Depression can be a right beep

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- Meliodas's Pov - Time skip 3 months -

It was midnight. No matter what I did, I couldn't get back to sleep. Even though I heard Ellie shuffling around downstairs. I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling. Ellie had stopped coming to bed with me. She would wait till I was fast on before climbing into bed. I tried asking the others why they thought Ellie was being like this. Not one of them knew. I knew at that moment, There was something on her mind. Something that she wasn't going to tell me unless I pushed the matter.

Another hour passed, and I decided to try and talk to her. It was a little cold as it was winter. I shivered as I slipped out from under the covers. The wooden flooring beneath her bare feet seemed to leech the warmth from her body. Suddenly I wished that we had laid the carpet in the bedroom. I walked silently down the stairs and into the front room.
"Ellie?" I whispered. I looked around the room, Even though Ellie didn't reply, I could clearly see her huddled up on the corner sofa "Ellie?" I said timidly, a little louder this time. I thought I could hear a muffled whimper of something that sounded a bit like Ellie telling me to go away, I took a deep breath, and walked cautiously to her side. Ellie seemed to twitch as she sat down beside him.
"Please, leave me alone," Ellie said.
"Have I done something wrong, again?" I asked, ignoring her request. Ellie took her hands off her face and looked up at me. Her eyes were glowing bright orange. From the streaks on her face, she could tell she had been crying.
"No... W-why would you think that?" Ellie mumbled sadly.
"Because you've stopped wanting to spend time with me. Or sleep in the same bed as me" Ellie covered her face with her hands again and rolled over so she was facing away from me. Then she began to sob quietly, which was strange as she rarely made any noise on the odd occasion that she did cry. I was not sure what to do. I observed her for a while but began to get worried when she wouldn't stop. I really wanted her to, I wanted to reach out and make everything better and it hurt not being able to; but how could I when I didn't even know what was wrong? I carefully set myself down beside Ellie and tried to touch her shoulder, but she shoved my hand away and curled into an even tighter ball. On the verge of crying myself, I asked "What's wrong?" Ellie shot up into a sitting position so fast that I almost fell off the sofa in shock.
"I am! I'm the problem! What even am I? A monster? An abomination?" She sobbed and screamed, hitting the sofa with both her hands. This gave her enough force to crack it. Her Goddess's power mixed with a beast's blood gave her amplified strength. Ban and Zhivago said this would happen at some point. It's like their mating season. Only instead of sex, It's self-loathing. They said it will last a while. I opened my mouth to say something but Ellie wasn't done yet "Every fucking day I have to fight myself, I have to stop myself from hurting you, hurting our friends. I hear the Call in my head. Every. Single. Day. It's going to drive me mad! I hate being a child of two races!" Ellie slumped down onto her back, tears streaming down her face.
"Least you don't have Demon blood in you" I sighed as I gripped Ellie's hand. We did the test to see if Bartra has tainted Ellie's blood with Demon powers. Thankfully it came back negative "Is that why you have been hiding down here most nights?" I asked. There were so many things I wanted to say, but I only had the courage for one. Ellie stared at the ceiling in silence. She didn't speak, but I observed that her eyes had returned to her beautiful blue. Eventually, Ellie spoke.
"Not exactly"
"Then why?"
"I hate myself because I can't give you baby" Ellie explained quietly, her voice never wavering in pitch.
"You've got nothing to worry about," I said "Being of two different races, We knew that we might not have a child. but things will work out"
"How do you know?" Ellie's eyes stared at me. I realized that she didn't know how to answer that question.
"I don't. But I know that as long as we are together. We can get through anything"
"I'm sorry for acting this way" She whispered. She closed her eyes for a few seconds. Then, she rolled over onto her side and embraced me in a tight hug.
"It's Alright" I sighed as I sniffed her scent "We all have moments like these" I reached out somewhat hesitantly to touch her face, I wanted to wipe her tears away. Ellie seemed to tense up in fear as she brushed a tear from her cheek.
"I should have told you how I felt" Ellie mumbled as I pulled her closer to me.
"Yeah you should have but I know you. Eventually, you will tell me what's going on" I smiled.
"I must look like a right mess" Ellie wiped her face.
"In fact, I think I find you even more beautiful," I said, Almost mischievously. I think I let out a squeak in surprise Ellie suddenly embraced me with far more force than before. I could tell that she was crying again, but was certain they weren't tears of sadness – they were tears of relief. Ellie shifted back in her seat so I could sit next to her properly, keeping her close with one hand around her waist. I got to stare into her eyes again and noticed that her eyes had morphed into a beautiful, light blue colour and I was almost hypnotized by the way they shimmered. I used the back of my hand to brush away her tears, to which she responded with the tiniest of smiles before leaning in and touching her nose to mine.
"I love you" Ellie tilted her head to the side and pressed his lips to mine. Finally, we stopped, I pulled her back into a hug. I thought Ellie would push me away. Instead, she just snuggled in closer and buried her nose in my chest.
"I love you. Now, Come back to bed with me. Please?" I near begged. Ellie chuckled.

- A few days later -

I watched as Ellie stood in the moonlight, her face upturned towards the open window in front of her. Every now and again, she would rub the top of her arms. I stood by the door to their door, watching her as I often did. A slight wind blew through the window, puffing out the curtains and making Ellie shiver. Yet, She didn't move from the spot that she had been standing in for who knew how long. I spoke to Mum the other day and she said that Ellie might be suffering from PTSD or Depression and that she would often have these moments. There were a lot of these moments where her mind took over and she became unable to move from her spot. I felt so helpless during these times. I generally just had to wait it out until she eventually returned to me, but tonight it was going on for far too long. I approached her carefully, as one might approach a sleepwalker. My feet were soft against the wood and she didn't stir as I walked right up behind her.
"Ellie" My words were feather soft and I thought I might have seen her twitch but beyond that, she didn't move. He wrapped his arms around her and wasn't shocked to find that she was freezing. Ellie tensed up as she soon felt my arms go around her "Baby" I whispered, burying my face in her hair "It's me"
"Meliodas," She asked, her voice betraying the fear that she was trying to mask.
"Ya, it's me. I'm here" I felt her release a shaky breath before spinning around and surprising me by hugging the waist.
"I'm cold" She mumbled into my shirt as she began shaking "So cold" I drew her closer to me and lightly kissed her hair.
"I know you are. I know. But I'm here" I drew her chin up so I could look her in the eyes "I'm here"
"I'm tired"
"Then let's go to bed" I moved to step back from her but she clutched him closer. I sighed and picked her up, her body close to mine, Her head cradled in my chest "I'm here Ellie"
"I'm sorry"
"It's okay" I soothed "I'm not going anywhere" I carried her over to our bed and carefully laid her down under the covers and then climbed in myself "Are you warm?" She shook her head "Then come here" She crawled over and I pulled her to my chest. We lay like this for a long time. Well, Long enough for Ellie to stop shivering. Long enough for my arm to fall asleep. But finally, Ellie began to doze off.
"love... You... Meliodas" Just before she closed her eyes, I kissed her forehead.
"I love you too. I'm right here" I softly spoke.
"I know. Depression can be a right beep"

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