Honeymoon Time

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- Meliodas's Pov - 4 days after the wedding -

"Come on, Meliodas, you must be the only person in the world who found a way to be cranky on his honeymoon in Hawaii"
"I have nothing against the city, the city is beautiful. I have had a problem with being up and walking since the crack of dawn with my Wife, Who is as hyper as Tigger on crack. I'm exhausted, that is my problem, and it's only half two in the afternoon" I waved my hands. They were flying around so much that I nearly hit someone in the face.
"I just wanna see everything. I've never been here" Ellie pouted.
"And don't get me started on the people here. What is wrong with them? Why do I hate most of them, huh? Why are so many people wearing sweatpants without looking like they're going to the gym? Even in London, they have more class, I am not kidding you. And I know even if I don't speak a word of this place, that they were making fun of me" I ranted. I need a nap.
"You need a nap" Ellie puts her hand in front of me, trying to calm me. I swear she can read minds "Come on. Back to the hotel"
"Finally!" I replied "Once we get to the room, I am taking off this oversize fucking Hawaiian shirt. Who even gave me this?"
"It's a wedding gift from Fat King!" Ellie cries in outrage "I want you to wear it in one of the pictures. You know, spreading the love and stuff" She wrapped her arms around my neck. Smiling brightly at me. She grinned.
"You better spread the love in my pants, I'm telling you" I muttered. I don't think Ellie heard as she didn't blush "So, where are you taking me, you giant marshmallow?"
"Back to the hotel, They called like an hour ago to tell us that our sea villa was ready. Internet set up and everything. Know anything about that?"
"Oh yeah. Forgot to tell you that I changed it. I didn't like the room and this way. No one can barge in on us" I rubbed the back of my head "You don't have any ulterior motive to go back to the room, Do you?"
"No. None at all" Ellie looked away.
"You really are the worst lair ever" I pulled Ellie to my side "You wanna go and ring Tristan don't you?"
"Well yeah. I know your Mum said we don't have to but I miss my boy" Ellie skipped alongside me.
"Come on. Before you drag me to the nearest museum" I rolled my eyes.

"See? I told you we were coming back here" Ellie says with her perfect voice. She was pointing to a villa where our room had a view overlooking a grass field where hundreds of people are playing football, rugby and various sports, enjoying the sunny and warm Sunday afternoon. They seem oblivious to the beautiful scenery the old buildings around provide. A light breeze comes from the sea, little birds whirl high in the crystal blue sky, their chirping resonating in the air "Though, I wasn't aware that you changed it" But I wasn't really paying attention anymore, as I was observing a group of people playing football on the field "How much do you wanna go join in with them?"
"I don't know what you are talking about" I muttered, grinning fondly at him as he gazes at the ball, eyes sparkling. I was beside myself when the ball rolled toward us, after the failed attempt at a spectacular catch by one of the players. It gave me an excuse to pick it up and toss it in a flawless throw. Ellie rolled her eyes and walked up the path to the villa. She waited at the door for me.
"Thanks!" It lands perfectly in the guy's hands, who gives me a thumb up and "Dude, You're welcome to play with us every Sunday"
"Wish I could mate, But I'm here on my honeymoon and leave on Sunday" I duck my head. I wave at the players before taking Ellie's hand, to continue our walk toward the hotel.

"I swear, Babe, you're just an oversize puppy. You had exactly the same look as when Tristan when he saw a squishy ball. If you had a tail, It would have wagged like crazy" Ellie sighed as we walked into the room.
"Don't worry, Ellie, you're the only one who can make my tail wag" I replied with a wolfish grin, squeezing my wife's butt.
"Down boy. Save it for later" Ellie swatted me away "Since you are being a puppy, I guess I need to feed you. What do you fancy eating?"
"I have no idea" Ellie rolled her eyes at me and she flopped on the bed. I shut all the doors and curtains "I would also like to remind the class that it was supposed to be your part of the trip to plan. I choose Hawaii, where you will be able to surf, for a change, and do all the crazy stuff you like to do before normal people will even think of opening an eye, heck, at a time at which a lot of people are just getting in bed!"
"You didn't plan a single thing!" Ellie tried to bolt upwards but I pinned her to the bed.
"That's what makes the beauty of it! My plan was to stay in bed with my hyper-as-hell wife, doing filthy, filthy things to her until like, I don't know, noon" I listed "Then go to brunch with tons of croissants and tea, and maybe, after that, contented and full, I would have been up for a trip to a museum or out for a walk somewhere. Other days, we would have been up a little bit earlier to go to lunch in a delicious restaurant, and then back to the hotel for a 'nap'" I finished, wiggling my eyebrows at Ellie, who rolls her eyes.
"Why am I not surprised that's what you wanted to plan"
"Are you missing the point, here? My plan was food and hot sex. Tons, and tons of each" I declared, looking at Ellie straight in the eyes, so close that we were breathing the same air. The Goddess gulps visibly, the tip of her ears reddening. I won this round.
"Ro... hum... room service then?"
"YES!" I cried out, throwing my arms in the air "Finally"
"First, I'm calling our boy" Ellie insisted as I rolled away. She jumped off the bed and walked over to the laptop "You can order off the menu"

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