This is why I love you. Your crazy matches my crazy

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- Meliodas's Pov - (A/N - Most chapters from here on will be Lemon or very fluffy)

"I wonder what they are talking about?" Elaine wonders as she floated nervously around the room. Her gaze never left the direction of the kitchen. I knew what was on Ban's mind. He asked for my help the other day. I hoisted myself up onto the sofa after Ban smacked me.
"Have you tried reading their minds?" I panted. Okay, I think Ban broke a rib. I placed my hand over my right side. Where the pain was worst. I looked at Elaine and her eyes were glowing.
"Ban keeps thinking about food and ale and Ellie's is darkness" Elaine huffed.
"Darkness? As in the band darkness?" I knotted my eyebrows.
"No. Just darkness. It's the same when I looked into your mind that one time" Elaine shuddered.
"Do you get the same feeling when you tried to read my mind or do you think she is blocking you out?" I looked at the kitchen. Elaine focused a little more.
"It's like... There's something in her head... I get through one door and another slam" Elaine reported. I was beyond confused. Elaine was always able to see into Ellie's mind before. What is so different this time? What is she hiding?
"There must be something she doesn't want you to see" I pointed out.
"I guess" Elaine looked sad "Anyway, Enough doom and gloom" Elaine flopped onto the sofa "I know it's been around 2 weeks... ish with you and Ellie but how is it going?"
"Ban put you up to this didn't he?" I frowned at the fairy.
"Actually Diane did. Ellie won't tell her anything and thinks that I can make you sing like a canary" Elaine admitted as my eyes rolled into the back of my head.
"This is why we didn't want people knowing yet" I leant my head back on the sofa "What does Diane want to know?"
"Well urm... If you... two... had... urm" Elaine went beetroot red. I let out that sigh you do when you smile.
"Hooked up?" I summarized. Elaine hid her face with a sofa cushion "No. We haven't" I put my arm behind my head. Instantly regretting it as pain shot down my side"Yet" I thought. The perk of being a Demon is that Fairies can't read my mind unless I let them.
"You haven't?" Elaine's head shot up. She looked a bit startled by my answer.
"Despite being best friends since what my Mother refers to as year dot, We are still in the early stages of this relationship. We share a bed but so far, That's it. Is that enough gossip to satisfy Diane?"
"I'll let you know" Elaine stuttered.
"I wonder who that is" I went to stand up but Elaine pulled me back down. I looked in the hallway and Ban was already at the door.
"Hey Ban, Where is My Brother?" I heard Zeldris speak.
"Front room" Ban replied as I heard Zeldris stampede towards me. This is not going to end well.
"What's up, Bro?" I waved as Zeldris entered the room.
"When were you going to tell me that you were with Ellie?" He demanded as Ellie brought a load of plates to the dinner table.
"Who told you?" I frowned.
"He did" Zeldris pointed to Ban. Ban held his hands up.
"Who me? I'd never do something like this. I am shocked that you would accuse me like this. I would never spill my best friend and little sister's secrets around like that" Ban pretended to be hurt "What is it that you are accusing me of again?" Ellie placed the plates down and walked up to Ban, Grabbing his ear and yanking it down to her height.
"You told him, Didn't you?" Ellie quizzed as Ban yelped like a pig.
"I might have posted something on Twitter this morning" Ban grunted as he tried to get off Ellie's death grip. While Elaine was videoing this ordeal (For blackmail purposes only) Zeldris came and sat next to me.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Zeldris poked my upper arm.
"You haven't answered my calls"
"I don't answers calls as I am too busy raving about the ringtone. You could have texted" Zeldris exclaimed. I reached for my phone and pulled up Zeldris's WhatsApp chat.
"Answer your fucking phone"
"I have to tell you something"
"I don't wanna tell you this over messenger"
"Put Gelda down and answer your phone"
"I need to tell you this before Mum does. Or Dad" I read to Zeldris. He took my phone off me and scrolled through the texts "I have tried. You didn't answer. There are 75 messages there and 52 calls from the last 3 days"
"I haven't received any of these" Zeldris gave me my phone back and pulled his phone out. He pulled up WhatsApp and his face dropped "Oh"
"I may have forgotten to turn mobile data on and my phone is on silent" Zeldris winced as he pressed the data button. It pinged on for ages.
"Your phone is going to lag like fuck" I chuckled. While the other 3 were distracted, I turned to Zeldris "Hey Zel, Can we meet tomorrow for lunch? I need to talk to you about something"
"If you have knocked Ellie up, I ain't helping you tell Mum" Zeldris put his phone down. I did a side glance.
"Not that it is any of your business, But me and Ellie haven't done the deed yet. So I wouldn't need your help telling Mum anything" I frowned "No When I was out cold. I met my inner Demon"
"You did? What's he like?" Zeldris took full attention.
"I met the original Meliodas. He wasn't what I thought he would be like"
"So the stories ain't true?" Zeldris tilted his head.
"From what he told me, They are in a way but not completely. But that's not what I want to talk to you about"
"This must be serious if you can't tell me around this lot. Diner. 1 o'clock good for ya?"
"It's been on my mind for a few days so yeah, That time is good for me"

Everyone soon left after dinner. Ban's ear was about as red as his leather jacket by the time he left. Before locking up, Ellie did a quick heal on me so my rib is much better. I sat thinking about the evening events when Ellie came and sat next to me. She placed her head on my lap. I ran my fingers through her silver locks while she played with her necklace. We sat there in silence for a few minutes. Till Ellie bolted upright.
"What's wrong?" I pondered as Ellie scrambled off the sofa. My head followed her as she ran out into the hallway "What are you doing?"
"I forgot to give you this back" Ellie called out as she came back into the front room. She gave me a box.
"My tag" I gasped as I opened it. My finger grazed the engravings.
"The day you got shot, I think you might have caught it when you fell. I had the chain replaced and had it cleaned up. It was kinda gunky from the blood" Ellie smiled. I put the tag back on.
"Thank you. I thought I lost it" I pulled Ellie into a hug and kissed her forehead as we laid back on the sofa "So did Ban rope you in on his proposal plan?" I asked.
"He said that on the day proposal, Me and Diane will keep Elaine away from where ever he said and he will handle the rest" Ellie explained "What's your role?"
"I get to plan the engagement party. Diane is the wedding planner. King is following Diane's lead" I beamed. I love planning parties.
"Can I help with the party?" Ellie looked up at me. Her blue eyes pleaded with me.
"How could I say no to you" I smiled "Though it will mean getting The Hat fixed up as soon as"
"I still feel rather guilty that I threw Bartra out the door" Ellie looked away.
"I wouldn't. I was rather impressed that you did that. Well, I wasn't just impressed" I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Oh really?" Ellie smirked at me "Other than impressed, What were you thinking?" Now it was my turn to blush.
"Well. I... I urm... was a little turned on" I stuttered as I avoid Ellie's gaze. Ellie sat up and sat closer to me. Her head at a slight angle "What?" I moved my head back a little.
"Nothing. I just find it adorable when you get so flustered. Why do you get so flustered?"
"I don't know. You ain't my first girlfriend. You're my third but I don't know, I just do"
"I am the first in your bed?" Ellie played with my hair. Wrapping the ends around her fingers.
"No. You ain't the first. But it has been a few years" I admitted.
"How long has it been then?"
"looking at a 3-year dry spell" I let out a sigh "After her, I wish that I had waited till I found you. My last girlfriend wasn't very good for me. She was one of those stuck-up, narcissistic bitches that no one likes. I think Ban threw a party when I finished things with her"
"That sounds like my brother" Ellie smiled softly "Did she hurt you?" I looked away when Ellie asked that question.
"Why did you stay?"
"I thought I loved her. That I would be the one to change her" I looked at Ellie's face. She had tears in her eyes. Not the reaction I had expected. I thought she would laugh at me getting abused. Others have. Not our close friends or Families but others "You're not laughing?"
"Why would I? Domestic abuse happens to men and women. I don't find it fair that when a woman says she was abused by her ex-partner, Everyone jumps to her defence but when a man says it, People laugh and say that he needs to grow a pair. I hate it"
"That just made me love you even more" I grinned.
"Bitch just better pray that I don't meet her. I'd hate to put her through a wall" Ellie rolled her eyes.
"Liar. You want to meet her"
"Yeah, I do. No one hurts my man"
"So what do you want to do tonight? Netflix? Amazon? Disney? Or DVD?"
"DVD? People still have those?" I pretended to be shocked "I ain't fussed, You can pick"
"Well in that case, Can we watch the Sonic movie?" Ellie put her hands together like she was praying. I stuck my bottom lip out and nodded. Ellie squealed and ran off to her room.
"She's just like a little puppy" I rolled my eyes.

It was about halfway through the movie (Well I think it was halfway, I zoned out for a bit) when I noticed Ellie was drifting in and out of sleep. I laid sideways and pulled her onto my chest. Ellie tried to pull away but I wrapped my arms around her.
"No, Doctor said no heavy lifting for at least a week" Ellie mumbled as she started to move less.
"You ain't heavy. It's either I snuggle you here or I carry you to the bedroom" I looked down at Ellie and she was biting her bottom lip "Don't bite that bottom lip"
"Or what?"
"Or I will bite it myself" I whispered into Ellie's ear. This woke Ellie up. Though she didn't blush, Which did surprise me. Instead, she climbed on top of me, Hands on either side of my head.
"Is that a promise?" She teased as she bit her bottom lip again. She wiggled her hips a little. I groaned involuntarily. What? Her bottom half was pressed right against my dick. Ellie smirked as I closed my eyes, Tilting my head back.
"Ellie, Behave" I moaned as Ellie pressed herself against me again.
"Then don't say you're going to bite my lip if you ain't going to follow it through" Ellie responded. I looked her dead in the eyes. Oh, two can play this game.
"Oh, I can follow it through. It was you that said I couldn't do any heavy lifting" I teased back. My hands are now on Ellie's waist. Thumbs rubbing small circles into her skin.
"Well, I didn't think you would want to?" Ellie tucked her hair behind her ear "You are meant to be resting and I was only gonna tease a little"
"Two can play at this game" I smirked as I did some weird move and Ellie ended up on her back. I grabbed both her hands and held them above her head using only one hand. Ellie wiggled around as I laid next to her "Can I touch you?"
"Yes," Ellie whimpered. I kissed her soft lips gently, Easing her lips open with my tongue as I ran my spare hand down her body. I didn't stop kissing her till my hand was over her vagina area "Why did you stop?"
"I want to make sure you want this. We do this and things between us, Will never be there same" I spoke.
"Meliodas. I want you. I always have" Ellie kissed me after every word. Her tongue fighting mine. I gently pressed my hand on Ellie's clit while it was still covered and began to move the hand up and down. Ellie moaned in my mouth "Meli... oooodas" She moaned as I picked up the place. I quickly took my hand away and moved to the hem of her trousers. Since Ellie was in leggings, I easily slid my hand inside and went to her knickers. Though, I couldn't find them.
"I see that you are not wearing underwear my dear" I broke the kiss but my mouth never left her lips. I slid a finger up and down her entrance. Ellie's moans became a bit louder. So I kissed her mouth again as I put my middle finger inside her and press my palm against her clit. I started to move my hand again.
"Meliodas" She groaned as she bucked her hips. I still had hold of her hands. She was squirming under my touch. I could feel the walls of the vagina start to clench "I think. I'm going.. to cum"
"Cum for me baby" I mumbled into her mouth. She came hard as she cried out. Once her body had stopped twitching. I pulled my hand away. I wiped it on my trousers as I released Ellie's hands. She left her hands above her head.
"Wow," She panted. I chuckled as I draped an arm over her waist "I need more of that feeling"
"Just wait till my healing kicks in" I kissed her lips again. It shouldn't be long. A day at most "I'll show you what else I can do. Till then. I will happily tease you. As long as you scream my name"
"Two can play at that game" Ellie climbed over me so she could sit on the floor. Her hand grazed my thigh. While one hand fiddled with the belt. My mind was in overdrive.
"This is why I love you. Your crazy matches my crazy"

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