Chilling Out

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

It's been about a month since my Meliodas was ill. Big baby. I swear all men are babies when they get ill. It's been interesting. Since it was Sunday morning, Meliodas was downstairs making Tristan a bottle. I was in our room folding clothes when I heard screaming coming from outside. I shot up from bed and rushed to the window. Zeldris was already there banging on the door.
"What's happened?!" Meliodas threw the door open as I was running down the stairs "Where's Zelda?" The door unlocked and Zeldris came out, Holding his neck. Blood dripped down his arm.
"What's wrong?" I demanded. Zeldris dropped his hand and revealed two puncture wounds.
"Did Gelda do this?" Meliodas crossed his arms. Zeldris glared at the floor. Meliodas walked over to him and titled Zeldris's head to the side "That looks painful"
"Yes. Bloody hurts. Zelda is with Mum"
"Why does Mum have Zelda?" Meliodas looked over his shoulder at me "Ellie, Can you heal this?"
"I can try" I activated my power and aimed it at Zeldris. He started glowing.
"That feels better" Zeldris mumbled "Mum has Zelda because we were going over the last few details of the wedding"
"I thought you guys got married in Vegas?" I frowned "There you go. It was still only a basic heal but it should be all good now" I smiled as I turned my power off. 
"Cheers" Zeldris rubbed his neck "We did but you know what Mum is like. She loves a good wedding and refuses to believe we got married without her. So she is planning a wedding for when the last leaf falls from the tree. Plus Vegas doesn't count as a real wedding" Zeldris creaked his neck.
"Autumn Wedding then. Great. Gives us two months to find outfits" Meliodas smiled he was just like his Mum, and he too loves a good wedding "So why did Gelda bite you?" I heard a squeal and looked to the hallway to see Tristan crawling towards us. Well towards Meliodas. Meliodas picked Tristan up "Hey buddy"
"I don't know. Her vampire powers have taken a slight turn. The blood lust is out of control while we were with Mum. I didn't want to risk little lady getting hurt so I left Zelda there for her own safety" Zeldris looked at the floor.
"How long has this been going on?" Meliodas frowned.
"A week"
"We can always ask Merlin and see what she knows" Meliodas ran a hand over his face "For now, Let's chill out"
"I can't stay and chill. I need to find Gelda though. She'll be freaking out" Zeldris shook his head "I need to find my wife"
"Then I am coming with you" Meliodas handed Tristan to me "I won't be long"
"I know we have Tristan but why can't I go?" I sulked "I want to help"
"You can't fly as fast as us. And we are less likely to crash into a tree" Meliodas tapped my nose. I pouted but nodded anyway. It was true, I ain't a fast flyer and I might be the reason that Meliodas had to remove the tree from the front garden. The two Demons turned their powers on and walked outside "Don't worry, We'll be right back"
"One time that happened!" I sighed "Fine, Be safe" I called after the two of them. I looked at Tristan "Do you think they heard?" Tristan tilted his head at me.
"Mama!" He squealed. I closed the door.
"That's right! I'm Mama!" I cheered. He then looked at the sky.
"Dada!" He tilted his head.
"Yeah. Dada went that way" I walked back in. I put Tristan in the ball bit and he squeals and tried to clap. I walked into the front room. I spotted my phone on the table "I better call Uncle Ban"

After a few hours, The boys came back. Both were out cold and over Ban's shoulders. Zeldris's neck was bleeding again and Meliodas had a gash on his forehead.
"Meliodas?" I cried. I pushed my hair behind my ear "Do I even need to ask?"
"Gelda lost it. She broke my neck. Launched these two at a wall. I used snatch to pull him out of the way and Gelda smashed into a wall. She said something about how she is gonna take a few days away. Her Dad's making her" Ban explained as he put both boys on the sofa. Thank God Tristan was sleeping upstairs. I placed my hand on the heads and healed them both. Meliodas was the first to stir. His eyes flutter open.
"Remind me to never do that again" He muttered. He groaned as he sat up.
"Like you will listen" I chuckled.
"Thanks for sending Ban" He mumbled "Where is Zeldris?" He bolted upright. Then groaned and flopped back down.
"Easy. He's just started to stir" Ban pointed to his side.
"You okay Bro?" Meliodas sat back up.
"Gelda bit a bit more than she can chew" Zeldris pointed to his neck with his free hand "Thanks for healing me. Again"
"It's no problem" I smiled.
"Where's Gelda?" Zeldris looked around the room.
"While growling at me, She said something about going to her folk's house. She needs a few days" Ban walked into my kitchen. He came back in with 4 cans of coke "Drink" He orders all of us.
"I better go after her" Zeldris went to stand up. He tumbled to the floor "My legs feel like lead"
"You did lose a fair bit of blood" Ban helped Zeldris back up "Here's your phone. Ring her. Let her get her head screwed on. She sounds like she is suffering from Vampire Feeding Season"
"Vampire Feeding Season? She has never had that before" Zeldris frowned.
"Yeah, she has. About 5 years ago when she fucked off for two weeks" Ban shrugged.
"Is that when you had Flu and couldn't go anywhere and I had to babysit you" Meliodas creaked his neck. Ban nodded.
"I thought Demons didn't get sick?" Ban raised his eyebrow.
"Meh, I said that to get out taking medicine. That stuff is nasty" Meliodas waved his hand at the immortal "Anyway. What is Vampire Feeding Season?"
"It's like mating season but she needs to feed on an insane amount of blood. Should be ending in the next couple of days" Ban shrugged.
"So she's on a blood binge" Meliodas sipped his can.
"More or less" Ban sat in the old man's chair.
"Is there anything we can do to help her?" I looked between everyone. Meliodas shrugged. Zeldris looked puzzled.
"I could see if my friends at the local hospital can supply me with a few blood bags. If there are only a few days left then it may tide her over and save your neck. Other than that I got nothing. Sorry, Vampires are not my forte" Ban had his finger on his chin.
"You know more about other races than your own"
"That is because Humans are boring and I grew up with different races" Ban pointed his finger at the boys "Right, I am in the mood for Chinese? Who is joining me?"

We were now laid on the sofa watching The Greatest Showman. I would be lying if I said that I watch this for the music. Ban was passed out in the old man's chair. Snoring his head off. Meliodas was once again on his laptop, His face never left the screen. I took a peek at the screen.
"Why are you looking up... nearby unused buildings?" I quizzed. Meliodas reached down the side of the sofa and handed me a load of papers.
"When Me and Zeldris first moved out of the Mum and Dad's house, We found a load of deeds. So, Zeldris, Ban and I thought that since we have a lot more income coming in from these deeds, We may open up some new shops and increase the Sins empire. And yes they know we have them"
"A Pokémon Center?" I raised my eyebrows.
"You know I play Pokémon Go. Well, I thought that I could turn that old cafe shop into a place where players could come and charge their phones and stuff" Meliodas smirked "The building that I am looking at as a Pokémon spin stop right outside it"
"You could sell Pokémon merch from it as well" I smiled. Meliodas face lit up. He does love the game.
"See this is why I love you" Meliodas cupped my chin. We paused a little. Our heads lean closer. We pulled apart when we hear a cough from the other side of the room "I may have forgotten Ban was here" Meliodas smiled and soon went back to his laptop "Hmm the local hairdresser is up for sale"
"Can you really see one of the Sins running the hairdressing salon?" I kept looking through the paperwork "Ooh Can I run the beauty lounge?" I held up one piece of paper.
"You can run any shop you want to" Meliodas grinned "I was thinking of putting the hairdressing and the beauty salon together. I think it would work with the Party planner business"
"That would work. I think there's a large empty building next to where Boots was" I suggested as Meliodas typed away.
"Hmm, This seems promising. I'll send the info to Ban's email and he can do the leg work" Meliodas took a screenshot of the place and pressed send "There, I've done my paperwork for the day" Meliodas grinned. He closed the laptop and slid it under the sofa. My phone shouted pinging.
"It's Diane" I rolled my eyes.
Diane: Got a favor to ask.
Me: Okay Spill.
Diane: Double date with me and King tomoz night. I would ask Elaine but I would end up killing Ban.
Me: Yeah sure. what you thinking?
Diane: The fair is back in town. We can go there.
Me: Sounds like a plan. What time?
Diane: Meet us there at 6
Me: See you there I put the phone down on the arm of the sofa.
"What did she want?" Meliodas snuggled into the corner, Pulling me down next to him.
"She wants us 2 go on a double date tomorrow night with her and King. She would have asked Ban and Elaine but she would end up killing Ban"
"What about munchkin?"
"Estarossa can watch him. I'll go ring him" Meliodas hopped off the bed and went to find his phone. I went on my laptop. I loaded up The Sims 4. I heard there was a new pack out. Paranormal stuff, I think it was called. I blame Elaine for getting me into this game.

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