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Mari's POV

Exiting my room in a new outfit and my wet hair hanging off my shoulder to air-dry I was met in the hallway by Taehyung who excitedly ran towards me, wrapping me in a hug. Caught by surprise but positively comfortable in his embrace I hugged him back and let my body relax against his.

"Missed you darling. Did you do something fun while we were gone?" I giggled into his chest as he spun me around.

"I had a bath, does that count?"

"You smell so good" He inhaled my scent like it was a drug and I could feel his shoulders relax against me, I let a silent laugh leave my mouth as I pulled away from him enough to look up at him.

"It's probably my body lotion. Strawberry scented" Our eyes met and I found a lot more emotion than what I was expecting when looking into the windows of Taehyung's soul. He seemed positively passionate and his eyes were a darker hue than what I had remembered them to be. His hands snaked down to my lower back and slowly but firmly pushed me flush against him, still leaving me space to look at his beautiful eyes, but our lower bodies connected close enough to blur the line of where he ended and I begun.

I could feel my cheeks going red as I looked away, flustered.

"No, don't look away. you're beautiful when you blush" I blushed even more but his words successfully got me to once again meet his eyes in the stare down of the century. And for each passing second his eyes became more and more gorgeously clouded with apparent and unquestionable lust. I'm not sure when the mood had changed but I knew for a fact that the look in his eyes was definitely also in mine. I tried to keep eye contact, but once in a while I couldn't help but look down at his plump lips. Slightly opened in an effortlessly beautiful pout they looked beyond tempting.

I wanted to kiss them, see if they were as soft to the touch as they looked to be. Even when I looked back up at his eyes, kissing his red, inviting lips was all that flew around in my mind.

The next time I looked down he had decorated the previous temptation with a smirk that almost made my knees give out under me and I couldn't cope anymore. Just as I decided to make my move, he apparently did the same and our mouths met in a feast of each other, closing all the distance that was left, both of us almost falling to the ground as we lost balance for a moment completely lost in the feeling of each other.

The kiss deepened and I whimpered into it. Taehyung apparently liked that and as he smiled into the kiss he let one arm travel up to cup my cheek while the other traveled downwards, resting right where my butt meets my thigh, his fingers close to where I really wanted them but not close enough considering I was still wearing clothes.

I leaned my face into his hands, leaving my head at an angle that gave our kiss an even deeper feeling. My hands were resting on his chest but I let one drift downwards, tracing my nails on top of his clothes making sure he noticed my movement.

As my nails entered the territory of his lower belly, a grunt could be heard from his chest and he halted the kiss for a moment, his eyes looking at me full of anticipation to where I was going with this.

Once I cupped his still growing erection through his jeans he moaned into my mouth before he let his head fall back. I was so turned on just from seeing how easily he accepted pleasure from my hands and I couldn't help the huge grin on my face as I palmed his dick slowly, making sure to trace the outline of it to find out where he was most sensitive.

"Oh fuck, Mari, that feels so good!"

I smirked and left open kisses on his neck as I increased the pressure of my hand, I could feel his breath hitch every couple of seconds and his hands were slowly both moving to my thighs. He picked me up like I weighed nothing and walked forward until my back hit the opposing wall of the hallway and I was sandwiched between it and this god of a man with an erection now perfectly aligned with my heat.

I couldn't help the sound that left my throat, but it caught his attention and he turned his eyes to mine and grinned before letting our lips meet once more as we ground into each other.

It felt like my body was on fire, and the arousal that had been paused and slowly forgotten about earlier today was back and building. How the fuck was it possible that every man in this house had this power over me? I shook the thought out of my mind as I focused on the current activity.

Taehyung wasn't holding me anymore, I was so squeezed up to the wall that his arms didn't need to hold me to keep me floating above ground. I wasn't complaining though, this gave his hands a chance to roam and I almost teared up at the pleasure of his fingers making their way inside my blouse and my bra, tweaking my nipples enough to make me see stars for a couple of seconds.

"Fuck" was all I could muster.

"Fuck indeed" Came from a calm voice behind us and we were both startled and the turn to see who the spectator was made me lose contact with the wall, and l fell to the ground in a thump.

Namjoon was standing in the doorway of the living room, a slight smile resting on his lips as he looked lustfully straight into my eyes.

"It seems I've gotten into the habit of showing up at the wrong time. I'm sorry. The guys are hungry and are wondering if you want anything"

I blushed for a moment and got up from the floor as elegantly as I could. I hadn't forgotten that my last actual orgasm had been with him in his studio. Looking at him now it felt like it had happened only minutes ago but also like it was so long ago I was struggling to hold on to the memory.

Then of course it came to me that my graceful ending to that day was the call from Damien and my stupid emotional ass. God and I hadn't yet told the other guys why I acted like I did. I had to tell them today didn't I. They deserved that.

Fixing my clothes to look normal I nodded and walked towards him and the livingroom.

"Straightening your clothes aren't gonna help babygirl. You still look good enough to eat" I gave Namjoon an embarrassed smile as I walked past him and joined the guys who were ordering food.

Tae and Joon joined us only seconds later and they all decided on a bunch of dishes. I was fine with what ever but did request a vanilla milkshake as I'd been craving one all day and was told I could have as much of everyones food if I didn't want to decide on one specific thing. I liked the idea of that.

Sitting in the living room, everyone either laying in a pile on the sofa, or sitting on the floor leaning on the pile of people on the sofa. I was on the floor in between Jin and Hoseok, watching with adoration the way Hoseok had his eyes closed as Jungkook who sat above him massaged his scalp and his shoulders and once in a while traced patterns around his face. It was such a simple gesture but it showed so clearly how comfortable they were with each other and I realised I might have been right about the "them being a thing" thing. I wanted to know more. But at the same time I was scared of getting too comfortable and asking the wrong questions. Especially when I hadn't told them my entire truth yet either. Which reminded me. Damien.

I let my gaze move to the other side and meet Jin's immediately. I couldn't help but smile and just seeing him smile back made my heart warm. I drew a deep breath and sighed and he nodded, obviously knowing that I was thinking about telling them the story I had told him. He took my hand in his and squeezed it lightly nodding for me to take comfort in him and speak my truth.

"I feel like I owe you an explanation" I said out loud and everyones attention shifted to me.

"About last night" My voice was hoarse but they seemed to understand me just fine.

"Mari, you don't have to..." Jimin started.

"No I need to do this, I want to do this. We've gotten closer than I thought we would and it's only fair to tell you why you had to deal with me having a panic attack over a phone call last night"

They all nodded and stayed quiet. I looked over to Jin and he winked at me and squeezed my hand once again. Hoseok had noticed Jin's gesture and grabbed my other hand from me and kissed my knuckles before entwining our fingers and resting our hands in his lap. I took a deep breath and told them everything.

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