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Mari's POV

Namjoon was a gentleman, and after making sure I was alright and comfortable we had closed up the studio and made our way back to the apartment. I was wearing a jacket of his because when coming down from the bliss I had found out he'd ripped open my top for the easiest access earlier and it was now not a top anymore. What was it with me and coming back to this apartment in different clothing than what I left with?

Walking in Namjoon announced his return but held my hand firmly as we walked straight to my room. He sat on my bed, carefully watching me as I sorted through bags to find an outfit to change into.

"You should put those in the closet, that way you know what you have available" Namjoon leaned back on my bed, resting on his elbows.

"Can I put you in my closet?" I teased, too shy to actually make eye contact but still trying the audience.

"I can assure you I am available even without residing in your closet, all you have to do is ask" I could hear the grin on Namjoon's face and I turned to him to confirm my suspicion. His smile making a replica of it appear on my face.

I found an outfit, a simple pair of skinny jeans and a big baggy t-shirt that I tied in a knot on my back when changing after my short shower. Namjoon was still in my room and was studying something on his phone when I came back from the bathroom.

"Your phone's been buzzing non stop since you went in the shower. I tried snooping but your language is not English nor Korean so I failed." Namjoon admitted and handed me my phone. I shook my head as I saw constant texts were appearing on my screen from both my mom and Damien.

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It ran cold down my back as I read the messages on my phone

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It ran cold down my back as I read the messages on my phone. The immediate headache that appeared the second I had opened them followed by the dizziness of realising he had found a way of contacting me was overwhelming. I had left for a reason, changed my number for a reason. I even told my mom not to say anything to him about it. Fucking hell.

"Something's wrong. What is it?" Namjoon was standing up, closer than expected but obviously leaving space between us to try to read my body language.

I didn't know what to say, didn't know how to respond. I had no intentions of being a drama queen around him. He was calm, collected, I wanted to seem like that too. I wanted it to seem like I, too, had things in order.

"I just need some time on my own" I said and turned around, making sure not to touch him as I made my way back into the bathroom and locked the door, sinking down to the floor behind it. My hands were shaking, my breath was caught in my throat and I could feel the tears trying to push through my eyes.

I heard two knocks on the door and then his voice.

"Take your time, you can talk to me if you want to. Or anyone else.. Do you want Hoseok? I can bring you Hoseok? " He seemed unsure of what to say. I stayed quiet. Not long after I heard the door close and I figured he had given up.

I did feel like I needed to talk to someone, but not Hoseok. Staring at my phone screen I had two options. Calling my best friend back home whom I knew was unavailable today, or, calling Jiwoo who was the only other person who knew the whole story. I decided on option number two.

"J?" I cried desperately into the phone the second she answered.

"Are you crying? Is everything okay? Mari talk to me"

I stuttered through my explanation of the situation, making several pit stops in tears valley when the crying got so bad I couldn't focus on the words anymore. She knew how he had messed me up. She knew how scared I was of him finding me. We had been through this once before, when I'd ran away to a hotel for a week before he found me, that time it was all thanks to my phone's tracking that he just happened to find the login to.

I usually downplayed it. Tried to make it seem like no big deal, trying to make the positives seem like they outweighed the negatives. I even did that in my own head, trying to excuse his behaviour with non-logical explanations. But I was far enough away now for my body to just realise how scared it actually had been. And it terrified me even more.

Two knocks were heard on the door again, harder this time, I could feel the vibrations of them through my body as I leaned against it.

At the same time my phone buzzed again and he was calling.

"Jiwoo he's calling me now, what do I do?"

"Is Hoseok around?" She responded a little too calm.

"Yeah I think he's right outside the door."

"Okay, put your phone on speaker, let me talk to him and stay out of the frame. now. " she said and I did as ordered, getting up and unlocking the door. Meeting not just Hoseok and Namjoon as expected but all seven of my current roommates.

I didn't say anything, my eyes were probably swollen and red from the crying and I didn't have the time to say anything, I stretched my hand towards Hoseok holding the phone and he grabbed it hearing his sister's voice saying something so fast in Korean that I missed it. A second later I heard the end of a call and the start of another. I sank to the floor once again, Jimin sitting down in front of me pulling me into his body for comfort.

"Mari thank god you answ...." I heard and just his voice made me lose my grip on reality as I wrapped my hands around Jimin's comforting body desperate for someone to just hold me as I rocked back and forth.

Comments and stars are greatly appreciated and do help me find the motivation to update quickly❤️

I am also looking for someone to help with the progression of this story in the shape of co-written chapters. It doesn't matter if you've got experience with writing or not, i'll stylize everything to my style most likely, neither do you have to be fluent in english. Message me if you're interested and i'll go more into detail 😊 have a nice Monday💕

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