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"Isn't this a very dramatic reaction to a breakup, Mari?" My mom complained as she was driving me to the airport. "You've been single for a week and you suddenly up and leave the country. And in a pandemic nonetheless. You know you'll have to wear a mask the entire flight? You won't be able to breathe properly for hours! And I'm sure Damien will come around and change his mind and then you'll be halfway across the planet looking stupid"

My mom meant well, she just didn't really know how to get that point across through words. I sighed loudly, not even bothering trying to explain once again why Damien and I broke up and how I was the one who initiated the breakup. "I'm still leaving mom. You can't change my mind" I said calmly, staring out of the window as we drove.

"What are you going to do there, anyway? You still have a degree to finish here, don't think I've forgotten about the schooling your dad and I paid for and you didn't finish."

"I'm not leaving forever mom. Consider it a longer vacation. I'm staying with a friend who's in the fashion business too, and I'll be home in a month or two, depending on how long she wants me there."

That reminded me to text Jiwoo to tell her when my plane would be landing in Seoul. I was supposed to take a bus to her place but because of the pandemic I had to go straight into quarantine for two weeks and we figured it be best if she came and picked me up.

The pandemic has been here for a month now, and at this point I've stopped dreaming about a day for it to end and started looking for ways to live a life just being safe. I was stocked up on face masks, hand sanitizer and hand soap for the journey and was very ready to get away from this toxic mindset that lived above me like a cloud these days. Traveling was going to fix that. I was going to make sure of it.

Dropping me off at the airport, my mom blew me an air kiss and drove off the second my suitcase was out of the car. She was more upset than me about the break up. She always loved Damien. Too bad he was a manipulative, controlling son of a bitch. She would never open her eyes and see that though, not on her own at least. If i know her right she's already looking for ways to invite him over to chat when I'm not around.

I checked in on one of those self check in machines, but as soon as I plotted in my booking number I was told to see a clerk due to changes to my ticket, so I picked up my suitcase and found the closest counter with someone who could help me.

"Ah yes miss, your ticket has been upgraded to first class" the clerk said plainly and i choked on the air in my lungs. "To what now?" I asked, convinced he had the wrong person. "First class miss, it was changed less than 30 minutes ago from the main office. No explanation is written for the change. But it is approved and your ticket has been changed" He handed me the ticket and my passport and smiled at me, ushering for me to leave him. I nodded. The confusion surely spread out on my face visible for everyone.

My first flight of the trip went smoothly, everyone kept their distance, the planes were almost empty and first class was unlike anything i'd ever seen. At the airport before boarding the second and last plane to get to South Korea I decided to text Jiwoo again. But when I grabbed my phone from my bag, that had been in there since before I boarded, a text popped up on my screen.

"I've been quarantined due to a lady at work getting the virus. Hoseok will pick you up"


Hii, welcome to this fanfiction, My name is Hildurr and Idk if people read this part of the story but if you do I'll let you know that I will be posting chapters as soon as I finish them now in the beginning to get a steady start to the story so you hopefully won't have to wait so long for each part as I'm very fond of not doing what i have to do because i want to do this instead. 

wow that was a long sentence, but yes, leave comments wherever if you want to know anything or if you like something. It makes me smile. 

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