What does it look like I am doing?

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- Meliodas's Pov -

It was just after Diane hugged me that I saw him walking over to Ellie.
"Sis?" Ban shook Ellie's shoulder "Elz, Are you okay?"
"Just a little -" Ellie flopped sideways. Nearly falling off the bed.
"Ellie!" Me and Ban both screamed. He had caught her before she smashed her head off the floor.
"King! Nurse now!" Diane yelled as she punched a big red button. I put both my hands on her cheeks.
"She's burning up" I muttered "Ellie, Sweetie, Can you hear me?"
"Elaine, Stay with Tristan" Ban ordered. Two nurses burst into the room. King behind them.
"What happened?" Nurse one quizzed. She opened Ellie's eyes and shined a torch in them.
"She fine one minute, Said she felt dizzy and then this happened" Ban explained and Diane pulled me away slightly.
"Can those who don't belong in the room please leave" One spoke.
"I ain't leaving her!" I yelled. Ban shot a glance at me.
"What about the baby?" Elaine held onto Tristan's crib.
"We can move the both of you to another room. Nurse Johnson, Please escort these two" Nurse one replied. Nurse Johnson took Elaine and Tristan next door "Everyone else, Leave" I refused but Ban hoisted me over his shoulder and force me to leave the room. 3 more nurses ran into the room. The door shut and so did the blinds.

"Why did she pass out?" Diane sat on the edge of the bed that the nurse put Tristan in. King and Elaine were staring at the wall, trying to read the room. Ban was rocking Tristan and I was pacing.
"She seemed fine, Obviously shattered. Did she do her pick me up thing?" Ban sighed.
"Yeah twice" I held up two fingers "I don't understand, She was fine. Doctor whatever his name said so"
"It might have taken more out of her than anyone realized" Diane grabbed my shoulders "And will you stop pacing"
"I'm worried!" I did the hand symbols for god give me strength.
"Really? And here I thought you were trying out for the school track team!" Ban huffed "Sit down and hug your Son" Ban went to hand me, Tristan. I backed away.
"Not to sound like a jackass but I don't think being around him right now will be a good idea. Babies are emotion magnets" I waved my hands "Ban, Did you ring my lot and Zhivago and told them?"
"Yep, Also sent them a pic. They were gonna visit but I've told them Ellie passed out so they will visit you at home" Ban waved his phone at me.
We looked to the door and saw that Doctor from Earlier.
"Miss Liones family?"
"Yeah that is us so why is my Sister out cold" Ban laid Tristan back down.
"We ran all the tests and found nothing wrong with her. She overexerted herself" The Doctor folded his arms "We are keeping her in overnight to keep an eye on her"
"So what happens with my Son? I ain't allowed to stay" I frowned.
"Due to Miss Liones being out cold. You are allowed to stay. Plus, I know from your reputation that you wouldn't listen anyway" The Doctor smirked.
"The Doctor does have a point there" King smirked at me.
"Don't make me thump you" I glared.
"She is still out cold but you can go back in" The Doctor walked back out of the room. Now that I was a lot calmer, I cuddled Tristan up and took him back into Ellie's room.

Ellie woke up after a little while and would not stop apologizing about saying sorry. We all told her it was fine. King, Elaine and Diane all went home after a little while. Ban refused to leave. In the end, The doctors got security to come and make him. I rolled my eyes and told him to do as he was told. Both Tristan and Ellie was sleeping. I needed a wee. But I soon heard crashing. I ran back into the room to find Ban climbing in the window. I just tilted my head at him.
"The fuck are you doing?"
"What does it look like I am doing?"
"Trying to climb the doorway to Narnia"
"Haha. Very funny" Ban sassed.
"Why are you breaking in?"
"As I said, I ain't leaving my Sister" Ban sassed. He then fell over "My fucking foot's stuck"
"You need to be fucking quiet. Baby is sleeping and if the night guard hears you then we are both in shit" I helped Ban in the room.
"I'll hide under the bed when he comes around" Ban wiped his trousers.
"Really. You like 7 feet tall. The bed is the worst place to hide. You would be better off in the loo"
"This is why we are best friends. You enable me" Ban hooked his arm around my neck and monkey scrubbed me.
"Get the fuck off me" I popped my head out of his grip.
"How is Ellie doing?" Ban put his feet up on the window seat.
"You mean in the last half hour since you last saw her. I don't think she is going to wake up unless little man starts yelling"
"How are you holding up?"
"I'm shattered, Hyper and everything between. I feel like if I sit down then I will crash" I sighed. Ban tilted his head and stared into the little cot by the bed.
"Diane was right, How did you make such a cutie?" He jested. I rolled my eyes "I don't get who he looks more like. You or Ellie"
"He's a beautiful boy. He's all Ellie" I crossed my arms.
"Yeah. Though, Those eyes creep me out" Ban shuddered "Never seen eyes like that"
"Says the dude who's got red eyes and gonna be related to a girl with purple eyes" I covered my mouth when I said purple eyes.
"Start talking?" Ban glared at me.
"King's asking Diane to marry him" I sat in the high back chair. I started to yawn.
"Really? 10 quid he does it before Christmas"
"Christmas is like 4 months away. I ain't making that bet" I frowned "What do you know? I know from experience that you never make bets unless you know something"
"To quote the shorty from Game Of Thrones, I drink and I know things" Ban put both his arms behind his head and closed his eyes.
"You know nothing Bandit Ban"
"He was going to ask tonight but due to little man being born, He didn't want to take the spotlight" Ban shuffled down in his seat. I yawned again and my eyelids starting getting all droopy "You need to sleep"
"No, I don't"
"Yeah you do"
"No, I don't"
"Yeah you do"
"No, I don't"
"Yeah you do"
"No, I don't"
"Yeah you do"
"No, I don't"
"Yeah you do"
"No, I don't"
"Yeah you do"
"No, I don't"
"Look, We could keep this up all night but I would just end up knocking you the fuck out. Go to sleep. I'll keep watch"
"Fine" I grabbed my coat and shuffled around in my seat till I found a comfy spot.

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