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"I've come to realise I like to live dangerously" I said and then I crashed my lips on his. No hesitation. I didn't even check to see if he made any advances. My hormones acted all alone, please don't blame me.

My fingers were grabbing through his hair like a comb. My upper body was smashed into his as he grabbed my waist and pulled me as close as humanly possible, his thumbs caressing my waist in tiny circles as the kiss deepened. I didn't know what I was thinking but I absolutely loved the feeling of his body on mine and the taste of his breath on my tongue was absolutely addicting. Had I thought this was my immediate response to being alone with Yoongi? No, definitely not. But I couldn't think of anything falling as natural to me as this did.

Yoongi leaned back on the bed making me sit up on my knees to not break the kiss as he got comfortable. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them together in front of me making me get even closer to him to keep my balance. When he spun me around to get on top of me I was completely disoriented, out of breath and the feeling of his bulge now prominently pushing against me made every tingle in my body intensify. He was still holding my hands gathered above me, one hand caressing the skin of my waist under my sweater, and his groin was slowly and rhythmically grinding into mine making me whimper into the next kiss.

"Keep your arms where they are" He said sternly after breaking the kiss and moved both his hands to the bottom of my shirt pulling it above my head. I had completely forgotten the suggestive piece of underwear I was wearing underneath the sweater, and revealing it to Yoongi made the moment even hotter than it was to begin with. I wanted him to look at me, to desire me. I couldn't think of anything I wanted more than for him to look at me like he was right now.

His attention moving to getting me undressed gave me the opportunity to look around the room, and you can say I was beyond surprised when I locked eyes with not one set of eyes but two. In the doorframe of my room, the door completely open by the way, that's 100% on me for forgetting that nobody closed it. Was Taehyung and Jimin. I was beyond surprised but they did not look at all in distress, they looked hungry. Jimin was leaning against Taehyung, Tae's arm wrapped around his shoulder and resting on the middle of his chest making circles with his thumb.

For a moment I let myself wonder what they were doing, why they were standing there, why they hadn't said anything.

But my attention was soon brought back to Yoongi's hands who were now traveling down my body, stopping to rest on my breasts as he tweaked the already prominent, puffy nipples making me involuntarily moan out loud. "I like that sound" Yoongi commented as he removed one hand in favour of his mouth, making me arch my back to increase contact as the pleasure of his tongue around my nipple hit me.

I hadn't forgotten about the boys in the doorway, they were just resting far far back in my mind. Far enough away for me not to stress the fact that they were still there, and as I looked over at them again I took in the whole view of them. How the two beautiful men were stood there, leaning against each other, staring at me being pleasured by one of their best friends.

While I was looking at them however, Taehyung's demeanour changed. I could see his chest rise and fall in deep breath, his eyes weren't looking at me anymore and instead he closed them and let his face rest in Jimin's hair. Trying to understand the situation I focused my stare at them and saw Jimin's hand now visibly palming the crotch of Taehyung's pants, and in response you could see Tae's legs shaking a bit from the contact.

This made me so hot, never in my life had I felt as desired as I did right now, and when Yoongi reached outside the fabric of my panties and put pressure on me I gasped in pure excitement. He had moved down to my legs, spreading them just enough for him to be on his knees between them. I sat up halfway leaning on my elbows as he pushed the fabric aside and started calmly playing with my most sensitive spot, seemingly trying to figure out what made me whimper the most.

I couldn't contain myself at all. I knew the door was open, I knew the two boys were watching us, I knew I was basically naked. But all I could focus on was the lust in Yoongi's eyes, the bulge in his pants, the shine of perspiration gathering on his forehead, and the feel of his touch.

When he pulled down my panties, leaving me completely exposed he smiled looking down on me, the most genuine smile I had ever seen. I couldn't help but smile back and without hesitation I sat up, grabbed his neck and pulled him to me until our lips were on each others. His arms were resting on my waist but while the kiss continued they slowly traced downwards and when I felt his fingertip on my clit I moaned into his mouth and he deepened the kiss, quickly also advancing his approach on me and slipping two fingers into me while keeping his thumb on my clit.

I started bucking my hips against his hand, his other hand keeping a firm grip on my jaw, keeping me in place to steady the kiss. My hands instantly traveled to the bulge in his pants and I left no room for interpretation as I instantly started tugging at the waist trying to get the pants off of him. He smiled into the kiss and stopped moving his body long enough for me to open his jeans and start pulling them off of him. His hand moved from me to help me pull both his pants and underwear off in one swift move before going straight back continuing its previous work, leaving his hard erection up for grabs between us.

I wrapped my fingers around his length and I could sense his breath hitched at the sensation, making me smile into the kiss too. Still in bliss from his hands pleasuring me I wanted to make him feel as good as he made me feel so I started tracing the top of his penis with my thumb, outlining all the curves and shapes of his most sensitive spot. Feeling his muscles tense as I moved my hands.

Yoongi let his tongue trace a path down the side of my neck, resting on my chest where he stopped and lapped and sucked on my skin. It heightened the pleasure and I arched my chest giving him easier access. My hand was now pumping his shaft, taking small breaks to trace his slit and use his pre cum as lubricant. His fingering had slowly been making me build to a climax and I could almost not construct functioning sentences.

"Want you inside me" I whimpered, letting go of his penis and stopping his hand while his fingers were still buried deep inside me, he twisted his hand and looked up at me grinning as my body twitched in pleasure.

"Please" I begged. The only thought in my head that made sense was that I wanted his length inside me.

He removed his fingers and sat up on his knees, looking me over carefully without saying a single word, leaving me now feeling empty and for the first time extremely exposed.

Without saying anything still, he crawled backwards until his face was lined up with my pussy and I only realised what he was about to do when his mouth hit me hard and the sensations from his tongue left me speechless and with my eyes rolled back into my head. One finger now again pushing into me, and nibbles on my clit it took approximately 30 seconds until he had me over the edge, riding out my orgasm on his face as he didn't stop when I climaxed. I had barely come down from my first when my body again convulsed in pleasure and I came again, now out of breath and hypersensitive. He had been stroking himself in the midst of all this and sat up in all his glory, his hand moving quickly across his shaft while he was staring at me, his eyes sending shivers through my bones.

I managed to gather enough strength to sit up towards him. "Let me help you feel good" I said as I took his dick in my hand, spreading the pre cum while I pumped. My other hand traveled to his balls and gave them some attention which he seemed to like. All I could think of while I was jacking him off was how curious I was about how he would taste. I leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on the top of his penis, and then looked up to meet his gaze to see if this was okay. He had his eyes closed and a blissful smile spread across his lips so I took it as a yes and let his length travel down my throat, moving my tongue in circles around him and sucking in my cheeks for a tightening feeling. He was now the one whimpering, I absolutely loved his reactions and kept going as I was.

It didn't take long before he reached his high and I took it all down, savouring the taste and licking him clean afterwards. I was absolutely spent, my eyes were surely blood shut and the sweat was dripping down my forehead as I let myself fall back into the bed.

Yoongi fell down with me, his torso hitting mine and his arms engulfing mine in a cuddle as he exhaled heavily.

"Holy shit that was hot" I could hear from the other side of the room right before I drifted off to sleep. 

Stuck // A BTS ot7 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now