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It had happened almost too fast for me to comprehend it. My mother was obviously perplexed about the silhouettes barely visible through the reflective window until they walked closer to say hi to me and she could see them in all their glory long before they realised she could.

On any given day I think I would be beyond happy to have two extremely attractive men with barely any clothes on eager to wish me a good morning. Right now, however, I don't think I could imagine a worse breakfast than my mother taking part in the aftermath of last night's what could only be described as an orgy.

I had grabbed my phone and held it towards my face to avoid even more exposing of naked pop-idols through a FaceTime call, but the damage had already been done.

Without me realising it at first my mother's attention was shifted from our phone call to something on her side of the world. Her glances to her right went unnoticed until I heard a sniffling sound and grew confused once I saw they didn't come from her.

"See what she's doing ma'am. She's cheating on me with random men in Korea"

I knew that voice.

"She tried to make the break up my fault when it was all so she could fly around hooking up with strangers." Damien spoke through sniffles supposedly meant to sound like despair.

I was frozen. Staring into the screen I had no actual comprehension of what was going on. I refused to acknowledge the words coming from the voice I knew so well, I refused to put two and two together as my mother would look to the side whenever the voice spoke. And I refused to make eye contact with Jin and Jungkook who were now standing on the balcony behind my phone because I knew that would make me break down in another panic attack.

Damiens words were steady through the simulated sadness trying and succeeding in convincing my mother that I was intentionally meaning to hurt him with my leaving the country and that I had left him to fuck around with strangers wherever I could find them.

It was hurtful, degrading but not shocking to hear the words escape his mouth. What hurt the most was the vividly clear expression on my mother's face telling me that she believed him. That in the situation where her daughter's ex boyfriend is talking shit about her daughter, she chooses to believe him instead of seeking the truth from her daughter herself.

I didn't want to react to his words, didn't want to portray how much he was affecting the emotions welling up inside me, this was not how my morning was going to go if I had any control over it.

"Mother" I spoke firmly into the phone, keeping my eyes rested on her frame as she was no longer alone in front of the camera and I knew I'd cry if I laid my eyes directly on him.

She didn't answer, her focus was in its entirety on Damien and his make believe stories running out of his mouth like they were in a marathon.

"MOM" I screamed, that caught her attention. But still I wasn't deemed worthy of an actual answer. The glare coming from her almost painful.

"Here's what's going to happen; I'm going to hang up in a minute and you're going to have to make a choice. Damien has hurt me, and I don't want to see or hear from him again. If you do want to see and hear from him, then you actively decide that you don't want to see or hear from me again. It's up to you what you choose but I'm not going to sit here listening to this man speaking lies about me. Good bye."

Then I hung up. My body was tense and my hand gripped around my phone like my life depended on it. The beating of my heart matched a woodpecker pecking on a tree. I was scared, obviously, terrified of giving my mother an ultimatum, shocked from hearing the unpleasant voice of my ex boyfriend without a warning beforehand, hurt from the proof of my mother valuing his words over mine.

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now