Mating Season, Part one

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- Meliodas's Pov -

After a long-ass flight, We landed in Egypt. It was around 3 in the afternoon. Ellie was smiling as she looked around.
"You really do look like a first-timer here" I chuckled as we made our way to customs.
"I don't care" Elizabeth shrugged. It took a good 45 minutes to get through customs "Can we go see the pyramids tomorrow? And Karnak? Oh, I wanna see it all" Ellie squealed.
"We have a month to see everything" I rolled my eyes.
"I know but I am a total nerd for this place"
"Let's just get to the hotel for now. Tomorrow is when we get to the villa" I informed. Ellie nodded. She then went on about some pharaoh's tomb she wanted to see. I wasn't listening. I was too busy keeping Demon in check. Which is going to be all that harder at night time when I am laying next to Ellie. Breathing in her scent "Calm down Meliodas. Don't take her unless she says yes"
"Erugh, I smell" Ellie sniffed her clothes.
"Not to me you don't" I whispered as I walked up to the receptionist and booked us in.
"Thank you. Your suite is on the 4th floor. Room 346. Do you need help taking your bags to the room?" The lady quizzed.
"I'm good. thanks" I hoisted the bags under my arms.
"What room?" Ellie quizzed me as she took two bags of me.
"346. 4th floor"

We got to the hotel room and I put our bags at the end of the bed.
"So we finally made it" I grinned as I stretched my arms. I walked over to the window to stare at the view "Would you just look at that view? That is fantastic" The view was of the ocean. The sun was slowly setting.
"I like my view better" Ellie giggled. I caught her staring at me. So I gave my bum a wiggle. Ellie stood in front of me and wrapped her arms around me. I put my hands on her waist.
"Fancy taking a shower with me?" She flicked her hair over her shoulder as she kissed me. I pulled away and unhooked her hands.
"Meliodas?" Ellie stood in front of me. I backed up "Do you actually want me?" I sat on the bed. Looking at the floor and I leant my elbows on my knees.
"Of course I do, I have never wanted you more" I mumbled.
"Talk to me. What is going on in here" Ellie poked my forehead.
"It's Demon Mating season" I hid my face in my hands.
"Oh, I know that" Ellie sat next to me "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I tried to tell you beforehand about it but we always got interrupted. How did you find out"
"I knew about the season. The other day when I went shopping with Diane, We ran into Zeldris and Gelda" Ellie put her hand in mine. My head turned to face her "They said this season happens every year once you find your mate. The only way to stop the season from happening is if I get pregnant"
"So she told you everything. Ellie, I want the choice to be yours if this season happens"
"She also said that it is torture for you. Your blood burns. Down there aches. No matter what you do to yourself personally. You won't be able to, You know"
"Believe me when I say that I have tried" I chuckled. I didn't believe Zeldris when he said nothing eases it.
"I've heard you. You are not exactly subtle about it either. I thought I was bad"
"Might have been hoping that you would catch me and... Well you know" I smiled.
"I would have If you hadn't locked the bathroom door. Might not have done it in the bathroom, But I might have sucked you off"
"And what would you have done if I had taken you there and then, Right on the bathroom floor, Without protection?" I raised an eyebrow at my love.
"After enjoying the sex, because we have never done it without protection. I don't know, Smack you with a big fuck off ARK. But now I know it's mating season for you. I don't know. probably the same thing but with a weaker ARK" Ellie jested as I hung my head "Gelda also mentioned this bond thing you do"
"Oh that. From what I have known and read about, It happens after the first round of sex. I bite down on your neck here" My fingers brushed Ellie's neck. She shuddered "It shows other Demons who you belong to. It's like a promise ring. Only a lot more permanent. It will be black for about 36 to 72 hours and then will be will turn white"
"So in the eyes of a Demon, We are married?" Ellie did a half-smile.
"Only the lower cases"
"Ban is going to love that" Ellie mumbled.
"He'll get over it"
"When you mark me, Will it hurt?" Ellie put her hand on her neck "It was the only bit Gelda wouldn't tell me about"
"I have no idea" I admitted.
"Why after the first round? Why not the first?"
"The first round is to make sure the mate wants the same thing as you do"
"I have a couple of questions. What happens if I say no to this whole thing?" Ellie put her hand under her chin.
"I'm sleeping in a different bed for the next 4 weeks"
"If I say yes. to making me pregnant but I change my mind during the second round, What happens then?"
"Same response as the first question"
"I see"
"As I said, I want it to be your choice. I force you then I am scared you won't look at me the same"
"That happens then I will be having words with your inner Demon" Ellie frowned "I will think about it"
"Really?" My head shot up as I looked at my life "You will think about it"
"I will. But right now. I am going to find a clean outfit. I'm hungry. Let's get some food"

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