Care to explain what I just saw?

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- Meliodas's Pov -

I opened my eyes and I was no longer at The Boar hat. I slowly sat up and look around. I was in rocky terrain. And it kinda smelled. It was also clean. I looked down at my body. There should have been bullet holes but it was clear. All that remained were the scars.
"Where the fuck am I?" I climbed to my feet. I wobbled at first but I used a rock to steady myself "Why am I here?"
"You wanted to Ride a Llama to Neverland" A dark voice responded. I clenched my fists "You're in Limbo"
"Why am I here?" I screamed, "Whoever is out there, Show yourself!"
"Oh my. You really are a dense one ain't you" The voice sounded closer "You are in Limbo because you got shot and very close to death"
"I still have 3 out 7 hearts beating and I am pretty sure my girlfriend is healing me"
"Trying too. Her emotions are blocking her full power" I could see a shadow moving around.
"Who are you?" I frowned. The shadow sighed as he took a step into the light. My eyes grew wide. Stood in front of me. Was me. Well, I saw me. He looked like me but he was wearing this white sleeveless trench coat with light blue trimmings. There were silver 4 pointed stars down the front
"I am you. I am your inner Demon" The Demon folded his arms. Great. I gotta deal with this guy.
"You look like an idiot. What outfit is this?" I eyed the Demon up and down.
"This was my outfit from the First Holy war 6000 years ago. It's the attire of a Royal General" The Demon held his arms out to the side "Now, Shall we talk a walk? To The Ravens District" The Demon walked off. I followed him. I looked around the place and was confused.
"This ain't Ravens. Ravens is a hole. This place is clean" I ran a finger along a wall.
"This Ravens from the Holy war. Before...." The Demon trialled off. He stood against a fence. That blocked a cliff.
"Before?" I stood next to him. I looked at the horizon and saw a gleaming City.
"I betrayed the Demon Race" The Demon gazed upon The City "The place was destroyed because I fell in love with The Supreme Deity's Daughter. Something we both have in common. I can sense everything about her. Your Elizabeth is the same as mine. Same face. Same hair. Same smell. Same everything"
"So you're the original Meliodas. The one I am named after?" I stared in awe. This guy was a legend among my race. Dad named me after him, In hopes, I would live up to it.
"It would seem it. I could tell you the story but you don't have long here. Elizabeth is healing you but that tall one. Ban, The immortal is prepping a cup of blood for you to drink. Once the Rivers run red. You will be returned to your body. In the meantime. I will tell you what you want to know as best as I can"
"You ain't what the stories say. You don't seem at all ruthless and cold-hearted" I crossed my arms.
"That's what happens when you fall in love" The Demon smiled softly.
"How do I look like you?"
"I am your soul. The first of your bloodline. I didn't have a Mother as my Father created me and my Brother in his image"
"Are you still cursed?" I lent on the rails.
"No. It took 3000 years to break it but I broke it" The Demon beamed.
"Why did The Demon King and Supreme Deity curse you in the first place"
"Father hated Goddesses and cursed me for taking the hand of one and betraying The Demons and The Supreme Deity cursed The Goddess Elizabeth for accepting my proposal and saving a few Members of The 10 Commandments"
"So all the Stories were true?" I stuck my bottom lip out and nodded.
"From a certain point of view. If you cared for the Stories, You wouldn't have become friends with other races and fallen for a Goddess" The Demon glared at me.
"They ain't all bad. I found a pretty good bunch" I smiled.
"Like you and Elizabeth, They are all reincarnations of their first life" Demon me explained. I found this oddly cool.
"Is this why we are all good friends? Because we were friends like 3000 years ago?"
"More or less" The Demon shrugged "Does The Fairy King and Ban still argue?"
"Like cats and dogs. Did Ban from your time do the same thing?"
"Pretty much. Mainly because Ban was a windup merchant and do anything he could to piss King off. Even after he lost his immortality"
"Ban can lose it?"
"Yes. He has a power called steal but he can also gift. He doesn't need to keep cutting his hand. It can only be unlocked while he was in Purgatory"
"That sounds oddly cool but weird" I scrunched my face up.
"It was used to piss off The Demon King. He has a power called ruler. Basically turns all powers into opposites. He can turn it on and off when he wants"
"My Dad can't do that. At least, I have never seen him do it" I admitted. I looked around the place. I still don't get how this town is so clean "How did Ravens go from this to looking like a hole?"
"I returned home to find two Commandments waiting for me. Aranak and Zeno. Commandments of Patience and Repose. They found out about my affair with The Goddess and said that once they kill me, They would kill Elizabeth. Ravens got caught in the wreckage"
"You snapped and killed them didn't you?" I looked at The Demon as he continued to stare at the gleaming city.
"Yes. I would do it again in a heartbeat. All 7. It was at that moment, I knew Father knew about us and I flew to help Stigma. Never looked back"
"Did you ever want to go back to The Demons?"
"Only to retrieve my Brother. The original Zeldris. He refused of course but he had his own bullshit to deal with"
"The Vampire Princess. The story is well known. Did you and Goddess Elizabeth ever have Kids?" I questioned The Demon. His head lowered as his hair covered his eyes "You did, Didn't you?"
"Almost. The night that The Demon King and Supreme Deity killed us. Elizabeth found out that she was with our child. In the middle of our happy moment, Our Parents turned up. They were disgusted with our behaviour and the rest is history. I had one with Princess Elizabeth. A young boy called Tristan" Demon placed his head on his forearms.
"As in Tristan and Isolde?"
"The very same" Demon smiled "I wouldn't of minded being a Father again. I would have liked another Son. I could have taught him to hunt and fight. But I would have liked a Daughter also. I would have taught her the same things as the boy but I wouldn't have minded a Daddy's girls"
"The stories about you are wrong but right. You may have been a ruthless killer but you are a family man at heart. You were a good man" I patted The Demon's shoulder. He smiled at me. He then looked at the fountain. It was red. I started to feel wobbly. I fell to the floor "I feel weak"
"It's started. Call on me when you need to lose your temper. Sin Of Wrath. Be safe" The Demon insisted as I closed my eyes.

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