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Waking up will truly never be the same again. Once you've experienced being squeezed into a pancake because two incredibly attractive half naked men are hugging you tight between them, to the point where you would imagine you'd be close to suffocating from the pressure, you really can't go back.

In a good way.

I could feel their skin everywhere, I could smell the distinct scent of each male and I could hear their breaths leaving their lungs rhythmically as if their bodies were instruments.

Which in fact was technically a true statement.

It dawned upon me why I was stuck in this man sandwich, but at no point in my trip down memory lane of this mornings events did I regret it ending like this. I had no concept of time as of now, the only thing I knew was that I was warm, comfortable and feeling safe. They made me feel safe.

Jungkook smacked his lips behind me and hugged me even tighter, and only then did I start to feel any sort of discomfort from the closeness. Not because I didn't want Jungkook close to me, but because his arms were around my body and connecting on my lower belly, and him squeezing me into him had made me realise I really had to pee.

From then on every single movement became torture, almost teasing me for being too comfortable to want to let them know that I desperately needed to move away from them.

I laid face to face with Jin, my arms around his body and held in place by his arms above them. When I finally decided to begin my quest to obtain enough movement to be able to get out of the bed, his arms clammed down on mine and I was suddenly without the option of moving my arms.

"Jin" I whispered. My face was so close I could almost taste the scent of him.

He stirred but didn't answer nor open his eyes to look at me.

"Jin" I said once more, this time a little louder.

To my surprise it wasn't Jin responding, but Jungkook. His breath now positively on my skin as he kissed the back of my neck.

"He's in deep sleep. What is it darling?"

"I gotta pee" I said awkwardly as Jungkook left another warm sloppy kiss on my neck, sending shivers down my body.

"Then go pee" He said. I couldn't see his face but I could hear the smirk on his lips and before I knew it I could feel it against my skin.

"Jin is not going to wake up, pull your arms back firmly and he'll let them go"

I did as told and to my surprise he was right, within a couple of seconds, my hands were free and Jin was still sleeping soundly.

"Namjoon kept him up a little longer than the rest of us last night" Jungkook chuckled. "I'm not surprised he's tired."

I could feel a blush take residence on my cheeks as I realised what he meant.

Turning around to move out of the bed Jungkook tightened his hold on me once more, making me whimper both in surprise and from how he was literally squeezing my bladder.

"I really need to pee, Jungkook" I said and tried to sit up once more.

He crashed his lips upon mine like I'd never felt the likes of before. Completely caught off guard and immediately surprised I lost my breath within the kiss, hypnotised by the soft feeling of his skin on mine and the taste of his lips.

I moaned into the kiss and sat up to lean above him, one hand leaning on the side of the pillow his head was resting on, and his hands now linking around my lower back instead of my stomach. Straddling him like that I moved slowly above him making little but some friction to excite him just enough before I moved his hands to my chest, letting them rest on my breasts for a short second, the arousing feeling of his caress almost making me lose my mind.

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now