Tristan Blackwood

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

"My God, This hurts!" I gripped Meliodas's hand. If I wasn't careful, I might break it. Despite the fact that he is stronger than me "Gelda wasn't lying" I tried to breathe the pain but it wasn't working "Please tell me we are nearly there?" I winced as another contraction hit me.
"Nearly baby" Meliodas rubbed my back. Ban honked the horn.
"Fucking out of the way, You fat fuck!" Ban bellowed as he turned a corner. He flags each and every driver he went past.
"Honey, You need to calm down" Elaine put her hand on Ban's shoulder.
"He's gonna be worse when you guys have babies" I panted. I then screamed as a contraction hit me "How long are the contractions?"
"They last about 30 seconds but are not very far apart" Meliodas held his phone up. Tires screeched as we pulled up to the door.
"Take her in, I'll go find a spot," Elaine said as Ban carried me out of the car.

"Can I have some help here? My sister is about to pop!" Ban screeched. Meliodas was behind us. A couple of nurses brought a stretcher. Between Ban and Meliodas, They gave the hospital people my details. I screamed again. Ban held his hand out for me to take "Here break my hand" I smiled as I gripped his hand.
"I can't do that to you" I panted.
"Told ya before. I'm immortal. I'll heal" Ban shrugged as a pain soared through my body again "Now breath" Ban ordered. I was wheeled into a small room. I changed into a nightgown.
"Oh, Man. This hurts" I stuttered as laid on the bed.
"Remember what the nurse said, Listen to your body" Ban soothed. Meliodas held my other hand.
"I'm here baby" Meliodas whispered. I was starting to get rather hot so Ban went to get a cloth to wipe my head.
"Owwww" I whimpered. The medical team soon came in.
"Hello, I am Doctor Peeta" The Doctor introduced himself "Are you the Father?" The Doctor looked at Ban. The colour dropped from his face.
"God no. I'm her Brother" Ban replied. He grabbed Meliodas shoulder "Shorty here, Is the Dad" Meliodas patted his shoulder.
"My apologies. Anyway, Judging by the way this one came in screaming, Her Contractions are not far apart. The little one will be here in no time"
"English version, Get out" I grunted. Ban kissed my cheek.
"I won't leave the hospital. Good luck" Ban stared at Meliodas and nodded once. He quickly left the room.

Once the Doctor knew Ban was gone, He stood at the end of my bed.
"Okay. Ellie. I'm gonna have a quick look and feel. Is that okay?" Doctor Peeta quizzed.
"Yes" I panted.
"Okay. Ellie. The baby is crowning. I need you to lay on your back. Dad, Hook your arms around her knees and pull them slight apart" Doctor Peeta instructed. I did as my told. Not that I didn't have much choice. Meliodas was on my left.
"Listen to your body, You doing fantastic" Meliodas spoke as I suddenly felt the urge to push.
"I need to push"
"Keep going, Ellie. Good girl" Doctor Peeta urged. I squeezed my eyes shut and pushed "Keep going. That's it. The Head is out. Shoulders are out. Arms. Tummy. Legs and toes"
*Baby Cries*
I fell back onto the floor. Completely exhausted. I did a quick heal. Perks of being a Goddess. I looked up as Doctor Peeta was checking the baby over. Meliodas didn't want to cut the umbilical cord but he did want to poke it.
"So what did we have then? Girl or boy?" Meliodas asked as Doctor Peeta turned to face him.
"Congratulations on a perfectly healthy baby boy," Doctor Peeta said as he hands the baby to me. I gently took him in my arms. He had a little turf of silver hair. But it was his eyes that really stood out.
"He's got two different eye colours" Meliodas said as the Doctor checked me over.
"They may even out as he gets older but I think he has a condition called heterochromia. Can cause blindness in humans but in non-humans, Doesn't really do anything" Doctor Peeta scrunched his nose up "It's the silver hair that got me weirded out. Not being rude but I didn't think silver hair was naturally"
"It is in the Goddess realm" I sat up. Wincing a little. I think Meliodas sent a text to Diane to get me some spare clothes. I may have forgotten to pick our bag up.
"Right so. Everything looks good. We can see from your online records that you are Goddess. So a quick heal and you will be good to go and get this little one in some better clothing" Doctor Peeta smiled at my boy.
"Thank you" I whispered as I stared at my baby.
"*Baby cries*" My boy started crying.
"I think he is hungry" Meliodas chuckled a little. I immediately went into Mum mode. I was only going to breastfeed while in hospital "Oh you have clothes on the way"
"Once again congratulations Lady Elizabeth and Sir Meliodas" Doctor Peeta bowed and left.
"This is not what I was expecting to happen today" I chuckled as Meliodas placed a hand on the back of the baby's head "What are we calling this little one again. I can't keep referring to him as the baby"
"Didn't you pick Tristan?" I looked up at Meliodas.
"Tristan Blackwood. Welcome to the world one week early" Meliodas kissed his little forehead "How are you feeling?"
"Shattered. Even after a pick me up" I yawned. Meliodas sat on the side of the bed, one arm around me and one stroking the little tuff of hair on Tristan's head.
"Thank you for bringing him into the world, Baby" Meliodas kissed my cheek.
"Thank you for making him with me" I leant my head on his shoulder.
Our heads spun to the door and Ban was sticking his head in.
"Can I meet the midget yet? Doctors told me that you popped!" Ban said.
"As long as you are quiet" Meliodas folded his arms. Ban nodded as he sat on the foot of the bed. I grinned as I finished feeding him. Meliodas put a small blanket over me and I begun to burp the little man.
"Are you going to stick with breastfeeding or are you gonna bottle it?" Ban looked out the window.
"I'm only breastfeeding in hospital, Once I get home, Bottle" I grinned as I turned to Meliodas "Breastfeeding allows me to bond with Tristan but you don't get to experience it as much" Once I was done. Ban wiggled his fingers at me.
"Can I have cuddles now?" Ban begged. Meliodas took Tristan off me and handed him over.
"Oh he's dinky" Ban cooed "Why are his eyes funny?" Ban frowned at the boy.
"It's called heterochromia. Google it. I don't wanna explain it" I sighed as I once again lent my head on Meliodas's shoulders.
"I should have guessed he would have some weird-ass feature" Ban ran a finger over Tristan's cheek "He is going to be a little heart breaker when he is older" Ban smiled "Little Tristan Blackwood"
Our heads swung to the door and Elaine, King and Diane stuck their heads around the door. They all looked like the floating heads from that friend's episode.
"Hey. Can we come in now? We are dying out here" King smiled. I nodded as all 3 tiptoed to us. Elaine floated close to Ban.
"Everyone. Meet Tristan. Tristan, this everyone" Meliodas took the boy from Ban and introduced him as everyone crowded around.
"Hey, baby" "Aww look at him" "Hey Tristan" They all spoke at once.
"Hey let the kid breath" Ban pushed them all apart.
"How did you get such a cute kid?" Diane turned slightly towards Meliodas.
"Cheeky bitch" He muttered. His eyes are on Tristan. He looked so smitten.
"Can I have a cuddle now?" King wiggled his fingers at the baby.
"Promise not to drop him?" Meliodas frowned.
"Now I thought I would go outside and throw him around like a Rugby ball" King poker-faced him. Meliodas's face was blank. Ban cackled and Diane smacks the back of his head.
"Never joke about that. Not in front of The Captain anyway" Diane snapped at her man.
"I wasn't going to say that. I think I was more impressed that King had a decent comeback for once" Meliodas grinned as Ban handed Tristan over.
"Whatever" King rolled his eyes "Hey Tristan" King softened and put his pointer finger in Tristan teeny hand. Diane came and hugged me.
"I brought you your clothes bag" She whispered as she pointed to the chair "I saw that you forgot it. I only got the text from the Captain as we all pulled up in the car park"
"Thanks, Diane"
"He is a little cutie" Diane sighed as King hands Elaine the baby.
"I thought you would have been right there, Having the first cuddle" I leant against the pillow. I felt a little light head.
"I'll get one later" Diane shrugged. She got off the bed and went over to Meliodas and hugged him. I sat up a little and the room started spinning.
"Sis?" Ban shook my shoulder "Elz, Are you okay?"
"Just a little -" The last two things I remember was the room going black and someone shouting my name.

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