The Crowning Of A King And A Queen

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- Meliodas's Pov - 3 years later -

Today was my coronation day. I wasn't sure why but I was extremely nervous. I have been in plenty of nerve-fraying situations far more twitchy than this. For example, The day I had to ask Ban and Zhivago permission to ask for Ellie's hand. I don't remember much of that day (Mainly because I was blackout drunk. I blame Ban for that) The day I proposed to Ellie had been nerve-wracking to one degree or another. I was a nervous wreck on our wedding day. I was a complete basket case the day Tristan was born. When Zeldris got married, I had to give the best man speech. God knows what I am going to be like the day Tristan starts school in 4 months.

My coronation was going to be at Demon's Abbey. I always thought that to be a very modest name for what was essentially a small cathedral that was full of people. It was packed wall-to-wall. In fact, there seemed to be more people than there at my wedding and that was saying something. At the front of the hall, sat the Royal thrones. All around the hall, Was The Royal Demon mark sewn onto them. Of course, I had broken with tradition. I made my own banner. It was a Demon's eye with a white triskle. I told everyone that it was to symbolize a new treaty between the Goddesses and The Demons. When really I wanted to piss off the Demon Council (More stuck up than The Goddess's Masters). After today, I plan on removing 100% of the Council and adding Members I trust. We all know who that will be. A trumpet brought my mind back to the present. I stuck my head through the curtain. Enough to spy on them but not enough to get caught.
"All rise for their Royal Highness, King and Queen of Ravens!" Bellowed the Herald. Everyone stood and bowed as my Mum and Dad processed to the front of the room. Mum turned and seated herself upon the Queen's throne. Dad remained standing.
"Could everyone please be seated?" Everyone sat.
"Here we go. Is it too late to change my mind?" I muttered as I looked down the hall and saw that Ellie was waiting at the front. Along with a 4-year-old Tristan, Ban, Ban's 2-year-old Son Lancelot, Zhivago, Diane, Elaine and King. Zeldris stood with Gelda and 4 years Zelda by his side. Estarossa was close by with Adam (Yeah, He spilt with that girl he was seeing) He was trying to avoid the Goddess party that had turned up (Even if it was only Mael and Ludociel). What can I say? Dad made me invite them, Something about showing good faith to them. There was also some scrawny ginger hair kid. Think Mum told me his name was Arthur Pendragon? Came from a Kingdom called Camelot? Fuck knows. I spotted Merlin at the back and she had two other guys with her, The walking Solar Panel, Escanor Castellio (He has a Goddess Grace. Sunshine? I don't know, Ask Merlin about him. All I know is that the man is a tank in the day and when night time comes around, Tristan has more strength then him) and her half Brother, Gowther O'Malley.

A trumpet sounded again. Snapping my thoughts back to reality. I gripped the curtains that lead out front. I tried to steady my breathing.
"I, King Bard Blackwood, Invite Crown Prince Meliodas to come before us" Everyone again rose and bowed as I processed to the front of the room. I bowed before my parents, Mother had risen to her feet and was now standing proudly next to Dad.
"Are you ready my Son?" Mum held both my hands. I took a deep breath and nodded once "Meli" I glared at Mum. She promised that she would stop calling me that "And no, I won't stop calling you that, even when we're walking the streets of gold. I wish I could say your whole life has been leading up to this moment. Perhaps that's still true in more ways than your father and I always thought"
"It's true my boy" Dad put his hands in front of him "I have grown old and weary, just as you have grown up, Strong and true to who you are. I find it fitting that the Crown of The Demons pass directly from my head to yours with my own hands" Dad reached up and lifted the Crown from his head and held it over mine "Do you, Meliodas Blackwood, Crown Prince of Ravens, swear, by hand and mouth, to serve and protect the Kingdom and populace of The Demon Realm to the utmost of your power, to govern its people according to Our laws and customs, to uphold the ideals of Chivalry, to cause Law and Justice, with Mercy, to be executed in all Your judgments, and to set an example of honour to all, so long as you remain King of these lands?"
"Until the world ends, or the sun falls from the sky or until death takes me so swear I, Meliodas Blackwood"
"Then receive the Crown, being ever mindful that its weight reflects the weight of the responsibilities you have just sworn to undertake. It pleases me, Bard Blackwood, to crown you... Meliodas Blackwood, King Of The Demon Realm!" Dad lowered the crown onto my head as applause filled the room.
"Long live King Meliodas!" shouted the Herald.
"Long live King Meliodas!" echoed all those in attendance.
"Long live the shorty!" I heard Ban sing. He is such a goon.

I lost my fight to control the tears and just let a couple of tears fall. I saw that Mum and Dad did as well. Mum stepped aside to allow me to take my place before what was now my throne. I turned to Mum and Dad and they smiled. They knew what I was about to do. As did Ellie.
"People of The Demon Realm and honoured guests" I began. I've been working on this speech for the past 3 weeks "As many of you know, many of our laws are... a bit loose. We have for generations tried to avoid over-complicating things. There is one tradition, one custom, followed by most of our cousins. It is one pertaining to the claim to the throne" I smiled at Ellie "As you know, My dear wife and I have been doing just about everything side-by-side, acting as co-equals even before I knew about my own identity as a royal. I see no reason why that should not continue in name as well" As costumed I asked the herald to call Ellie upfront.
"Lady Elizabeth, Come now and present yourself before his Majesty!" bellowed the Herald. Elizabeth sat there, stunned. I think she thought I would do this behind closed doors. I tilted my head and raised my eyebrows at her.
"That's you! Get your butt up here!" I did a little finger wiggle. Elizabeth stood to her feet amid more applause and approached me. I had taken the Crown of my Mum.
"You're going to pay for this," She said quietly. I just grinned and held the crown over my Wife's head.
"Do you, Lady Elizabeth. Swear, by hand and mouth, to serve and protect the Kingdom and populace of The Demon Realm, to the utmost of your power, to govern its people according to Our laws and customs, to uphold the ideals of Chivalry, to cause Law and Justice, with Mercy, to be executed in all Your judgments, and to set an example of honour to all, so long as I remain you remain Queen of The Demons?" Elizabeth exhaled. How the fuck I remembered any of that is beyond me. Used to take me 3 weeks to remember The Tavern's monthly specials.
"Until the world ends, or the sun falls from the sky or until death takes me so swear I, Elizabeth Blackwood"
"Then receive the Crown, being ever mindful that its weight reflects the weight of the responsibilities you have just sworn to undertake. It pleases me, Meliodas, King Of The Demons, to crown you Queen Elizabeth Blackwood!" I lowered the crown onto Elizabeth's head as applause filled the room.
"Long live Queen Elizabeth!" Bellowed the Herald.
"Long live King Meliodas" Repeated the assembly.
"Long live my Sister and the Royal short ass!" Ban yelled. He had a grin on his face. I'll kill him later. I turned to him and looked down at him. He just stuck his tongue out. I rolled my eyes at him as Ellie took her place by my side.

The party that followed the crowning crap was in full swing. Ban was on strict instructions not to get too drunk (He could get as wasted as much as he wanted, Once the other Royal families and all the kids had left) I glanced around the room and spotted my Goddess. She was in her own little world, Swaying along to some slow song that had come on. I walked through the crowd till I was standing near her. My arms folded as I watched her dance. When the song had stopped, Ellie started blushing.
"I.." She began but I gently placed a finger against her lips.
"May I have this dance?" I wrapped one arm around her waist and took one of her hands with the other. We began twisting and turning as the music began. We both continued to look into the eyes of the other, never breaking our gaze. The music finished once again, but we were too busy enjoying ourselves to care. We were in our own little bubble, Our own little fantasy within each other's hold. I now had both of my arms around Ellie's waist, Our heads resting against each other, still holding our gaze. My hand came to rest upon her cheeks, and I smiled, causing Ellie to smile as well. I stood on tiptoes and kissed my Lady. Loads of people cheered "Okay, I forgot people were here" I muttered.
"Such a sausage" Some fast song came on and me and Ellie left the dance floor "I wonder if we can sneak off" I whispered in her ear. I grabbed her hand and we snuck away. I grinned as I took her soft hand in mine and began pulling her towards the doors that led to the garden.

Once we were in the garden, I picked Ellie up in a bridal carry and flew us both to the roof.
"Don't look till I tell you" I ordered. Ellie hid her face in my shoulder.
"Why are we going?" Ellie whispered. I just smiled.
"Just wait" I looked up and smiled. Stars began to appear in the darkening night sky. I gently place Ellie on the flat part of the roof "You can look now"
"Oh my god. How did you find this?" Ellie's face lit up. We were on the top of the tallest tower in the castle. We could see for miles.
"The day you were taken away from me, I found this spot. I knew you would love this so I never told anyone. I never showed it to anyone" I smiled, running a hand through Ellie's silver hair "You know, I didn't think I could fall more and more in love with you" I smiled and leaned up towards her, kissing her lips softly.
"I love you more"
"Not possible" I pulled Ellie closer to me. I smashed my lips onto hers. After a minute, We pulled apart as we need air "Damn lungs" I muttered.
"You know you were kissing me like you did when we were on top of the pyramid" Ellie bite her lip.
"We broke one law that night. Wanna break it again?" I put my hand on Ellie's cheek.
"Now" I nodded in agreement. Ellie paused to think for a moment before pulling me closer.
"In that case. Take me, My King"

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