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Capturing memories through snippets of the seven members of BTS's attire was more exciting that I had initially thought the task of creating a starting point for my social media space would be.

Taehyung and I had created the new Instagram user for me to use on this adventure and the passwords were all saved with their management just in case I posted something they didn't like.

Namjoon made sure to supply me with a list full of well thought out ideas of things I could post. We also put up a snapchat account with a public story just to hopefully pull someone in when I posted a story in Seoul. Hopefully stories of the guys or something about them would catch someone's attention.

*New shoes* was the title of my latest picture. A picture of my feet being very small in Namjoon's fancy Louis Vuitton shoes. What wasn't showing however was that apart from the socks inside the shoes, I was not wearing any clothing. Namjoon's body against my back and his arms wrapped around my torso functioning as my only source of heat. Staring at the picture I could still feel the anticipation of taking it and knowing he would lift me straight into bed afterwards.

I'd made a small following on instagram already. And by small, I mean 12 people... 12 strangers were following me. I had one more day in quarantine before I could walk down the streets of Seoul a free woman and the schedule of today had me almost more excited than actually getting out of this apartment.

I never really wanted to be anything in the category of a social media person. Never cared about likes or followers or aesthetics. Which Hoseok thinks is a very attractive trait to possess so naturally now he thinks I've been acting that way all along just to eventually catch his attention.

But a follower count has never meant much to me, until now that is. The more talk the managers and the guys talk about how many followers my profile is about to get simply from today's schedule I am surprisingly excited to see if they are right. The task is small, its significance even smaller. But apparently it should be enough for my profile to be noticed by a lot of people.

Social media task of the day : Make a post that Jiwoo can repost on her story, and for me and Jiwoo to follow each other.

It was easy. However for it to fit my personal aesthetic of my pictures holding a story only we know, I had some work put out for me.

I sat in the kitchen, it was 9 am and I had just finished my coffee. I knew they were all awake, they'd had a phone meeting at 8:30 that just ended and had nothing in their schedule until later in the day.

"I NEED a model!" I yelled out to everyone and no one. Hoping my voice reached the far corners of the big apartment.

To no one's surprise Taehyung and Jin came running like wild animals mere seconds later. They both stopped in the doorway and eyed me like prey before calling out reasons for them to be the best suited model. Without even knowing the job.

"Sunshine you shouldn't have started that, now one of them will be sad you didn't pick them" Hoseok spoke walking through the entrance to the kitchen on the opposite side of the room. He moved to stand behind my chair before he enveloped me in a hug and took a deep breath right by my hair, smelling it as if he was scenting me.

"You look good enough to eat" He whispered, his hands creeping down towards my crotch, an immediate wave of arousal pushing through me in anticipation of his intentions before I realised I had work to do and couldn't let myself be distracted.

"Will you be my model Hoseokie?" I spoke, looking behind me to catch his eyes and made myself look as cute as possible. His hand still inching towards pleasuring me but I was trying to focus on the task at hand. No not that hand.

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now