Oh, It is on

372 9 15

- Meliodas's Pov -

"Remind me why I am still doing your half of the paperwork?" I glared at Ban who was flat on the floor.
"Because you are the one who fucked off for a month and left me with it. Knowing for well, I don't do paperwork" Ban huffed as he pushed himself up onto his elbows.
"That month wasn't by choice and why didn't you get Diane, King or Elaine to do it" I threw a pen at Ban.
"I thought it more fun to torture you" Ban shrugged.
"You know, You can be a right turd sometimes" I growled "So how goes the proposing plan?"
"About as well as you think" Ban laid back down. The day after Ellie and I returned Ban tried popping the question. Ban lost the ring. The second time, King threw up. Third, Diane threw up the Fourth time, Elaine passed out from excitement "I should just do it when no one is around"
"That might be best. Just don't let King and that eat Sushi again"
"I won't" Ban chuckled "So, Will I be expecting any little feet running around soon?"
"No, Ellie ain't pregnant and it ain't for lack of trying" I threw my pen down.
"That I don't wanna know. But I will admit that I am secretly hoping that you two would hurry up and make babies"
"Maybe you and Elaine should" I pointed at Ban.
"All The Sins should" Ban jested "Can you really see me being a Father?"
"Yes. You may be a turd and a lankysarus but you would make a great Father" I crossed my arms "Besides, Imagine the look on Zhivago's face when you get to tell him, Hey Dad. Guess what?! You're going to be a Grandfather"
"That look will be priceless. Should video it and send it to You've been framed"
"250 quid in the pocket" I looked at the clock "You know, I've been back from Egypt for a couple of weeks now and hardly spent any time with Ellie"
"Then go to her. Paperwork can wait. Or just do what I do. Get someone else to do it" Ban bolted upright "And not me"
"I think I shall. Ring King or Diane. They can sort this shit out" I grabbed my phone and keys and ran out the door.

"Ellie" I called, stepping down onto the small concrete stepping stones that led out into the backyard. I spotted her kneeling at the edge of her herb garden that occupied the farthest corner of the yard. She looked up as soon as she heard my voice, a smile on her lips.
"Hey!" Ellie returned, scrambling to her feet. She rubbed her muddy hands together, trying to dust them off. She hurried over to me, still brushing at her red shirt "Missed you" She beamed, wrapping her arms around me. Happily, I returned her embrace. I turned my nose into her hair and allowed myself to relax.
"You too" I murmured earnestly.
"Did you get you to manage to get all the paperwork done?" Ellie stepped back and immediately spotted a bit of dirt she had unwittingly transferred onto my shirt "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry" she frowned, sweeping at the muddy spot on my chest.
"It's fine" I assured her, brushing at the dirt myself. I let myself smile back at her "Yeah, I did, So I am free for the rest of the day, Is there anything I can do to help you?"
"I was actually just finishing up" Ellie turned back, looking over the yard again. she admitted, pushing a stray strand of silver hair out of her eyes "It's actually about time for the irrigation to come through, so you might want to go inside while I let it in," she said "You'll get wet otherwise"
"I ain't seen you since 11 last night, I'll stay with you" I replied.
"Alright," Ellie shrugged, immediately sitting down in the grass to tug off her sneakers. I seated myself on the slightly unstable bench of the nearby picnic table, pulling at my shoelaces and rolling up my jeans. I lined up my shoes and socks on the tabletop and offered a hand to her as she began to rise "Thanks" Ellie smiled at me, before heading back to the far corner of the backyard. Already, the water had begun to flow through the shallow ditch behind the back fence. With a loud metallic scrape, Ellie pulled the first gate free from its slot. Water rushed in, the initial wave splashing high on her shins. She let out a surprised but happy little cry as the water swept over her feet and around her ankles. I rolled my jeans a little higher as Ellie waded over to the second gate, allowing even more water to flow in. As she returned to the spot where I stood, Ellie sloshed up a small wave of water towards me before hurriedly splashing away.
"Hey!" I exclaimed, lurching back, a true grin now on my face.
"What?" Ellie replied at a safe distance, mock innocent.
"Oh, It is on" I kicked my foot in the water, sending up a low spray that hit her knees. She shrieked and laughed, reeling backwards nearly into the great pine that stood behind her. Ellie grabbed hold of its scaly trunk to brace herself as she swept another wave of water towards me. I returned the wave, chuckling a little as she scampered away. I drew back underneath the great wall of pine trees that line the back fence, in an attempt to escape another splash. However, the next spray of water hit me full-on, soaking my jeans up to just above my knees. Immediately, I lunged forwards, still grinning widely. In my haste to return the wave, I slipped, dumping myself straight into the water with a loud splash.
"Haahahaha" Ellie laughed, Holding her sides. I pushed myself up, sitting still in the shallow water, a little shocked. Ellie sat in the water a few yards from me, having fallen only seconds after I did in her attempt to avoid me. Already, she was beginning to laugh. After a moment, I joined in while picking myself up out of the murky water. I brushed at my hair, then at the few pieces of dried grass that clung to my arms. Ellie rose as well, wringing at her shirt.
"Come on, Let's get dried off," She said, leading me out of the backyard and into the backroom "In here," Ellie said, opening the dirty white door.

I followed her inside the storage room, still trying to push my dripping hair out of my eyes. The room was stuffy and dark; only a few dim rays of the late dusk light filtered through the far window. Ellie reached up to the shelf and dragged down a few frayed towels. She mopped first at her hair and then at her legs, before finally giving up halfway through blotting at her sodden shirt.
"Thanks for the towel" I scrubbed my hair.
"I'll be right back," she told me, stepping back outside. I glanced up from my own attempt to dry off when she returned. I had made very little progress. There was simply no hope for improvement in the state of my jeans "I never liked these jeans anyway" Ellie came back in with our shoes.
"No luck cleaning up?" Ellie tilted her head.
"I can't get the dirt out of my hair"
"I think we just need to take a shower," Ellie threw her towel on top of the washing machine.
"Yeah, we do" I agreed, trying to keep my tone neutral though I had taken interest in the tone in which she had said.
"Well, come on then" Ellie seized my hand. I stretched back to shove my towel on top of the washing machine as well before she whisked me out the door. She hurried into the house and led us up the stairs that finally led us to our ensuite bathroom.

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