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- Elizabeth's Pov -

"Morning, Mrs Blackwood" Meliodas said sleepily as he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled as felt his fingers in my hair. It was day 5 of their honeymoon. Soft puffs of Meliodas's breath blew down the back of my neck. He sniffed. Okay, maybe he could do without the morning breath.
"Morning Mr Blackwood" I yawned. I tried to wiggle out of his arms.
"And where do you think you are going?"
"I need a wee" I wiggled a little more. I could tell he didn't want to, Meliodas let me go. Slowly, I stood up, the floorboards cool against my toes. I pulled on a shirt from where it was thrown across the floor of their bedroom along with all the other clothes from the night before. Meliodas sat upright and checked his phone. He groaned and flopped back onto the bed. He then rolled his eyes and crossed his arms against his chest "What's got you all huffy?"
"Ban being Ban" He huffed as he walked out into the kitchen. I didn't need to say anything else. I know what my brother is like.

As I finished my wee, The soft sound of Meliodas's humming filled my ears. I followed the sound. He wasn't in the bedroom or the front room.
"I was gone for like 5 minutes. He better not be in the kitchen" I muttered as I entered the kitchen. I then smiled at what I saw in front of me. The radio was on. Meliodas was stood in front of the small stovetop they'd been provided in their rented villa, a bowl of pancake batter curled into one arm and a spatula in the other, facing away from him. I had noticed the string of an apron tied around the back of his bare torso. He only had his joggers on. No shirt. Around him was a mess of eggshells and flour, an open cookbook. I smiled and walked up behind him in what he thought was a quiet manner, My arms wrapping around Meliodas's tiny waist as he flipped a pancake. Meliodas didn't even hesitate before he was melting back against my chest.
"Pancakes?" Meliodas said without looking back, the smile evident in his voice.
"Pancakes? You shouldn't have" I responded as I leaned down and started pressing soft kisses to the curve of his neck. I rested my chin on Meliodas's shoulder, watching as he pulled the pancake off the griddle and poured the batter for another.
"I never said they were for you" He chuckled lightly "But I can share, I suppose"
"Oh really?" I planted his hands on Meliodas's hips and turned him around, a smirk on both our lips. I giggled as I saw the flour caked to Meliodas's cheek. I stuck my finger in the batter and smeared it on Meliodas's nose.
"I swear you like a 5-year-old sometimes" Meliodas rolled his eyes, not quite able to hold back the smile that peeked through. I didn't respond, just ran the palms of his hands over Meliodas's black apron, tracing the pattern printed on the front. Which had more flour on him than in the bag.
"I think the purpose of that apron is to keep from getting anything on your clothes... Of which you seem to be wearing very little. Not that I'm complaining" Elizabeth shrugged.
"I thought it was a nice touch" Meliodas grinned, Sticking his finger in the pancake batter and licking it off.
"That's gross" I commented, staring at Meliodas's finger which he pulled out of his mouth with a tiny pop. Meliodas smiled, the batter still on the tip of his nose. I was tempted to lick it off. "You're gross" He teased. I let out a small laugh before leaning in and kissing him softly. The kiss deepened as my hands wrapped around Meliodas's back again, My fingers splaying on his skin. Meliodas made a tiny noise in the back of his throat.
"Maybe not near the stove" Meliodas moved us over to the other counter, lifting me up onto the counter, and moving a few miscellaneous items out of the way. My legs wrapped around his waist, his fingers twisting in my hair, probably covering it in batter and flour. Meliodas's lips trailed down to my neck, kissing over the marks he had left the night previous and leaving a new one "I don't... want the pancakes to burn" Meliodas said breathily as he pulled away. His lips still lingering. I sniffed a little, a burning smell hitting my nose.
"Too late," I said as I pointed to the stovetop. Meliodas turned around to see a shrivelled-up piece of black char sitting in the pan.
"No, no, no, no!" He exclaimed. His face drooped and he looked back over at me "This is your fault"
"It's one pancake, Babe. It's not the end of the world" I told him, smiling encouragingly. Meliodas's frown just deepened and he glared back at me. I would have to admit that I felt slightly guilty.
"I'm throwing you out of the kitchen," He said, pointing a finger menacingly. I gave him my best puppy dog eyes, but agreed, nodding slowly. Meliodas went back to cooking, prying the ashen remains of the last pancake from the griddle and pouring on the new batter. I stood off to the side for a moment, just watching before I positioned myself behind Meliodas's back again, sliding my hands under his apron at the front "Ellie?"
"Yeah?" I kept my voice as innocent as I could.
"Out of the kitchen," Meliodas said, his voice stern. I couldn't believe it. Meliodas was kicking me out of the kitchen!
"I'm not doing anything wrong!" I argued, tracing patterns on Meliodas's bare stomach "I just want to be close to you. Is that so bad?" Meliodas sighed quietly, as though in surrender and relaxed even more into the embrace, flipping an almost perfectly golden pancake. He still had a lot of batter left.
"Why don't we just go out to eat? We can get tea and scones and shit and you can make your pancakes tomorrow. We'll just put the batter in the -" Meliodas whipped around before I could even finish my sentence. I gulped as he pointed his spatula at me and glared.
"Ellie, You are eating these flaming pancakes if it's the last thing I do. So get your bubble butt out of here and come back in ten minutes when they are ready" He turned back around, going back to work as if nothing had happened.

I blinked at him for a second, before turning on my heel and heading out of the room. I sat in the front room until Meliodas was calling me back into the kitchen. The table was set up nicely with two place settings and mugs of tea. I smiled at Meliodas, his eyes bright. We sat down, Meliodas stripping off the apron, leaving himself in his joggers. The pancakes really were amazing, not burnt at all. I was glad to see that Meliodas didn't seem to be in a bad mood. They finished eating and I watched curiously, as Meliodas stood up and walked over to me. It didn't quite surprise him when Meliodas pulled his chair out and sat on my lap. smiling at me and resting his elbows on his shoulders.
"Okay, now you can do whatever you want, baby" I laughed and held Meliodas's hips loosely, tilting my head up to kiss his lips "I love you" he murmured.
"I know," I said, pulling back with a smirk. Meliodas raised an eyebrow. I still can not believe that I could have ever gotten this lucky "I love you too"

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