That Stuff Taste Like Cardboard

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

"Your Mother is coming" Bard pinched the bridge of his nose. Meliodas groaned as he hugged me tightly. I draped an arm over his waist.
"Maybe we don't tell Mum about us till I am home" I rolled my eyes at Meliodas.
"And you said you don't wanna hide us" I sighed as I sat up.
"Hey, I was enjoying that hug and I don't, I just don't wanna deal with Mum fangirling. She will be worse than Diane will ever be"
"You don't want your Mother to know about us. So I can't stay hugging you" I smirked as Meliodas pouted. He crossed his arms. He immediately regretted this.
"Ow. Shoulder hurts" He winced. I turned my powers on and attempted to heal Meliodas. Even if was a small attempt.
"I can just about heal you. For some reason, I can't do any more than a basic heal" I crossed my legs.
"You will get there" Meliodas put his hand on my cheek "Besides your basic heal is better than no heal"
"Yeah, Every team needs a healer" Ban grinned.
"Exactly. Ellie, In time you will be able to heal as good as your Mother could" Bard patted my shoulder. We could hear yelling.
"Is that Mary?" Ban folded his arms as I shuffled off the bed. Meliodas pouted at me while moving back to the middle of the bed.
"I think so" Bard rubbed his neck "Say nothing to Mary" Ban zipped his mouth shut as the door opened and Mary came running in.

"Oh, Meliodas. My sweet boy! Are you okay?" Mary fretted as she grabbed Meliodas's hands. I'm so glad I moved now.
"Mum, I'm fine" Meliodas lent his head back on the pillow.
"Well, Bartra won't be when I get my hands on him" Mary growled. Meliodas sat up and gripped his Mum's hands.
"Mary. He is being dealt with as we speak" Bard spoke in a monotone "I have instructed The Royal Mage to torture him on any level she deems worthy"
"Merlin? I am surprised that we haven't heard the screaming from here" Meliodas laid his head back on the pillow.
"They are back in the Demon realm"
"I thought it was against Demon Law to do anything to a human" I crossed my eyebrows. I knew more about Demon Laws than I did any other race.
"Only while in this realm" Bard pointed to the floor "Granted, May have battered the fucker but The King of the Humans was very understanding when I told him why"

Bard, Ban and Mary started chatting about something as I zoned out. I sat on the edge of the bed. I made it look like I was listening to everyone.
"Ellie?" I felt a hand on my shoulder which brought me back to my senses "Ellie?" I looked at the hand and Meliodas was smiling at me.
"Huh. Sorry. Zoned out" I blinked a few times.
"I noticed. Penny for your thoughts?"
"I can't help feeling guilty that everyone got shot because of me" I muttered as the room went quiet "Maybe if I had stayed away then none of you would have been shot"
"Ellie, Sweetheart. Don't ever think that" Mary knelt in front of me as I brought my knees up "It was that evil man's fault. Not yours"
"He came looking for me. I shouldn't have come back" I turned my head to Meliodas "You wouldn't have almost died if it wasn't for me"
"But you also saved me" Meliodas shuffled slowly towards me. Despite the protests from his Mum. He wrapped his arms around me. Pulling me closer to him "Even if you hadn't of moved back. I would have kept on searching for you"
"We all would have. You are a member of The Seven Deadly Sins. The Gluttony one" Ban patted my head "Besides, Who else is going to put up with this one?" Ban nodded with his chin to Meliodas.
"I never got how Ellie is the Gluttony Sin?" Mary pondered.
"I liked learning and craved gummy bears" I blushed "Nothing has changed really" Meliodas chuckled at me and he kept his arms around me. Ban started chatting to Mary and Bard about it being possible to help with the torturing of assmunch.
"Are you okay?" He mumbled in my ear. I nodded "You sure?"
"As well as it can be expected?" I muttered back.

Ban, Bard and Mary left the room. Something about needing food.
"Did you mean what you said? About wishing you never came back?"
"Do you regret us?" My head shot to face him. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wished he never asked said question.
"God no. I told you, You're my mate, I love you" I poked Meliodas in the chest "The only thing I regret is the fact that you got shot" I fiddled with my necklace.
"Before Ban jumped in front of you, I was about to do the same thing"
"That really doesn't make me feel any better, Instead of resting in hospital. We would have to plan your funeral instead" I rolled my eyes.
"It is not the first time someone has tried to kill me and it won't be the last. Everything would have gone to you"
"That really isn't making me feel any better" I hid my face in Meliodas's good shoulder. He lifted my chin with his pointer finger.
"Maybe this will" Meliodas whispered as he kissed me softly. I swear I tried not to blush. Meliodas pulled away with a smirk on his handsome face "You could not be any cuter when you blush"
"I am not cute" I sulked. Meliodas chuckled.
"Oh, you so are. Especially that little bunny nose thing you do when you get all mad" Meliodas bopped my nose.
I looked around and Doctor Abbot came back in.
"Sorry for intruding but I have received Mr Blackwood's latest test results" Dr Abbot held up a file.
"Okay, Doc. What you got for me?" Meliodas sighed. Doctor Abbot opened the file.
"You are all clear. We were worried that because 4 of your hearts were damaged, you wouldn't make a full recovery but because of your girlfriend's power, You will be fine and will be out in around 2 days"
"Girlfriend?" I looked past the Doctor and Mary was standing in the door frame. Bard and Ban stood behind her. hiding their faces.
"Uh oh," Meliodas mumbled. The Doctor apologized and left the room. Meliodas did thank him "Mum, -" Mary held up her hand as Ban and Bard tiptoed behind her.
"Someone better explain what the hell is going on" Mary raised her voice.
"Mary" Bard put his hand on Mary's shoulder. Mary shook it off As she looked at every single one of us.
"One of you start talking" Mary growled. I stood up. Meliodas muttered something in my ear but I didn't quite catch it. Mary's head shot to me "Talk"
"Mary, First of all, I didn't want to lie to you. Nor did Meliodas, Bard or Ban" I glanced at everyone.
"Lie about what?"
"Me and Meliodas are together. We kept it quiet because we didn't want people to get involved" I explained as Meliodas linked his fingers with mine.
"Together?" Mary looked at us with a sideways glance "Like, Together together?"
"Yeah. Have been since the day you guys came to The Hat" Meliodas nodded "As Ellie said, We wanted to hide it till we were ready to tell"
"Am I the last one to find out?" Mary folded her arms.
"not quite, We still haven't told Zeldris" Meliodas put his finger on his chin. Meliodas then looked his Mum dead in the eyes "Mum, Ellie is my mate. I will be with her whether you like me to be or not" Mary turned to me.
"Do you feel the same way?" Her eyes not giving anything away.
"Yes," I said without hesitation "I love your Son very much" Mary closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"About bloody time! I know you two would get together 10 years ago. And Meliodas" Mary tilted her head at her Son "Of course, I approve. How could I not? You two have been best friends since year dot" Mary went into fan-girl mode.
"And you didn't wanna tell her" Ban whispered in my ear. I elbowed him in the ribs.

3 days later, Meliodas was resting on the sofa. Not that he wanted to. Mary and the Doctor basically ordered him to. It was only for a week but Meliodas is like a child. I was in the middle of making dinner when I heard the door knock.
"I'll get it" Meliodas shouted as he ran to the door. I sighed and walked out of the kitchen.
"You're supposed to be on bed rest" I lent on the door frame. Meliodas opened the door. Ban and Elaine were standing on the porch "Hey you two"
"Hey Sis" Ban grinned as he hugged me. Ban then stared down at Meliodas "Sofa. Now" Ban pointed.
"But I am bored and my hearts have healed" Meliodas folded his arms.
"Listen here shortass. The Doctor and your Mum gave us strict instructions to make you rest. Now Move" Ban bent at the waist.
"Make me" Meliodas stared at him. This is not going to end well.
"Permission sis?" Ban turned his head towards me.
"Just don't break the house" I sighed as I pulled Elaine away from Ban. Ban turned to face Meliodas. He straightened up and in a split second Meliodas was in the front room.
"What did you do to him?" Elaine floated around.
"Slapped him" Ban shrugged "You okay in the Captain?" Ban raised his voice. Meliodas mumbled something "Better rest on the sofa before I break another rib"
"Do you two want dinner?" I rolled my eyes.
"What are you cooking?" Ban creaked his neck.
"BST pasta" I smiled.
"BST?" Ban raised an eyebrow "Isn't it meant to be BLT"
"Neither of us like lettuce but we like Spinach. Want some?" I asked again as Elaine nodded and squealed the squeaky version of yes.
"My woman has spoken. Need help in the kitchen?" Ban walked past me.
"I'm meant to be the host. Get out of my kitchen" I complained. Ban shrugged and started dicing tomatoes.
"I'll go check on Meliodas for ya" Elaine offered. I was about to walk off but Elaine grabbed my hand "Ellie, Can you talk to him? He's been weird all day?" I nodded and she floated off. I walked back into the kitchen.
"Okay, What's wrong?" I poked Ban in the side.
"What's Elaine said to ya?" Ban sighed "Can I add some mushrooms to my mine?"
"Other than you're acting weird. Not that I noticed. I mean you are always weird" I went to the fridge and got Ban the mushrooms "And sure. Just keep it separate. Is Elaine still a vegetarian or will she eat bacon?"
"She will not. I've tried. Even that Tofu Bacon crap. That stuff taste like cardboard" Ban started slicing up mushrooms. He never once looked up at me.
"Ban, Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I just trying to work something out" Ban twirled a knife in his hand. I spin on my heel and washed the Spinach and bacon (Which makes both less likely to shrink in the pan)
"How to propose to Elaine"

- Author's Pov -

Hello to those that read these stories.

I will be on break till the 5th of January so I can spend time with my son. I will still be on here just won't be uploading.

wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

All the best from Jammy and matty :)

see you in 2021

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