You knew that I knew

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- Meliodas's Pov - 15th of January -

Me and Ellie were snuggled on the sofa, looking at a photo from their recent ultrasound. I loved looking at it. The baby was measuring around 13 weeks. I got to see its little nose. All its toes and fingers. Little nugget was wiggling so much. Ellie rested her head on my shoulder.
"We should probably start telling people" I ran a finger over the scan. It still doesn't seem real.
"Which one first, Engagement or baby"
"Could do it both at the same time?" I suggested, "But I must admit, I know I wanted to tell people but I like that it's our little secret, you know?" I sighed and rested my head on Ellie's head.
"I know. But I think there are people who should be told before anyone else" Ellie took the photo from my hand and ran her thumb over it.
"You mean Mum and Dad?"
"Yes. I think they should know. Then my Dad"
"Okay. We can tell them. Whenever you want" I smiled and turned to kiss Ellie's forehead.
"Thank you" Ellie smiled as she put the photo on her table and snuggled closer into me, wrapping her arm around my body "Ooh, We have that family dinner on Sunday, We can tell everyone then"
"That sounds like a better plan"

- 17th Of January -

It's now Sunday. It didn't happen often that the whole family would meet at a table at once but there they were. Granted Ban was here as Elaine was spring cleaning and needed him out of the way. Everyone was sitting at the table, putting food on their plates while the server was walking around, pouring everyone a glass of wine or Ale, except for Ellie and Gelda who got orange juice.
"Ellie, are you sick?" Mum looked at Ellie with a raised eyebrow.
"Why would I... I mean how could I even be sick?" Ellie looked at her confused.
"It's just a figure of speech" My Dad rolled his eyes "It is because you're not having any Ale or wine"
"Ah" Ellie nodded as all eyes looked at her expectantly "I'm obviously not sick" I put my hand on her thigh "Just fancied orange juice"
"Okay" Mum spoke as she poured drinks for everyone.
"You need to chill" I whispered loud enough for only her to hear "You'll give it away before we are ready to tell"
"Sorry baby" Ellie squeezed my hand under the table. I noticed Ban get up to get something.
"Don't worry about it. I just don't want Mum choking on her food" I smiled "Would rather give her a heart attack"
"What are you two whispering about?" Dad barked.
"The fact Ban's zipper has been undone for most of this dinner" Ellie pointed out as she cut up her pie. We all looked at Ban and his head looked down. His face went slightly pink as he turned away from everyone. We could all hear the sound of a zipper.
"Why did no one tell me?" Ban growled.
"You always say you don't get embarrassed by things like that and yet you are red in the face" Ellie taunted.
"I ain't embarrassed" Ban scratched his forehead "It's hot in here"
"Then why do you look like a tomato?" Zeldris spoke with his mouthful. He got scolded by Mum.
"Like I said. It's hot in here"
"Really?" Estarossa smirked.
"It's fine guys. He must enjoy looking like a baboon" Ellie wiped her mouth. Ban took two steps towards her. I jumped in front of her but it was Zhivago who stopped him.
"Easy there Son" He warned.
"I wasn't gonna do anything horrible" Ban raised his hands "Just annoy her to death"
"You have your whole life for that" Zhivago led Ban back to his seat "Now sit and eat your veg"
"Yes, Mum" Ban saluted. He sat down on his seat and the dinner went on without a hitch.

After dinner, I sat on the sofa with Ellie. Gelda sat behind Zeldris. Estarossa, Zeldris and Ban were battling it out on the switch. Think they were playing Super Smash Bros.
"Hey, Batter up" Ban screamed as his character, Fox McCloud, smashed Zeldris's Sonic, out of sight "Take that!"
"Right, Revenge for my baby Bro!" Estarossa belted out as his character Kirby ate Ban's "Nom nom nom" Kirby spat Ban's character out of the map.
"Hey, that ain't fair!" Ban complained.
"That's my Bro!" Zeldris high fived Estarossa. This didn't last long as Kirby ate Sonic and spat him out the map "The fuck! I thought we were a team"
"Nom nom nom. Kirby hungry" Estarossa boasted. I started laughing when Mum, Dad and Zhivago came into the room once they had finished eating. I looked at Ellie and we both nodded.
"Hey, Can you all shut it for a moment?" I yelled. Ban's face dropped as Zeldris paused the game.
"I was about to kill him!" Ban pointed to the screen.
"Sure. You can do that afterwards" I waved him off. I stood up and went in front of the TV "I, Well, We, Have an announcement"
"Who did you kill?" Dad sat back on his chair, confusion visible on his face.
"Is that the first thing you can think of, Every time he tries to tell us something?" Mum poked Dad in the arm "Sweetheart, Continue" Mum smiled at Me. I turned to Ellie. She got up and walked over to me.
"Thanks, Mum, We... " I looked at Ellie again. Ellie reached for my hand "We're expecting a baby" I beamed. Mum's mouth dropped. Gelda was grinning. As was Ban. Estarossa looked like he was about to faint.
"Fuck sake!" Zeldris groaned as he handed Ban 10 quid. Dad stands up and Zhivago, Well let's say he did faint. Dad tried to bring him around.
"Zeldris, Why did you hand Ban a tenner"
"When you two first started, I bet him a tenner that you would be pregnant in a year" Ban grinned as Zeldris rolled his eyes.
"Ban!" Ellie stared at him in surprise.
"Don't Ban me! You knew that I knew" Ban scoffed. I looked between him and Ellie "Opps"
"What do you mean that you knew that she knew that you knew?" I frowned.
"It was me that suggested Ellie take a test. She went off chocolate" Ban pointed at Ellie with his hands.
"Why didn't you tell me!" I raised my voice as I stared at Ban.
"Wasn't my place" Ban shrugged "3 months I've kept quiet. I had to have a little fun" He held up two fingers at me. Not gonna lie. I wanted to hit him. And I think Ellie knew.
"Meliodas" Ellie spoke "Chill" She put her hand on my shoulder. Mum grabbed our wrists. I thought she was going to flip but she didn't. Mum smiled at the two of us, Standing up and wrapping her arms around both of us.
"Congrats" She murmured as she hugged Ellie as well "Come here" Mum hugged me and pressed a kiss in my hair. I tried to squirm my way out, and Mum laughed.
"Thank you Mary" Ellie whispered. Zhivago started to stir.
"You okay there Zhivago?" I mumbled from under Mum's death grip.
"Please tell me I am dreaming?" He muttered as he rubbed his eyes.
"Sorry, Dad. But you're going to be a Granddad" Ellie went over to her bag and pulled a scan photo out. We had like 8 done. Zhivago ran his hand over the picture. Bursting into tears. Before Mum even spoke Ellie held a scan out behind her. Mum squealed, Screeching about having two grandbabies. Estarossa was still in shock so I went over and waved my hand in front of him.

"You okay Bro?"
"I'm going to be an Uncle?" He whispered. I had a grin from ear to ear.
"Yes, you are" I nodded as Ellie handed me a scan. I showed Estarossa "This little nugget, Is your Niece or Nephew"
"I'm going to be an Uncle!" He started to cheer. It was all good till Zhivago's brain kicked in.
"Hold the phone, Why does it say Baby Blackwood? Wouldn't it say Baby Liones? Since you two ain't married" Zhivago spoke. I looked over at Ellie. And did a half-grin.
"That's the other thing" Ellie held up her left hand "We engaged!" Everyone started squealing.
"Fuck sake" Zeldris was the only one who groaned and hand another tenner to Ban.
"What was the bet?" I folded my arms behind my back.
"Engaged within a year" Zeldris grumbled.
"I said that you shouldn't make bets with me. Especially when I get told everything" Ban Waved his hands out the side. While those two were being, Well them. I looked over at Ellie. I moved to be by her side.
"Hey, What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I cupped her cheek and brushed off the tear that escaped and was running down her face.
"I'm just happy" Ellie wiped her face "These are happy tears"
"Me too baby" I beamed and hugged my girl. My hand hovering over her teeny bump "I'm happy that I have you both in my life"
"Group Hug!" Essy shouted, Motioning for everyone. Me and Ellie looked at each other. They all ran to the two of us and basically squashed us.

- 2 days later -

I was sitting in the diner with Elaine, King and Diane. Ellie was out in town (Somewhere) with Gelda and Mum for a while so I decided to use this time to tell the three of them the big news. Diane was sat with her feet up over King's legs, eating her body weight in ice cream.
"Hey, slow down, You're gonna make yourself sick!" King exclaimed and stole the container out of her hands. I wasn't nervous telling these three the news. Tell a lie. I was scared of Diane's reaction. I know she knows about the ring but I know she doesn't know about the baby.
"Sorry" She grinned at her boyfriend and licked her spoon.
"Why are you eating so much ice cream, anyway? Is that because Ban is not here and can't stop you from going in the kitchen?" King raised his eyebrows as he dug his own spoon into the chocolate pleasure.
"Ban couldn't stop me and no reason. I just felt like eating ice cream"
"I want to tell you three something" I spoke up.
"You're engaged" King put the tub on the table. Looking at me happily with expectant eyes.
"What?! How did you find out?" I was shocked.
"Well, a few reasons. Diane told King and me about the ring. Ban also told me. And apparently the last few times you have been drunk. You have asked Ellie to marry you" Elaine admitted as she bit her lip.
"Diane, You said you wouldn't tell" I ran my hands down my face.
"You said don't tell Ban. You didn't specify anyone else" Diane grinned at me triumphantly "At least I didn't tell Ellie"
"You are terrible!" I threw a rolled-up napkin at her.
"Oh, I know! Congratulations, Captain" Diane high-fived me while she smiled.
"Plus Ban put it on social media the other day" King pulled out his phone and showed me the post.
"I am going to kill him" I raked my hands through my hair.
"You should really get social media" King pointed his spoon at me.
"Yeah. I really should" I didn't want to admit to this lot that I have most social media apps. I just didn't want to add them. I do stalk them though. I drummed my fingers on the table "I also have other news"
"Ellie's pregnant" Elaine jumped up and down on her spot.
"What?! How did you know?" I was shocked. Does everyone know??? This was supposed to be a big announcement!
"She told me 2 days after she found out" Elaine beamed.
"AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME!" King and Diane both shouted. Elaine smiled at them both. I backed up into the corner.
"She told me not to tell anyone" Elaine sat on her hands "Ban knew as well" Elaine stated as they went into a full-on rant. I just kept quiet and let them get it out of their systems. I stared out the window. This year was definitely going to be better.

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