Have To Be Mad To Live In This Life

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- Elizabeth's Pov - 4 years ago -

Now that I was free of my Father, I could go where I wanted. The only problem is, I don't know where to go. I've been wandering around the streets for the last two hours. I couldn't call anyone. I had no one. All I had was my favourite black hoodie. My handbag and my phone and whatever money he threw at me. I stood at a set of traffics lights and waited to cross. Only one car stopped. I put my thumbs up to say thank you. But I didn't look at the driver. Just kept my eyes to the ground. Who want me to look at them? I am nothing, A no one. My Father is probably bragging to everyone what a slut I am. I walked over to the riverside. I watched the ripples in the water as raindrops hit the water.
"Even if Meliodas found me. He wouldn't want me" I mumbled to myself. I lent on the railings "He would hate me. I ain't the girl he knew. Not anymore. So would the others"
"You know talking to yourself is the first sign of madness" A voice spoke as he stood next to me.
"Have to be mad to live in this life" I muttered.
"You're Bartra's Lass, Ain't you?" The man spoke. My headshot to the stranger. I turned my powers on and held up an ARK in front of me.
"I won't go back to him! I won't! I won't!" My ARK got bigger as the man held his hands up.
"I wasn't planning on taking you back to him" The Man replied as I lowered my ARK "I never liked the man"
"Just who are you?" I frowned.
"My name is Ludociel Ryder. And I have been searching for you for a long time, Lady Elizabeth" Ludociel bowed. He also showed me his personal ID. Plus he showed me his wings. Happy to say that mine was bigger.
"I ain't no lady. I'm no one" I powered down my ARK and hugged myself.
"You are the Daughter of Caroline Liones. She was a Queen among the Goddess" Ludociel stood tall "Please, Come with me Lady Elizabeth" I stared at this man. Was he telling the truth? Was my Mother a Queen? Did that make my Father... A king?
"If my Mum was your Queen then does that mean my Father is, King?" I gulped as I said the F word.
"God NO. I think he as King then the Goddess realm could rival the Demon's Realm. Besides, I have reasons to believe that he wasn't your birth Father but I cannot say who is" Ludociel sighed.
"So you came all this way to tell me that 1. My mum is a Queen 2. I'm a Princess and 3. Bartra is not my Father. I don't know how to feel about any of those facts" I cast my gaze to the river "Why can't you say who my Father is?"
"Because we don't know who he is"
"Gods, This feels like a Jeremy Kyle special" I covered my face with my hands. I ran all the facts through my head. Did Bartra know that I wasn't his? Is that why he did those things to me? "I feel sick"
"It is understandable given all news you have just received"
"Since you know so much about me, Do you know what happened to my sisters?" I demanded to know "Was it true? Did Bartra kill them and abuse them?"
"Yes. Me and My Brother were the first to find them on that fatal day" Ludociel face looked white as a ghost.
"I'm sorry you had to see that. So he did to them what he was doing to me?"
"What has he been doing to you?" Ludociel frowned. I explained to him everything. Told him everything that had happened. What happen 2 hours ago "I don't know what is going on in his head. The council in the Goddess realm will not stand for this. You need to come back with me"
"I will get justice for what has been done" I clenched my fist.
"Then You can take your place as The Supreme Deity. No one will ever touch you again unless you want them too" Ludociel smiled.
"Being your ruler, That ain't the life I want. I just want to go back to Gainsborough. Back to my old life"
"And how do you plan on doing that? You are only 16 and you have no money" Ludociel folded his arms.
"I have a small amount of money. I'll fly there. I still have friends in that town"
"When you were talking to yourself, Didn't you say that they would hate you?"
"I grew up with a bunch of people. I trust them with my life" I gripped my necklace in my hand.
"Do you still know their names?" Ludociel leant his back against the railings.
"Ban Taylor, King Birchwood, Diane Shepherd and Meliodas Blackwood"
"Blackwood?! That short-ass, Blonde hair Leprechaun? How is a Princess of The Goddesses friends with the heir to the Demon Realm! The Giant Princess and Fairy King I can understand but a Demon? You would be considered a traitor to your kind"
"We grew up together! My Mother and Meliodas's Mother were best friends! If you wanna call me a traitor then call me one. But if my Mother was The Supreme Deity then you would also be calling her a traitor" I screamed.
"Fair point. So will you be coming home and taking your Mother's place as Queen?" Ludociel held his hand out and expanded his wings. I looked at his hands for a good 30 seconds. I was so tempted.
"No" I smacked his hand away "I'll make my own way in life. I will never be your Queen"
"Very well. My Brother Lord Mael Ryder, Will take your place. If you should ever change your mind, The door is always open" Ludociel bowed. I started to walk away when he called after me "My Lady. Since you have no way of living. Come with me and take your inheritance. I presume you have a bank account?"
"No. My father never allowed me to have one. All I have is this old phone" I pulled my phone out of my bag. It was an old Nokia 3310. The type of phone where the battery could last a week without charging.
"This won't do. Come with me. I won't make you stay any longer than you need to. I'll give you a place to sleep long enough to get you on your feet" Ludociel pulled out his phone from his pockets. He gestured for me to follow him as I saw the black car from earlier drive past. Again.
"Thank you, Sir Ludociel" I expanded my wings and flew after Ludociel.

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