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I zoned out. Well kinda. I heard everything going on I just felt like my body had just stopped reacting to it, taking in the scent of Jimin's skin as my face was burrowed into his neck.

"Not Mari. Who are you?" Hoseok said, his English sounding more fluent than I had ever heard it. Was he going to try to play off this being his phone? And why were they FaceTiming?

"Is this Mari Sun's phone?" Damien asked, the confusion in his voice apparent.

"Yes" Hoseok said simply. I couldn't see it but I could hear in his voice that he wasn't smiling. Not something I was used to when it came to him. I looked up for a second and saw the stern look on his face making a note in the back of my mind to make sure he never looked at me like that.

Taehyung had joined me on the floor and him and Jimin were now hugging me from both sides, Tae also stroking my back to relax me. My crying had subsided in favour of trying to hear what was being said on the phone.

"Gay best friend or boyfriend" Hoseok asked in Korean around him making the guys all convulse in a muted giggle. It seemed ill fitting but somehow it sent warmth to my chest to hear their laughs. I thought he was asking about Damien, but then Jimin answered.

"Boyfriend, but make it gay" He said and muted his laugh by kissing the top of my head and pulling me closer.

I was so confused and tried to grasp what was happening.

Without breaking character Hoseok looked into the phone again, Damien had asked where I was, who he was, why I hadn't answered. But Hoseok had just ignored all his questions, seemingly deep in thought.

Pulling him out of his daze though was Namjoon who reacted quickly and grabbed the phone for the camera to face him

"What do you want with my girl?" He said calmly. He sounded American, and his expression looked deadly staring into the camera. Damien was a big guy too, pretty muscular, dark hair, long but well kept beard. But I couldn't imagine any situation where Namjoon would look like that and Damien would be the one seeming the scariest.

Holy shit. Was it weird that looking at Namjoon was getting me hot? I was literally on the floor with two men hugging me and comforting me and tears still resting on my cheeks leaving black streaks from my mascara while my crazy ex boyfriend was on the phone. Okay, picking that apart I conclude, yes it was weird. Was I embracing every feeling that wasn't fear right now though? yes. Yes I was.

"Your girl?" Damien snickered from the other side. The laugh once again sending shivers down my spine.

"Is your hearing not okay? Yes, my girl, what do you want with her?"

"She needs to come home now. Mari I know you can hear me."

"Stop your fucking games and come back here or I will personally come and bring you back home myself. You've had your little exploration, now it's time to face reality." He said in our native tongue.

 I was speechless, grabbing onto the two men around me like I was slipping off a ledge covered in slowly melting ice and they were a tree branch. I shook my head violently, trying to shake his voice out of my head. It wasn't working.

Jin was the next to grab the phone and spoke loudly and with broken English.

"Listen young man you're fucking with the wrong people. Mari isn't going anywhere, her quarantine isn't close to over anyway which means at this time in life, her home is here, with us. Not you. Got that? Don't call this number again." He hung up and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I didn't really keep up with all the thoughts in my mind at that moment. It seemed like they were running a marathon but I was a snail. Without thinking about it I untangled myself from between Jimin and Taehyung and got up from my place on the floor to march straight into Jin's embrace. I wasn't sure why him, but I needed him close and as his arms wrapped themselves around me again, I let myself release pathetic sobs again, not able to quiet them anymore.

"I want an explanation, but right now I think you need rest" He murmured and walked me over to the bed stopping by the foot.

I looked up at him, my eyes so full of tears I could barely make out his face. "Will you rest with me?" I asked hopefully. Not wanting to think of the idea of being alone right now.

"Of course, little. I won't leave you." His voice was deep, his breath steady and through my tears I could see a confident smile form on his lips as he removed my hands from around him and motioned for me to get into the bed, pulling back the covers.

An involuntary giggle escaped my throat as I looked up at the tall man next to me and then back to the bed a couple of times. He smiled wider but his eyes stayed dark.

"I can't sleep in skinny jeans" I whined like a child. Oh god I thought I was just thinking that but I'm pretty sure that just escaped into the real world. Not in control of my own actions I turned towards him again and started unbuttoning my jeans.

"Can you help me? Pleeeeease?" What was I saying?

Jin chuckled, the warmth of his body radiating off of him as he lifted me up to sit on the bed as he kneeled before me, slowly pulling off my jeans. Once my legs were free I started waving them around, just excited about escaping the clothing confinement.

"Stop that" He said sternly and I stopped immediately and looked up at him. Expecting to see a stern face to match. But he was still sending me the caring smile with the dark eyes. I got woozy.

"Lay down. Under the covers. You need rest" He said and I complied, my eyes not leaving his for a second as he joined me, his body next to mine making me relax immediately. I was still looking into his eyes, I couldn't stop at this point.

"Rest, little, close your eyes" I closed them immediately and sank into the bed, he curled me up to his side and combed his fingers through my hair. I was dreaming within seconds. Not once giving it a thought that i was not alone with Jin in that room. 

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now