds after two more pairs of hands had began roaming my body, tweaking my nipples and leaving scratchy strokes across my skin to send me into a never-ending pleasure.


It was almost like a fever dream as my body convulsed through the pleasure expecting that to be the finish line, and constantly being surprised as Jin's tongue heightened it to yet another level.

I could feel Jungkook's erection hard against my back, his breathing slow and stuttered in my ear as his hands focused on my sensitive nipples. Had my eyes opened I'd probably known who's hands were kneading every muscle and caressing my body, but with the constantly peaking pleasure my eyes stayed glued together, content with knowing the hands belonged to one of the guys and confident in the knowledge that they wouldn't harm a hair on my head.

The fact that the last time I'd indulged in pleasure under the hands of, well, several hands belonging to members of BTS on this roof, someone had photographed us, was still ever so present in my mind. Yet overwhelmingly meaningless considering the men surrounding me with affection right now were also aware of that fact. And if they saw no harm in this, then I was in no way shape or form going to stop them from letting me bask in this feeling.

My arms still tied with my dress behind Jungkook's neck had me feeling exposed but deliciously so, like I was offering my body to the seven men with every bit of trust in them I could muster up. A pair of lips captured mine and they ate up every moan escaping my throat in a deep kiss, our tongues dancing as we shared breaths. He cupped my face and for the first time since I closed my eyes I felt the urge to open them.

Namjoon was staring back at me with so much lust in his eyes that combined with Jin's fingers deep inside me and his mouth around my clit I came again, almost like a seizure my body rustled with pleasure and had I had my hands free I'd pull Namjoon to me to taste his lips once more. But without the power to make him come to me, I was left staring into his eyes, begging him with mine to kiss me, to come closer, to touch me anywhere, everywhere.

"That's two baby girl, do you think you can do three for me?" Jin whispered from between my legs and the way his voice curled around the endearing pet name I could feel myself immediately wanting to please him, and with that I knew my arousal was nowhere near too far away for another orgasm. My body was tired, my breath was so stuttered that speaking had disappeared as an option long ago, but with Namjoon's face inches from mine, Jin's hands tweaking every pleasure point between my legs and Jungkook's hands roaming my torso, making sure my nipples got their share of attention, I knew no matter what my mind told me, these men could play my body like a flute and I'd scream every note they'd ask me to.

Just the thought had me belting out a moan louder than I'd ever produced, Namjoon's lips captured mine once again in a rough almost desperate kiss and I felt his arm snake around me until it reached its destination against my back, stroking Jungkook's erection through the fabric of his clothes.

Jungkook's moan in response to the gesture sent shivers through me and I couldn't believe the pooling arousal in the bottom of my stomach from the sound of the man's pleasure increasing. My own pleasure might be hot, but hearing one of these men as they lose themselves to the feeling had to be the hottest thing my ears had ever heard.

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