Sick Day

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- Meliodas's Pov -

"As much as I love being in Hawaii, I can't wait to sleep in my own bed" I exclaimed as I grabbed the suitcases from the cab. Hawaii was amazing. We went for one week. It was so romantic, We went for moonlight walks along the beach, Picnics in the park. We went to God knows how many museums (Ellie begged me to go). We had dinner by the sea. And the sex, Whoa. Still feel weak in the knees. I did end up breaking the hotel's bed headboard.
"I do as well. I've missed everyone" Ellie grinned as she helped me carry the cases inside.

Ellie opened the door and Diane came flying at us. As she embraced both of us in a hug, I dropped the suitcases.
"Oh my god, You're back! I've missed you" Diane insisted. Once she let us go, I picked the bags back up and took them to the kitchen while Ellie informed Diane of our week-long adventure. As I walked into the kitchen, Zeldris was sitting at the table, on his laptop.
"Hey up Bro!" I grinned as I dropped the suitcases in front of the washing machine.
"Hey up shithead, how was the trip?" Zeldris waved as I fist-bumped his arm.
"I scraped by. Lol, Nah. It was good there. Had a brilliant time. So have I missed anything?" I sat down at the table. I'll do the washing later.
"Nothing out of the ordinary. Other than the fact you made my girlfriend jealous" Zeldris scolded me. I pointed at myself "Yes, you. Gelda keeps hinting that she wants to get married again" Zeldris smirked as he closed the lid on his laptop "I see Ellie survived"
"Maybe you shouldn't have got married in Vegas then," I said as I took an apple from the bowl "Ellie survived but not the headboard"
"My God, What did you do to the headboard?" Zeldris lent back on his chair.
"Gripped it too tight. Snapped it. Took a chunk out of. Take ya pick really" I said with a mouthful.
"Well, at least you used protection, unlike Ban who has only gone and knocked Elaine up" Zeldris replied as I pretended to choke on my apple.
"What?!? There is going to be a mini Ban running around? I am shocked. That is brand new information" I spoke. Zeldris narrowed his eyes at me. I continued to eat my apple.
"You knew didn't you?"
"Little bit yeah" I took another chunk out of my apple "She was having cramps at the wedding. Ban was thinking the worst but he texts me two days into my honeymoon that Elaine was fine and that they are having a baby"
"Why didn't you tell me!?!" Zeldris screeched. I leaned back on my chair.
"Not my place!"
"But I bet you told Ellie!" Zeldris sulked.
"I didn't tell actually. Not my place" I held my hands up in defeat. Zeldris sulked for ages "So anything else?"
"Mum and Dad want to speak to you and Ellie about taking their job" Zeldris explained.
"When?" I groaned as I finished off my apple. I knew this day was coming.
"Either next week or later when you pick midget up" Zeldris nodded "Oh there's a video on my Facebook, Ban went viral. I won't tell you what happened but I will say this, Zhivago, PVA glue and feathers"
"I will watch that" I nodded "Right I need to get on with this washing"
"You have a love bite on your neck" Zeldris smirked. My fingers flew to my neck.
"Why are you here? I asked Diane to house sit" I shrugged.
"Better food here. Gelda does not let me have sweets in the house" Zeldris said as he held up a pack of gummy bears.
"Chicken shit" I rolled my eyes and went to do the chore of washing. Erugh when did I get so domesticated?

We had been back from our Honeymoon for two weeks. I was in the study at my home with Ban when I started sneezing.
"I thought Demons don't get sick" Ban frowned at me.
"We don't. I ain't sick. Must be the dust" I ran my finger along the shelf. It was clean. I sneezed again "My head feels funny"
"You should be in bed" Ban took the paperwork off me "This can wait till later"
"I am not ill. I'm fined" I insisted. My bones did ache. I had a killer headache that was seriously making me consider banging my head on the wall until I was unconscious "As far as I am aware, We don't get sick"
"You are not fined. Go lay down and I will ring Ellie" Ban pointed to my bedroom. I groaned as he pulled out his phone.
"Fine. No cough syrup" It was pointless arguing with him. I got off my chair and sulked to my room, collapsing on my bed. I passed out within seconds.

- 3 days later -

"Meliodas," Ellie said, appearing next to my bed. She peered down at me with what could almost be considered a worried expression. Her hand ran through my hair "I have brought something to help" I was not in the mood to deal with people right now. My throat was scratchy and sore, the chest-wracking coughs only making it worse. I couldn't breathe out of my nose. The whistling noises were starting to annoy the hell out of me.
"Ellie, Stop with the dramatics. I'm not dying, It's just a cold" I said before a coughing fit came out my mouth. Licking my chapped lips, I opened my mouth to tell Ellie to go away when I noticed an unmarked plastic bag hanging loosely from her left hand.
"Your 'cold' had temporarily incapacitated you" Ellie's lips turned down and her brows furrowed, wrinkling at the corners in a way that was usually endearing, but was now downright annoying. Like that explained everything. If I hadn't felt so horrible, I would have rolled my eyes and bitched about Ellie being such an overreacting pansy and maybe something about going grocery shopping. As it was all I could do to avoid yet another agonizing coughing fit and rasp out. Ellie didn't move. I sighed and rubbed my eyes.
"Okay, Ellie," I said, too tired and aching to put up a fuss. I reached out, palm upward and fingers spread, to take the bag from her "Hand it over" I noticed that Ellie hesitated, shifting uneasily and waiting until my eyes were on her before she pressed the bag into my palm.
"Ban help pick it up," Ellie said, her voice hushed.
"Thanks, Ellie" I choked, forcing her eyes and hands away. I stared down at that plastic bag, feeling the solid rounded form within, and ignored the pounding in my ears as dizziness threatened to overcome me. Using what strength I had, I tore the bag in two and revealed a large, red bottle of cough syrup "You... shouldn't have," I said, staring at the bottle, My nose wrinkled and my upper lip curled in distaste "Ban, That bastard! He knows that I hate cough syrup" It was disgusting. I did my best to look grateful. Tell a lie, I did my dame hardest to look like I didn't absolutely hate this gift (which I did) as I set it down on the bedside stand. I glanced up at Ellie and saw the flash of disappointment and fleeting confusion "What?" I barked, wincing when a cough congested my throat. I tried my damn hardest to ignore it. Ellie cocked her head to the side and stared at me.
"You got to have some," She said.
"It's cough syrup," I said. My brain raced as I attempted to find an excuse to get out of drinking the foul liquid. There was an itch at the back of my throat as phlegm dribbled down it, tickling and prompting me to cough "It's for when you're coughing and I'm not. I don't need it right now" I cleared my throat, trying desperately to remain calm and in control. Ellie nodded solemnly and seated herself on the edge of the bed.
"I know that but - " She started, but was cut off when as I was overwhelmed by a coughing fit "It seemed to force yourself not to cough was a very bad idea indeed" Jolts of pain shot through my throat as I gasped for breath in between each loud, wet hack. In the end, Ellie reached over and rested a soothing hand on my chest to calm this frenzied coughing before I threw up the little food I had managed to consume that morning. It took me a few dizzy moments of panting to realize that the My Goddess must have used her Goddess power to help me, because I was suddenly feeling five times better, albeit very sleepy.
"You did not just use your Goddess mojo on me" squinting at Ellie suspiciously and forcing my eyes open. Ellie slipped an arm around me and cradle me like a newborn "Ellie, What..." I finally managed, She said nothing, but something plastic was pressed to my dry lips and a putrid, sugary, cherry scent invaded my nostrils.
"I did and You must take your medicine, Meliodas or you will not get better" Ellie ordered me, Her tone matter-of-fact. From my very spotted, drowsy vision, I could see a tiny clear cup in her hand. It was half full of red cough syrup. I tried to turn my head away and moan something about vomit-flavoured medicine, but my exhaustion along with the hopeful tinge to Ellie's face stopped me dead. I sighed and opened my mouth, My sleep-addled mind telling me that I could blame it on being sick later, and grimaced at the taste of red cough syrup "Sleep, Babe" said Ellie from somewhere above me, sounding far away as she lowered me back onto the bed. Something cool and soothing stroked my sweaty forehead as I drifted off to sleep. Maybe red cough syrup wasn't so bad if I had my own personal nurse to feed it to me.

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