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My eyes popped open in surprise, surely we weren't gonna discuss my last night? Around the breakfast table? All of us? He couldn't be serious.

I looked around and everyone nodded, even Yoongi. No one had the same surprise on their face as I did. Namjoon made eye contact with me and chuckled.

"Relax, you look like I've shot you. I swear there's nothing bad" He laughed to ease the tension and I suddenly also felt Yoongi's hand from my right sneak it's way into mine, entwining our fingers making me relax immediately. Still worried about the topic of conversation but somewhat eased considering I was now pretty sure nobody was throwing me out.

"We just felt like we had to sit down with you and make sure we haven't placed you in any situations you'd rather be exempt from" Jin continued, a relaxed but serious expression resting on his face, but his eyes glimmered with a concern I hadn't seen before.

"We wouldn't want any guest of ours feel uncomfortable staying here"

"Not that we've had many guests before" Jimin muttered from the side, making Jungkook snicker.

Yoongi is tracing patterns on top of my hand while his other hand is still clasped in mine, not saying anything but also saying enough to make me understand that this was new. Not just for me but for him, for them.

"I'll just say it as it is" Namjoon spoke up.

"We're all attracted to you. Like insanely so. It's probably more confusing to us than it is to you considering... We"

I cut him off.

"I'm pretty sure you can't get more confused than what I am right now" I laughed, and I was more collected than I thought I was. I looked around the room, meeting every pair of eyes, each with a glimmer of something I couldn't put my finger on.

"Does confusion have to be a problem though?" I asked carefully, trying to grasp the vibe of the conversation.

"Not unless we want it to be" Yoongi snickered from my side, leaning back in his chair with a grin on his face. I made myself not look at him and looked instead straight into Hoseok's face. He'd been quiet for a while and was just intently staring at me probably trying to read on my face what was about to come out of my mouth.

"We're very... relaxed" Namjoon said and my eyes snapped back to him once he spoke.

"I've noticed that" I nodded.

"We also want you to be relaxed" Taehyung said, not sure when he moved but his voice came from behind me, and before I could turn around a hand extended next to me handing me a mug of coffee. I took it happily and smiled into the warm goodness as I sipped it.

Relaxing seemed like a codeword for something else, while also meaning just genuinely relaxed and comfortable. I nodded once more, half my face covered by the big mug of coffee.

"Okay so with these vague ass explanations. Am I correct in assuming you all would like to continue what ever is going on here and you are asking me if I am comfortable to go along with just that?" There were muttered hums around the table.

"I... yes... I guess that's the general direction this conversation is going yeah." Jungkook confirmed from the side. He was still shirtless by the way, and leaning back to rest against Jimin's chest while he fiddled with the rope off his robe. A sight that shouldn't do the things to me that it did, but this was a serious conversation so I continued.

"All right cool, I just have one important request" I said, staring them all down. Namjoon actually looked intimidated by my statement.

"This stays between us. I don't want anyone else in on this." I could hear reassured sighs around the table. Namjoon nodded and a smile creeped up on his face. Yoongi was still holding my hand and squeezed it quickly.

I did realise as I said that that I had informed my best friend of the start of this situation yesterday, but I didn't tell them. I didn't want anyone else knowing and I'd also stop giving her updates to make sure it stopped within the walls of this apartment.


The serious talk ended and there had appeared a somewhat comfortable atmosphere around us. The guys seemed a million times more relaxed, probably having worried about bringing it up all morning, and I just felt at ease with all of them. Yoongi had gone back to sleep after breakfast, saying loudly that he'd gotten too little of it last night and needed to refuel, making me blush and the guys laugh.

I was sitting in the living room watching TV with Namjoon and Jin a little while later, realising excitedly we had the same taste in dramas. When my phone started ringing. I first wanted to just mute it and go back to watching when I saw Jiwoo's name pop up on the screen. I excused myself and walked out into the hallway to answer the phone.

"Finally we get to talk" Jiwoo said the second I answered.

"Hi I miss you, how are you feeling?" I asked, wanting to know my friend was alright.

"I'm good, pretty sure I haven't caught the virus, was probably just a weird day when I was coughing" I sighed happily, happy my friend hadn't gotten properly sick.

"How's living with my brother and his friends" Jiwoo asked, apology apparent in her voice.

"It's alright, they're treating me well" I said and smiled. As I said that, Hoseok rounded the corner and smirked at me. I narrowed my eyes looking at him.

"Your brother..." I said a little louder trying to tell him who I was talking to on the phone "Has been nothing but a gentleman" Hoseok made his way over to me. I thought he was going to take the phone to talk to his sister but instead he did what I should have expected by now and placed both his hands at my waist pushing me into the wall carefully but with enough force to send shivers down my spine. I giggled and continued talking to Jiwoo, switching over to talk about my travels and the loss of my luggage.

While trying to focus on the conversation Hoseok made it more difficult to think straight as he let his soft lips slowly caress the skin of my neck, making me lean back to give him more access which he took advantage of immediately. Kissing my collarbone, his body now completely pushing against mine almost made a moan escape my mouth but I caught it just in time and turned It into an "mhm" agreeing to something Jiwoo said, but in all honesty I wasn't completely sure what she was saying at this point. All my senses were taken over by Hoseok's touch and I was a stuttering mess in the phone, doing my absolute best trying to seem somewhat normal to Jiwoo.

These men were going to be the end of me. 

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now