Shopping with a heavily pregnant, blood craving Vampire is tiring

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

Me, Diane, Gelda and Elaine decided that we would take a break from the boys Since they were always with us. Zeldris, I can understand. Gelda is due to pop any day now. I was still 1 and half months away.
"My God, I am exhausted" I sat down at the table. Shopping with a heavily pregnant blood-craving Vampire is tiring. Especially when she needs to make god knows how many trips to the loo.
"I need to find a loo. The little lady seems to find it fun using my bladder as a squeeze toy" Gelda groaned as she put her 2 bags down by a table "8th toilet stop of the day and it's only 11"
"Only 11" I quizzed.
"Only" Gelda stretched. She rubbed her belly and said that her back was hurting.
"Yeah that deffo looks like fun" Elaine sighed as she leaned back in her chair.
"You wait till this is you" Gelda complained. Gelda rubbed her back "God, My back. Right, Where is the loo?"
"Over there" I nodded over to the far side of the food court. I knew her pain. My little one was playing hide and seek in my spine. Gelda smiled as she waddles off "Right so what shall we order?" I spoke looking at the menu.
"I want the tomato and basil pasta" Elaine licked her lips. I chuckled as I picked the tomato and spinach pasta dish.
"What do you think Gelda will pick?" Diane skimmed the menu.
"Probably the steak and creamy pasta, Like she does every time but we can wait till she gets here. I don't dare come between her and food" Elaine raised her eyebrows. I felt a shudder run down my spine. I looked around. Something felt off "You okay?"
"I don't know. Something is wrong" I muttered. I stood up and looked around. My eyes fell on the toilets "I'm gonna check on Gelda"
"We'll wait here," Elaine said. I too waddled off.

As I entered the toilets, I scanned the area "Gelda?" I called out. I then heard a yell.
"Ellie!" Gelda shouted from the far cubicle. I rushed over and saw Gelda on the floor. Her trousers were wet "I think the baby is coming"
"Right okay. Let's get you out of here" I replied in my most calming voice.
"It hurts" Gelda cried.
"Wrap one arm around my neck. We need to get you out of here" I instructed as Gelda did as she told "One... Two... Three!" Using what little strength I had, I lifted Gelda off the floor.
"Remind me to never do this again!" Gelda whimpered as we walked to the exit. Gelda tumbled a couple of times "Ahh!" Gelda screamed out.
"Hold my hand. Just squeeze it. I can take it. I'm here" I grabbed Gelda's hand. She smiled.
"Thanks... Ellie" Gelda panted. Beads of sweat dripped down her face "We... Need... To... Call... Zeldris"
"We will on the way to the hospital" I nodded as we exited the toilet "ELAINE! DIANE!"

Between Me and Diane, We got Gelda to the car. She collapsed in the backseat. Elaine threw the bags in the boot. I sat in the back with her and Elaine and Diane drove.
"Siri, Ring Zeldris" I ordered my phone. It went straight to voice mail "No answer"
"He's with guys. Ring one of them!" Diane ordered.
"Ring King" Elaine spoke.
"Do you mean Brother King or My King?" The phone asked.
"My King" Elaine hissed as she blushed "I really need to change that"
"Ringing My King"
"Hey up babe" Ban answered.
"Where's Zeldris?" Elaine shouted as Gelda had another contraction.
"On the loo, why?"
"Gelda is in bloody labour!" I screamed. Gelda screamed as well "It's okay, Gelda. We are 10 minutes away from the hospital"
"Zeldris! GET YOUR FUCKING ARSE DOWN HERE!" Ban shouted. I could hear thumping and thudding.
"What is going on?" I heard him speak.
"Gelda is in labour!" Ban said.
"What happened!" I bellowed over Gelda's screaming.
"Urm, Zeldris fainted" Meliodas replied.
"Oh My Fucking God" I face-planted.
"Ban! Drag his ass to the hospital!" Diane commanded as she put her foot down.
"Already on it. See you there. Love you" Ban spoke as he hung up.
"What are we going to do with him" Elaine mumbled as sighed.
"Ow ow ow ow ow ow!" Gelda huffed.
"You are doing really well Gelda" I patted Gelda's knee "Deep breathes now"
"I am never doing this again!" Gelda grunted.
"We know!" Elaine and I shouted.

"Okay Miss Evans. You are 7cm dilated" The nurse said as Gelda had another contraction "I will be back to check on you in half an hour" The nurse left the room.
"Where's Zeldris?" Gelda panted.
"Still passed out in the hallway. Ban and Meliodas are with him" Elaine looked to the door.
"I am not surprised" Gelda laid down on her pillow.
"Come in!" Elaine shouted as Ban stuck his head in.
"Is it safe? Any babies yet?"
"No, Nothing yet" I sighed as I placed a wet cloth on Gelda's forehead. Ban walked in the room and kissed Elaine "Zeldris still out cold?"
"He did wake up briefly but then a nurse covered in blood ran past us and he just crashed out again. I don't think he is going to be much use" Ban apologized "Captain is out there trying to wake him up"
"Meliodas better not be using food, His cooking is enough to kill someone" Gelda grunted "Oh God. Here comes another contraction" Gelda's face scrunched up. She still had hold of my hand.
"Elaine, Diane, take over. Ban go get drinks for everyone" I spoke. I went to walk off but Gelda grabbed my hand "I'll be back"
"Ellie, Please don't go" She begged.
"Gelda, I will be right back. I'm going to wake Zeldris up" I soothed and I pulled my hand away.

I ran down the hall and I spotted Meliodas. My heart skipped a beat.
"Come on, You stupid bastard" I heard him spit. His face lit up when he spotted me "Oh Hey Baby"
"Hey Baby. No luck then" I smiled as she sat next to me on the floor.
"6 nurses and 3 Doctors couldn't wake him" Meliodas tapped Zeldris's cheek "My arm is killing me! I have been fanning Zel's face for like the last 20 minutes. I don't dare slap him, I could break his jaw"
"Let me try" I leaned down to Zeldris's ear "Your Mum and Dad are here" I looked at Zeldris's face.
"Nope, Nothing" Meliodas ran a hand threw his hair, and I pouted.
"Gelda needs you" I could hear someone running. Zeldris groaned. I tapped my chin.
"Some dude is trying to seduce Gelda" I mumbled. Zeldris's eyes flew open.
"What dude!" He snarled. I fell back into the seat.
"There is no dude, We needed to wake you up" I soothed.
"Ellie!" I heard Elaine call.
"What's wrong?" I responded.
"Gelda needs to push!" Elaine rushed her words.
"Zeldris with me, Meliodas go find a nurse" I grabbed Zeldris's ear and dragged him to the room as Meliodas ran off.
"Hey, Is there anyone available?! My Sister in law is about to pop!" I heard him shout.
"Young Sir. There are newborn babies sleeping. Please keep your voice down!" The head nurse shouted.
"I know that! My sister-in-law is screaming that she needs to push" I pointed up the corridor.
"Which room?" The nurse grabbed her apron.
"345. Gelda Evans"

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