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 After realising the guys wouldn't stop trying to break down the door to stop me and hoseok from doing anything in that bedroom alone he ended up unlocking the door, making three bodies fall through and onto the floor while three bodies stood upright right behind the doorframe.

All six of them had been upset Hoseok had locked himself in a room with me in nice looking underwear. All six of them. Let's just let that sink in.

I immediately shied away from the attention by wrapping my arms around my knees on the bed, hiding my face in the big sweater. It didn't even take two seconds before I could feel my self wrapped in a pair of arms.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, did we scare you?" I could feel Jin's breath on my neck as he cuddled me close to him, pulling my legs onto his lap.

"Why does she smell so much like Jungkookie? Did you lend her a used shirt boy? You have so many clean clothes, why would you give her one you've already worn?"

It felt like my heart stopped at the question, knowing the answer but hoping Jungkook and Hoseok weren't of the stupidly honest kind.

"She had to borrow it after Hoseok ripped open the one she was wearing on the rooftop." Jungkook said matter of factly.

I looked up to meet Jungkook's eyes, trying to, no, begging him with my eyes not to elaborate on the subject. Jin grabbed my chin and pointed my face towards his, catching my eyes in a serious stare.

"Ripped your shirt open he says."

I didn't know what to do so I shut my eyes and tried desperately to roll off of Jin's lap. Without any luck as he just gripped me tighter keeping me still.

"It was an unnecessary barrier at the time, it was Jungkook's shirt anyway and I'm pretty sure he didn't mind it one bit" I could hear Hoseok snicker from the side and I don't think I've ever been that embarrassed of anything in my life. I couldn't even handle the thought of opening my eyes to look at anyone right now, so instead I made myself small and leaned further into Jin making him envelope his arms around me pulling me to his chest.

"You've made her upset. We don't make pretty people upset in this house Hoseok." He caressed my hair. "We give them pleasure not pain" I couldn't believe the words that came from Jin's mouth, but his arms and his scent made me feel safe so I stayed where I was, no willpower at all to move an inch away from this.

"Sometimes pain can be pleasurable though" A voice joined in from next to me and I could feel the mattress sink before someone was sat halfway behind us, I recognised the smell of the cologne as Yoongi and soon enough I could feel his hands brush my hair away from my neck and a soft yet sensual kiss being placed in the space where my shoulder meets my neck. It was enough to develop goosebumps all over my body.

"Someone's sensitive" He chuckled and brushed his fingers where his lips had just been.

I leaned into his chest, my body recognising and yearning for the attention no matter what my mind was saying. I could feel Jin's hands squeeze my thighs as he kept my body securely against his, but not stopping me from leaning on Yoongi.

"There you go pretty girl, it's always more fun when it feels good"

"Hyung she was literally voluntarily in her underwear until you guys started beating down the door, I don't think she's in any distress other than the fact that you all scared her" Hoseok commented, now significantly closer than the last time he spoke.

"Babe I think he's right, I think we were the ones upsetting her if anything" Namjoon chimed in, did he call him babe? Did I hear that right?

Yoongi had now wrapped his arms around my waist, letting me lean completely on him with my upper body, the three of us were sitting as close as humanly possible in the small space and his hands had gathered to rest on my stomach, under my sweater. It sent tingles through my entire body and the memory of his lips on mine shone clear in my mind. The safety of the two men holding on to me made me gather up enough courage to open my eyes again, meeting seven pairs of eyes in the room, all looking at me warmly, except for Hoseok who was looking at me with lust like the hormone freak he is.

"Are you upset sweetheart?" Yoongi asked before once more brushing his lips against the skin of my neck. A slight sigh escaped my lips before I could stop it and I could hear Jin chuckle.

I was so comfortable I think had I been tired enough I could have fallen asleep like this, but the subtle caresses from Jin and the feeling of Yoongi's lips on my skin had every nerve in my body set on fire and I couldn't think about much else than their warm bodies pressed against mine. I shook my head.

"Not upset, very, extremely, uncomfortably confused? Yes. But not upset." Jungkook was looking at me like a piece of meat, namjoon had his arms around his shoulders and gave me a comforting wink when my eyes met his. Namjoon hadn't really said much while I had been here, but it didn't seem like he was shy or had anything against me so I'm not sure why.

"Okay, let's let her collect her thoughts and change into her new clothes unbothered" He said that last word louder to make a point, the guys started shuffling out of the bedroom, but I was still sat on Jin's lap with Yoongi's arms around my waist. Jin let go of my legs but as I thought he would push my legs off of him, he leaned towards me, cupped my cheeks in his hands and kissed my lips softly and slowly. The surprise of the act leaving me to just let my body respond how it wanted and I closed my eyes and sighed into the kiss. He didn't say anything after moving away from me, lifting my legs to move away and resting them on the bed where he had been sitting and walking out of the room.

"I told you you were in danger" Yoongi snickered, his head leaning on mine and his voice sending vibrations through me. I turned around to face him and he made enough space between his arms for me to turn completely without him ever losing contact with my skin under my sweater. I was now sat facing him, one leg on each side of his hips and his face so much closer than I thought it would be.

"I've come to realise I like to live dangerously" I said and then I crashed my lips onto his.



HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone gets a 2021 filled with all the things we didn't get to do in 2020 :)

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