I'm Trying

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- Meliodas's Pov - 4 years ago -

6 years.

6 long ass years since I last saw her. Since I last held her in my arms. I can't even bring myself to say her name, It hurts so bad. I was sitting in my father's car and was driving down south. We were following a lead on her whereabouts. We had an address and everything.
"How long till we get there?" I grumbled. I hated long car rides.
"2 hours. Get your head down. I'll wake you when we get closer" Dad insisted. I nodded and closed my eyes. I wasn't going to argue. I had been up since the crack of dawn. My Dad woke me up as we pulled up to an overrun driveway.

"Son, We are here" Dad shook my shoulder. I jumped awake. Instantly awake. I scrambled in my seat to take the seat belt off "Will you calm down already"
"I can't. I'm too excited to see her again" I squealed.
"Meliodas, You know as well as I do. That this is only a lead. Elizabeth may not be here" Dad put his hand on my shoulder as I slammed the car door shut "Please don't get your hopes up again"
"I know I shouldn't but this is the closest we have ever got to finding her" I stared at the door.

The place was a dump. Weeds were all over the place and beer bottles were in the garden "I will admit this, It does look like no one has been here in a while"
"Let's knock and find out" Dad walked up to the door and knocked 3 times. We soon heard banging around and a tall man with silver hair opened the door.
"Whatever your selling, I ain't buying" He went to shut the door again. Dad put his foot in the way.
"We ain't selling anything. We are looking for a girl about 16 years old. Goes by Elizabeth. Was told she lived here" Dad explained as the old man frowned.
"How do you know Elizabeth?"
"I was her best friend when we were 10. For the past 6 years. I have been trying to find her. Do you know her?" I pushed past my Dad.
"Well of course I do. I'm her father. Was her father" The old man folded his arms. I felt my heart go into my throat.
"Was? Is she....?" I muttered. I couldn't bring myself to say the words.
"No. She isn't dead. I disowned her and kicked her out. Little trollop has gone and gotten herself pregnant. God knows who the dad is" Elizabeth's Dad scoffed.
"Do you know where she went?" Dad questioned.
"Fuck knows. I kicked her out an hour ago. For all I care, She can die on the streets" Elizabeth's Dad shrugged "That girl has been nothing but trouble since she arrived. She ran away from home all the time. She self-harmed. I had her teacher phoning me all the time saying that she was accusing me of beating her ass. As well as other accusations" He ranted. I felt my blood boil as he continued to rant. This man is meant to be her father and yet, Here he is. Public ranting about his own flesh and blood.
"Oh, would you shut up?" I growled. I couldn't bare to listen to him anymore.
"Meliodas. Now ain't the time to get angry" Dad hushed in my ear.
"Mr Liones. Elizabeth is your daughter!" I snarled. Slightly shocked at myself that I actually said her name. I haven't said her name in full for 6 years "You shouldn't be speaking about her like this!"
"Then I shall let you in on a secret. She ain't even my daughter. Her mother had an affair which resulted in Elizabeth. Some dude named Zhivago?" Mr Liones smirked "That's why I did what I did"
"And what was that?" Dad put his hand on my shoulder. Mr Liones lent against the door frame.
"She was just like her Mother. Everything about Elizabeth was Caroline. Her smile. Her eyes. Her scent. Her skin. She tasted so sweet"
"You didn't?" Dad gasped. I soon got what he meant at this point. I needed to remain calm as I didn't want my Demon mark to come out.
"I did. Many times. If she didn't want me to touch her then she shouldn't have developed a body like she did" Mr Liones closed his eyes "I can still picture her breasts bouncing as I fucked her"
"You sick bastard" I growled. I went to punch him but Dad held me back.
"Get over it. Now if you don't mind. I have a long day of doing nothing. I'll bid thee a farewell" Mr Liones replied as he slammed the door in our face. I want to burn his house to the ground.
"Come on Son. We better search the town" Dad dragged me away.
"I wanna beat his ass to the ground" I snarled as I struggled to keep my Demon in check.
"I know. And I do too but there are too many humans around. Demons already get enough bad reputations. Now, We search the town" Dad push me into the car.

"Dad, Do you think he got Ellie pregnant?" I mumbled as I brought my knees up to my chest. We had been searching the streets for an hour now. Not a single person had spotted a girl with silver hair.
"I think Elizabeth lied to get away from him. She told teachers what he was doing and they didn't believe her. Would it bother you if she had a kid?" Dad quizzed me. I looked out the window as we drove away.
"I don't know till I see her. Right now, I wanna jump out of this car, Go back to his house and beat the living crap out of him" I closed my eyes as I leaned my head on the headrest.
"I know. But you getting arrested won't help. I hate having to ring Ban to come to break you out of jail. Speaking of Ban, Did you tell him that his Dad might be Elizabeth's Dad"
"Er, yeah. Apparently, Zhivago fainted. He had no clue about Elizabeth" I chuckled slightly. Up until Elizabeth was taken away, Me and Ban had grown up with Elizabeth. We founded The Sins. Elizabeth was Gluttony as she also craved gummy bears "Dad, I don't know much longer I can do this for. 6 years. I have been trying for 6 years to find her and I don't know if I will ever be able to keep my promise"
"Don't talk like that. You are a Blackwood and we don't give up. We will find Elizabeth and bring her home" Dad stopped the car at a crossing to let a figure wearing a black hoodie cross. They put their thumbs up to say thank you. Their head never looked up as they kept their eyes on the floor.
"Sorry. I'm trying. I really am. It's just tiring" I slouched in my seat.
"I know Son" Dad patted my shoulder "Let's go get food. Then we can search for another hour" Dad insisted as we pulled up to a drive threw. It had started to rain. I stared at the water droplets running down the glass. 

We drove around for another hour. We looked down every alleyway. Checked the homeless shelter. Nothing.
"Son, We have looked everywhere. I think we need to head home" Dad said as we turned onto the road that leads to the riverside. It was still raining and there were only two figures on the road.
"I think you might be right"
"Besides, You have school tomorrow. Your Mother will kill me if you don't get up in time" Dad winced. I looked back at the two figures, I pulled a face as one figure had white wings "What are you looking at?"
"That person has white wings" I pointed with my thumb.
"Must be part of The Goddess realm. They are the only race I know that has white wings" Dad looked back as the figures flew off "Sorry today was a total bust"
"I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Today was the closest we have ever been. But you were right" I looked out the window "I won't give up. I will find her"
"I'll support you in what you do" Dad patted my shoulder. I smiled softly as I continued to look out the window.
"Where are you Elizabeth?"

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