Should I Tell Her?

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- Meliodas's Pov -

Why did I say she could sleep with me!!!!!!!!!! I am an idiot! How the hell am I going to cope! Her smell drives my inner Demon crazy and if the others see us in the same bed. We will never be the same again!!!
"Sleep in the same bed as you?" Ellie blushed.
"We used to do it as kids, I don't see why not? It's gotta be better than sleeping on the floor" I put on a poker face. I wasn't about to let this girl see me in a complete mess. And that I wanted to be in the same room as her.
"Yeah but that was 10 years ago" Ellie folded her arms.
"Then, I'll sleep on the floor and you take the bed" I folded my arms. Still not moving from my spot.
"Will you two shut up, I'm trying to sleep" Ban grumbled. Our heads spun around "Ellie can sleep in the bed and Captain, You can sleep on the sofa"
"That's the way to go" I jumped up and flicked King and Diane on their foreheads "WAKEY WAKEY!"
"Bugger off. Sleeping" Diane groaned as she buried her head into the pillow.
"Peaches" King dreamed. I don't wanna know what he is dreaming of. I ripped the pillow from under their heads. Both crashed to the ground.
"HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE PLAYING AT!" Diane and King screamed. I heard Ellie giggle behind me. It was like listening to wind chimes.
"We go through with this crap every single week. You two have an easy job. King can make this thing float. Now Bed" I pointed to the stairs after throwing King his pillow. He and Diane climbed back on it and off they went. Ban had Elaine in his arms as he trotted off. I stretched and turned back to Ellie "Come on. I'll show you where the room is"
"I didn't know you were strict" Ellie rubbed her eyes.
"Have to be. If not. They would all sleep down here and complain their backs are bust from the hard floor" I shrugged as we walked upstairs.

"Besides, I need to make sure the place is tidy before Dad and that turn up tomorrow"
"Are you going to be there?" Ellie asked as I turned to face her.
"If you want me there. Zhivago is going to be there too so Ban won't wander very far" I tilted my head.
"I would like you there" Ellie hugged herself "Both of you"
"Then I will be there" Ban stuck his head out the door. Causing me and Ellie to jump "Sorry"
"Prick" I put my hand over my chest and tried to steady my breathing.
"Ban, You made us jump" Ellie sighed as she shook her head.
"Sorry. Anyway, What time are Bard and Dad turning up?" Ban lent against the door.
"Around Lunchtime" I stared at Ellie out of the corner of my eye. She was still hugging herself.
"Send the Fairies and Diane on a supply run. Get them out of the way" Ban looked over his shoulder at the sleeping blonde.
"Do they not know about Zhivago?" Ellie whispered. Ban put his hand on Ellie's shoulder.
"No. I didn't think it was my place. I thought it best to tell them when we have more info"
"You mean when it gets confirmed if we are brother and sister?" Ellie looked away.
"Pretty much. Even if comes back that you ain't my sister. Might not be blood-related but you were always my family. You always will be my little sister" Ban insisted as he pulled Ellie into a hug "Now. Get to bed"
"Yeah, Yeah. Whatever Bro" Ellie rolled her eyes as she made a W with her fingers. I chuckled as we walked off. I showed Ellie the room.
"I feel bad about you sleeping on the sofa" Ellie placed her hand on the door frame. I leaned on the wall next to it.
"I'll be alright. Won't be the first time that I have slept on the sofa. Better do as Ban says and go to bed" I pulled Ellie into a hug. It lasted more than a few seconds before we let go.
"I will. See you in the morning. Goodnight Meliodas" Ellie did a small smile as she closed the door.
"Goodnight Ellie" I lent my head on the wall behind me. I could mentally slap myself.
"We need to talk" A voice called out. I looked up and saw Ban at the top of the stairs. He did a finger wiggle and told me to follow.

We went back down to the Tavern and sat at the Bar. I flopped my forehead onto the wood. And Proceeded to bang it.
"I feel like such an idiot" I spoke with each bang.
"You're in love. Have a beer" Ban handed me a beer "You need to tell her"
"How can I tell her?!" I shouted in a whisper "What if she doesn't feel the same about me? What if I tell her and it goes wrong, I would ruin our friendship"
"You will never know unless you say something" Ban sipped his drink.
"I can't. I would rather suffer in silence or whine about it to you"
"I don't believe for a minute it is because you don't wanna get shot down. What's the real reason? Is it because she is my sister?"
"No. Course not" I took a swig of ale. This wasn't a complete lie but Ban can be pretty scary. Ellie is his little sister. I don't wanna get my arse kicked if it went tits up.
"Because she is a Goddess and you are a Demon?" Ban replied. I couldn't even look him in the eye "Yeah. You are an idiot"
"I'm not supposed to be in love with a Goddess. We are supposed to be enemies" I hopped off my stool and paced up and down "I know our Mums were best friends but My feelings for her, Questions everything history has taught us"
"You need to talk to her. If you don't tell her soon then I will" Ban folded his arms as he glared at me.
"You wouldn't dare" I frowned at my best friend "What am I saying? Of course, he would"
"You have till the end of the month. I'll leave you with that thought. Goodnight" Ban stood up, patted my shoulder and walked back upstairs. I looked at the beanbags and stuff.
"Night Ban" I waved bye "May as well tidy up" I muttered aloud. As I packed everything up, I started to think to myself "Was he right? Should I tell her how I feel?"

I must have fallen asleep at the bar as I woke to find Ellie shaking my shoulder. Thank God, Yesterday wasn't a dream!
"Hey, sleepyhead? Been down here all night?" Ellie sat next to me. She still looked as beautiful as she did yesterday. Granted she is wearing yesterday's clothes but still.
"Yeah. I couldn't sleep so I thought I would make a start on tidying up" I waved my hands at the Tavern.
"A start? It's spotless" Ellie looked around.
"I guess it is. What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes. I searched my pockets and my phone was dead "Ah bollocks"
"It's half 8. I'm heading home to get changed. I've texted everyone and told them I'm off so they don't feel bad about sleeping in" Ellie smiled.
"I'll walk you. I can then fly home to get changed myself. Why don't we meet up in about half an hour in town so we can get some breakfast?" I held my arm out for Ellie to take. Which she did.
"That sounds great"

I quickly flew home, Threw my phone on charge and got changed. I changed my underwear and socks, Kept my black jeans on and picked out a plain tight black t-shirt. My phone started ringing. I took a peek at the screen. It was Zeldris.
"What do you want?"
"Why didn't you tell me Ellie was back?" Zeldris snapped.
"Well, Hello to you too little bro. I see Dad told you" I put him on speaker as I potted around my room.
"Oh, it wasn't him that told me. I saw Diane's Facebook post this morning. There's a load of photos on there and everything. It's already got over 100 likes" Zeldris complained "Is this why Dad want me and Gelda to come to the bar with him"
"Pretty much. I didn't think he was going to make Gelda come along" I rubbed the back of my head.
"Gelda wanted to come to meet the girl that wooed you"
"She didn't woo me" I scrunched my nose up. I was blushing as well. Thank god this wasn't a video call.
"You've spent the 10 years looking for her"
"She is my best friend. What else was I supposed to do? I didn't want her to go" I exclaimed.
"Because you love her" Zeldris teased.
"I don't know what you are talking about?"
"Lies. Ban told me everything"
"Fucking bastard" I grabbed my hair in frustration, "You say one word to Ellie and I will rip you a new one"
"I won't. Anyway. Do you know where Dad said to meet? Was it the Bar or the Diner" Zeldris laughed aloud.
"The Bar. Lunchtime. I need to go. Meeting Ellie for breakfast and no you can't come" I spoke.
"Wouldn't dream of it. Catch ya in a bit" Zeldris hung up the phone and I saw that I had a text from Ban and Diane.
UnDeadBan: I'm at Ellie's wiv Oldfart. Diane and Elaine. We are going to start moving everything to yours. And I mean everything. You didn't say what not to bring other then the kitchen appliances. How are they already awake and there? Everyone was asleep when Me and Ellie left.
GiantBitch: I tink Ellie has a crush on u. I wre bing me + I wre talking bout u 2 cuddling last nite. + she wre blusing like mad. Her hand nver left her necklace. I thought Diane was asleep when I was hugging Ellie. How the hell did she know? I will admit that Diane's text did slightly give me hope but I pushed the thought to the back of my mind.

I flew back to Ellie's. I would drive but flying is so much faster. I somewhat landed gracefully (Meaning I crashed into a tree) and saw that the front window had been popped out. Ban and Diane were throwing things out of the window and King was catching them with his pillow/bear.
"Will you please let me help?" I heard Ellie beg. I wonder who she is talking to.
"No. Go sit and wait for your breakfast date with the Captain!" Diane bossed.
"It's not a date!" Ellie stormed out the door and sat under the tree I was in.
"I wish it was. She's cute when she is all flustered" I started to think. She was grumbling about something, I did stare at her way too long. She was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, A black vest top, Black flats and a black thin cardigan that had some funky geometric pattern on it. Her silver hair was still in a ponytail. I could and would gaze at her forever. I climbed down the tree and sat next to Ellie.
"Hey, Ready for breakfast?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah since I can't help out here. Where are we heading?" Ellie climb to her feet and held her hand out for me to grab. I stared at it "Need a hand up?"
"I'm good. We are heading to Cafe Latte. It does the most amazing breakfasts in town" I did a happy dance as we walked off.
"WHAT ABOUT MY BREAKFAST!" Ban shouted out the window.
"Open The Boar Hat for breakfast and I will change my mind. Till then shut up and get back to work" I spun round to walk backwards. Ellie giggled again. This woman is going to break me. Honestly, I would be down for that.

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