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Hoseok's POV

It was slowly closing in on dinnertime, after helping Joon choose an outfit for a live he wanted to do tonight I caught up with Tae and Kook in the spa. Walking through the door a smile couldn't help but take shelter on my face as I saw the two men giggling while one was giving the other a massage.

I took slow steps towards them, while removing an item of clothing for each step that went to match their attire which was nothing but a towel. I also skipped the towel because it seemed stupid to grab one when I only had one intention with my now quickening pace towards them.

Jungkook was kneading Taehyung's shoulders as Tae was moaning into the massage table. I don't think he'd heard me come in, so it made it even more satisfying when I in one swift movement laid myself down on my stomach on top of tae, letting a breath I was holding to be stealthy out against his neck, and my arms fall down on top of his. I could feel goosebumps form on his bare skin as he relaxed into the sensation of our skinship.

"No fair I've been working up to doing that for 20 minutes" Jungkook complained. Though the amusement apparent in his voice and his hands already roaming my back making his warm touch send tingles through me.

"Too bad, I was just cockblocked by Joon so I'm in need of some emotional comfort" I hummed into Tae's back, entwining my fingers through his on each side of the massage table.

"I think you're in need of more than emotional comfort Hobi. I can feel you pushing against me." Tae added from under the table, grabbing my hands and pushing them towards each other to make our bodies get even closer as a giggle escaped his lips.

"I can help you out baby" Jungkook cooed. Grabbing my hair in his fist as he pulled my head up to face his. The simple action making heat pool into the low of my stomach.

"You still owe me for ruining my shirt"

I looked down. Too caught up in the moment with Mari I had indeed ruined his shirt. And Jungkook could either just forget about it, or, he could get like this. Dark, seductive, dominating. It was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time and I never knew which one I got.

I let a sigh exit my throat as he dropped my face onto Tae's skin again, making tae jump.

"He literally twitched Kookie, if you're not going to, then I will"

I could feel cold run down my spine. The two men right here were my weak spots.

I usually give off the human battery vibe to everyone that meets me. Even our fans consider me somewhat of a charger for the rest of the guys. In reality I'm a quite demanding dude, I have a lot of expectations to myself and to the others and I'm usually quite stern while voicing them.

The two in question being the most difficult to get a grip on because of their constant fooling around and flirting in the dance studio made for so much frustration in my life that I once, so many years ago requested dance practices one on one with them. Now up until this time all seven of us had lived together for a while. Gotten comfortable with each other on several different levels, but the dominating nature that came out once alone with these two had been something I had been completely unprepared for.

In both situations I had ended up on the floor, shivering in ecstasy, moaning one of their names while begging for them to mess me up. It was refreshing, almost laughable and even now that I was used to it after so many years it still made butterflies appear in my stomach when they got that look in their eyes.

I couldn't even see Taehyung's eyes but I knew it was there, and it made every other thought apart from the three of us in this room leave my mind as jungkook picked me up from the massage table, carrying me bridal style into the shower while I could hear a second set of footsteps quickly following us.


In the sauna about an hour later Jungkook was resting his head on my lap while I was playing with his hair and Taehyung was a level above us, sitting right behind me massaging my shoulders while once in a while placing a tender kiss on my skin.

"I like her" Jungkook spoke, making us both look towards him.

"I know I barely know her, but I hope she stays" He continued, nibbling on his bottom lip. A well known bad habit that I continuously tried to get him to stop doing.

"Do you think she'll leave once she finds out the truth? The complete truth I mean?" Jungkook locked eyes with me and I never seized to be amazed of how he could go right back to being this little kid that I just wanted to hold and praise after literally railing me in the shower making me call him hyung ten minutes ago.

"I think she knows" Taehyung added from above us and we robotically moved our eyes to him in a synchronised motion.

"What now?"

"Last night when she was with Yoongi." He continued. "Jimin and I couldn't help it. We watched, waiting to be told to leave but she saw us, licked her lips and smiled at us and just went back to her business." 

We both gasped without thinking

"Five minutes later she looked back over to us and Jimin had my dick in his hands and I was literally shaking from the stimulation and she came and I caught her eyes and she stared at me as she came again. Kudos to Yoongi by the way holy shit I wanted his mouth at that time too. But yeah she literally saw Jimin jerking me off and kept fucking Yoongi without a worry in the world. I think she's put two and two together."

I was lost for words. Jungkook was hard, his dick standing proudly in the air. I leaned over him and grabbed it, slowly jerking it without really thinking about it. I could hear moans from my lap and I smiled. But we kept the normal conversation going.

"So do you think it's safe to go back to our normal affections in the house? You don't think she'll run away or call Hobi's sister or the media?" Jungkook asked through gritted teeth as he was bucking his hips to meet my hand that had quickened its pace.

"Not yet, but I think we're getting there. You know where she is right now right?" He smirked and the two men shook their heads at Taehyung's question.

"Joonie took her to his studio"

My hand momentarily stopped pleasuring my needy boyfriend as the words of my other boyfriend sank into my mind. We all knew what that meant.

Namjoon never took someone to the studio unless he intended to make use of the soundproof walls. And sitting here right now, just thinking about what he was currently up to made my hand once again quicken its pace. Lust suddenly taking over my mind once more.

The boys quickly caught my drift and Taehyung leaned down pressing his lips to mine softly before standing up and moving towards jungkook too. Laying down next to him to pleasure his nipples, sending our boy into a welcomed bliss as he came all over my hand and his stomach. Some even reached Tae's hair as his mouth was firmly wrapped around a nipple on the muscular body.

"I fucking hope he records her" Jungkook muttered as he came down from his high and we all just sighed leaning on each other, taking in the intimate moment while our thoughts far away on an imaginative journey trying to imagine what could be happening in the studio of their partner. 

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