Okay, He is up to something

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

After my shower, I laid back down on the bed. I didn't want to get dressed but I had to just in case someone popped round. I changed my mind about going to town. I had my outfit already picked out. Light blue jeggings, white flats and a light blue T-shirt. Nothing fancy. I picked my phone up and saw that I had a text from Essy. That's not his real name but that's the only name he has known. He and I became friends when I was in The Goddess Realm (I say, friends, More like he was a lost puppy that wouldn't leave me alone) He is the double of Mael but they do not share a bloodline (It has been DNA tested). Essy is rumoured to be a Goddess with Demon Darkness. He looks like Meliodas but taller and with silver hair.
Essy: Yo! How's the human realm? Come after you with pitchforks yet? I rolled my eyes. Essy ain't a big fan of the humans. They stole him away from his real family when he was small.
Me: It's taken you 2 weeks for you to text me and that's the first thing you have asked me???
Essy: Why what else has happened?
Me: I found my childhood best friends, My real Dad. Gained a big brother. My Mate. Bartra tried to kill me.
Essy: I told you, Humans cannot be trusted! I have half a mind to come down there and get you! I really thought he would be more excited that I have found Meliodas and my Dad.
Me: I'm perfectly fine here. Meliodas protected me. So did my Brother and my two other friends.
Essy: Who the fuck is Meliodas?
Me: You really do have a bad memory. he is my best friend from 10 years ago. He is also my mate.
Me: And The first prince of the demons I didn't really wanna send that. Essy will hate it even more.
Essy: You fell for a Demon? The worst one of them all!
Me: he ain't like that. Demons are miss understood. The ones I know are kind and treat me like I belong to them. They did when I was a child and still do to this day.
Essy: Demons cannot be trusted. He will betray you one day. I don't think you should be in the human realm. That race has clouded your judgement. You belong with the Goddess race.
Me: Oh piss off. I don't wanna be up in the clouds. I like being in this realm. Mael understood that. Kinda. Why can't you?
Essy: Mael is an idiot. He wasn't the one that was stolen away from his family in the middle of the night by some goon. He will never understand anything.
Me: Maybe it is your mind that is clouded. I will say this, I will never ever return to the Goddess race.
Essy: Whatever. You will one day, You and everyone else will see the world from my point of view.
Me: I've already seen the world for what it is worth. The world ain't that bad.
Me: How do you know it was humans that stole you away?
Essy: When I was dumped on the Sky Temple's doorstep. The Masters there told me it was humans that came threw the portal. They wouldn't lie to me.
Me: Yeah sure. Next thing they will tell you is that we are the purest of the races. Yet most of them are creepy old men that stare at young ones.
Essy: Not all of them. I will be taking a trip to the human realm soon. The Masters say that there is a family there that might know where my blood family is. they haven't given me a town yet though. It's amazing how Essy can go from one emotion to another. I guess that's the Darkness fighting the Goddess side.
Me: If you get a name and they are near me. do you want me to do some digging and see what they are like?
Essy: I would like that. I need to go. The Masters have summoned me. Text soon. I threw my phone back down. I don't mind talking to Essy but I wish he was so judgmental about other races. I got up and started to get changed when I heard the door open.
"Hello?" I called from the doorframe.
"Just me baby" Meliodas called up the stairs. I heard him walk to the kitchen. I felt relief wash over me. I then felt another emotion. I heard Meliodas come bounding up the stairs. He was hiding something behind his back.
"What are you hiding?" I raised an eyebrow. Meliodas kept a blank face and then his face lit up as he pulled a bunch of pink roses from behind him "Oh you didn't have to" I took the flowers off him and sniffed them, I love the smell of roses.
"I wanted to" Meliodas grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. Okay. He is up to something.
"Okay. Who did you kill or what did you break?" I eyed up Meliodas as I walked down the stairs to find a vase.
"Why does everyone think I did something?" Meliodas folded his arms.
"So, What did you do?"
"Nothing. I just wanted to buy you flowers" Meliodas held his hands up.
"I swear I did nothing"
"What did you do?"
"Okay, I did a small thing" Meliodas did that move where you make a small gap with your thumb and pointer finger.
"I might of. Kinda off. Brought 2 tickets for us to go to Egypt in 2 weeks and we are going to be gone for roughly a month" Meliodas wiggled two fingers in the air.
"You did what?" I nearly dropped the vase. My mouth dropped "A month? That's a long Holiday. I have always wanted to go"
"I know it's long but I thought it would give you a chance to see everything. I remember you banging on about the triangle tombs and how you wanted to climb to the very top of the tallest one. Or go to the big hole in the sand where all the dead kings are" Meliodas placed his hands on my hips.
"I said that when I was 8. How do you remember that far back? I don't even remember what I had for tea yesterday"
"We couldn't be arsed to cook so we had spaghetti on toast" Meliodas reminded me.
"Ah yes. Because we are adults"
"No the adult thing to do. Is to order takeaway" Meliodas bopped my nose "So do you wanna go?"
"Hell yeah!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

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