Right, Next Drunk!

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

After a long day shopping with Diane (And I mean a long day), we drove back to mine.
"My feet hurt" Diane complained as I pulled up to mine. We could hear music blasting out the windows "Is that Christmas music?"
"Yeah? Looks like Meliodas has probably taken the opportunity to get drunk with Ban. But whose is the other car?"
"That's Zhivago's. Who is that singing?"
"That would be Meliodas" I rolled my eyes "Come on, Let's go see what damage they have done" We got out of the car and walked indoors.

Whatever song Meliodas was attempting to sing, He wasn't singing it very well. A few recognizable notes here and there, followed by a wild screech. Me and Diane peeked around the doorway to the front room. I had expected more of a mess but the front room was decorated head to toe with Christmas decorations.
"Oh, my days. This place looks awesome" I squealed. At first, Meliodas did appear to recognize me. He cupped the glass bottle against his face. Meliodas reclined drunkenly against the back of the sofa. Ban was in a heap on the floor, Singing loudly and Zhivago was passed out on the coffee table "What is he trying to sing? Sounds like a bag of dying cats"
"I guess he is trying to sing Here Comes the Sun, by The Beatles" I folded my arms and Diane pulled out her phone and started recording the boys.
"I didn't think he knew any song from the Beatles?"
"Neither did I" Ban started snoring.
"I'll ring Elaine to help with Ban. Then I can drive Zhivago home" Diane smiled as she left the hallway. I carefully entered the room. Meliodas head shot up and he nodded up at me.
"Hey, Ellie. My wife" He slurred. I rolled my eyes. Meliodas tried to stand up and fell off the sofa.
"Good night then?"
"We decked out the place. I wanted to... *HIC* cheer you up and then Ban... *HIC* found the brandy"
"Just Brandy?" I held up the other bottles.
"There was Rum. And Whiskey *HIC* and Ale" Meliodas tumbled to the floor. Normally this man had a great tolerance for booze. It was rare that Meliodas ever came home drunk from the Tavern. When he does, I get flashes of insight into what he was really thinking. Most of the time he'd say he loved me, then start crying and ranting about past things. Sometimes he'd loosen up, though, and sit slouched somewhere. When he sat quietly, I knew he wouldn't remember this in the morning. But most importantly when he was like this, I could never get a straight answer out of him "I swear there was a seat here"
"If you stopped moving then you wouldn't keep falling over" I sighed. I did find it funny when he is like this. The music was still playing and Slade, It's Christmas started playing. Meliodas grinned and he bent his head and went back to the song, belting out a whole line with no mistakes. I recorded him doing this since he wouldn't remember this in the morning.
"Elaine's on her way," Diane said behind me. She started to giggle when she saw Meliodas "Please tell me you are recording this?"
"I am. Is he like this at the bar when I ain't there?"
"Only when Ban makes him drink" Diane let a puff of air out as she walked over to Ban. Grabbed him by the ankle and dragged him to the front door. He banged his head on the skirting board a few times "Wish I could say this would knock some sense into him but this is Ban, He has fewer brain cells than most"
"I might be drunk *HIC* But I can still hear you"
"Said it loud enough" Diane grunted. She finally dumped Ban on the porch. Meliodas was still singing but was now laying on the sofa "Right, next drunk" Diane clapped her hands and hoisted Zhivago onto her shoulder.
"We could have thrown water in their faces" I grabbed my Dad's stuff as it fell out of his pockets.
"Wouldn't work. Right, You deal with Meliodas" Diane pointed back to the front room. I sat on the sofa and Meliodas bolted upright. He set the ale bottle down on the ground and looked at her hard, head tilted to the side.
"Ellie, I love you" This was such an honest and eloquent statement.
"I love you too" I smiled as Meliodas fell forward and his face landed between my breasts.
"Happy place" He mumbled. He then lifted his head up and stared at me "Marry *HIC* me?"
"Pardon?" I was a little taken back but when I looked back down at Meliodas, He was passed out.

- The next day -

"Ellie, where are you taking me? This is ridiculous" Meliodas grumbled, the blindfold scratching his forehead a bit.
"Oh shush. Don't worry we're almost there!" I giggled, guiding him quietly through the house. Meliodas sighed. He wasn't big with the whole 'You have to put this on and no peeking thing' But I like he did last night, I just want to make him smile. I made the front room into a blanket fort so we could have a movie night. There were fairy lights and everything. While we walked. Meliodas's knee hit the side of the sofa.
"Ouch!" He cried out.
"Oh sorry!, We're here!"I clapped. Meliodas reached for the blindfold but was stopped by my hand "Not yet silly!" Meliodas sighed deeply and practically fell onto the sofa.
"Can I please take this off? My forehead itches"
"Soon. Now, Stay, and don't you think about lifting that cloth" I ordered as I skipped away. I knew with Meliodas blindfolded, His other senses would come into play. He could probably guess what I was planning.
"Is that popcorn and chocolate I can smell?" I heard him speak, as came back in from the kitchen. He was feeling around him. His hands ran across the pile of blankets that went up to his head. His hand slowly made its way to his head.
"Hey, you're cheating!" My voice was all squeaky.
"What? No!" I yanked the cloth off his head and he glanced up at me.
"Oh yeah?" I asked, her eyes gleaming knowingly "Wanna try that again?"
"Um well.... crap"
"Hmm, that's what I thought..." I reached over grabbing some blankets and that's when Meliodas saw the screen.
"Nice fort" I dumped all the blankets over Meliodas, giggling the whole time "These are soft" Meliodas picked up the majority of the blankets and dropped them at our feet. Ellie poked Meliodas in the cheek.
"Ready?" I quizzed. Meliodas nodded "Here!" I threw a bowl of popcorn onto his lap and grabbed the remote. I pressed play and squealed with delight. Sweeney Todd: Demon Barber Of Fleet Street Whispered across the screen. Unconsciously, I wiggled toward Meliodas, resting my head on his shoulder. Throughout the movie, I caught Meliodas smiling at me. A shrill shriek from the TV made me jump ever so slightly.
"I never thought you would ever watch this movie" Meliodas leant his head on mine "Didn't think you liked horror?"
"I don't but I like Johnny Depp" I yawned, slowly dozing off "I love you"
"I love you too" Meliodas whispered, kissing Ellie softly on the forehead and smiling at the way she exhaled, sighing into his shoulder.

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