One day I Will

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

"Okay," I replied. Meliodas stared at me
"What?" His mouth dropped. He acted like all his hearts stopped, All 7 of them. He was about to speak when I did the unthinkable. I kissed him! I have wanted to do that since he walked back into my life "Wah?"
"I said okay. Let's give us a go" I smiled softly as he pulled me into his arms. He then pushed me away. I looked at him confused "What's wrong?"
"I wanna do this right" He stared at me while scrambling to his knees. He then grabbed my hands "Ellie, Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes," I flung my arms around Meliodas. We both fell to the floor. Laughing. We laid there on the grass. my head on his chest "So are we telling the others?"
"I would say let them work it out on their own but The Fairies are mind readers. So we are going to have to say something" Meliodas ran a finger up and down my arms.
"I wish we could keep it secret. Just so we can figure this out" I sighed.
"I know. But we just make it clear that if they get involved, We will kick their butts or I threaten to give them more hours at the tavern or the diner"
"Diane is going to love that" I giggled.

It was now the middle of the afternoon, Me and Meliodas were still lying on the grass.
"I don't wanna move, but we need to get back home. We got to unpack all my stuff" I moaned. I was really comfy here. I moved off Meliodas. He didn't look happy about that, Till I held my hand out. That's when he grinned at me. I felt like melting "Let's go home"

- One Week Later -

It took a few days to get the house in order. When he said it was a bachelor pad, He wasn't lying. At least the walls didn't need painting. We had managed to keep our relationship a secret for a week now. I don't get how. When Ban questioned us. We said that nothing is going to happen as we love our friendship more. I don't think Ban believed us but he hasn't questioned us since. I was just putting the last bits of clutter around the place when I heard the front door open. I felt tense.
"Hello" A calm voice shouted around "Ellie? Mel?"
"In the front room Bard" I calmed. Bard came from the hallway as I lit a few candles. He looked confused as he looked around the place "You okay Bard?"
"Hey, Ellie. Urm, I think so. Are we sure we are in the right house?" Bard ran a finger along with the fireplace "It's so clean"
"Yeah. It's taken a week to get this place sorted" I folded my arms.
"How are you holding up? And yes, I'm checking up on you. Meliodas asked me to while he is at the bar, Doing stock take or some boring crap" I rolled my eyes. Typical Meliodas.
"Surely you have royal responsibility to do instead" I walked to the kitchen "Cuppa tea?"
"You would think and that would be great. Milk and -" Bard followed me. I flicked the kettle on.
"Two sugars. I never forgot" I smiled as I grabbed my necklace.
"Why do you grab that necklace so much?" Bard pointed as I got two cups out of the cupboard.
"I don't really know but when I remember my past. Good or bad. My hand flies to it" I took a deep breath "It helped keep me calm when Bartra would... you know"
"It's a calming technique. You always were a clever girl" Bard smiled. The kettle clicked off and I made the tea. I handed him a cup "So have you spoken to Zhivago since the other day" Bard sipped the tea.
"Urm, yeah. He came into the bar yesterday when I was being trained to be a barmaid"
"I thought you were going to be a waitress?" Bard raised an eyebrow.
"Meliodas thought it best I stay behind the bar. He wasn't happy at the thought of men eyeing me up" I sipped my tea. We hadn't told Bard that we were dating. Or the Sins. I heard a car pull up. Meliodas was home.
"I wonder why?"
"Something about how he didn't want to trigger a bad memory and he didn't want to end up killing the dude who set me off" I shrugged. The front door opened and closed.
"Ellie?" Meliodas shouted.
"Kitchen!" I smiled. Meliodas jogged around the corner.
"Hey. Oh hey, Dad" Meliodas did the little wave thing he does. He leant against the door.
"Hey Son. All done with stock take?"
"Yeah. Mostly got to replace the booze that Ban drinks after hours" Meliodas sighed.
"Bar's biggest expense. The kettle's just boiled. Cuppa?" I rolled my eyes.
"Please" Meliodas smiled at me as I reached for the cups. I knew Meliodas tea off by heart. He was the only one who didn't have sugar. Bard kept looking back and forth between us. While we all chatted me and Meliodas would exchange glances. I just wanted to run into his arms. Me and Meliodas just looked at each other. We tried to keep a blank face but it was difficult.
"What are you two not telling me?" He folded his arms after putting his drink down.
"Should we tell him?" I tilted my head.
"Do we dare?" Meliodas smirked.
"Dare what?" Bard frown. He didn't like not knowing things. It's where Meliodas gets it from.
"Dad, Chill already" Meliodas came and stood next to me. He linked his fingers with mine.
"What is going on with you two?"
"Dad, ain't you worked it out yet?" Meliodas smirked again "We are dating"
"Shut the fuck up!" Bard cheered. His mouth was nearly hanging off the floor "You're serious! Oh my god! Hang on..." Bard stopped fangirling and stood still. I glanced at Meliodas but he just shrugged "Who else knows?"
"No one. We've kept it secret for like 6 days" I wrapped my arms around Meliodas's arm.
"How? You have like two lie detectors in your group" Bard exclaimed.
"Great difficulty. We can't think about us while near them" Meliodas replied.
"So I know before Ban, Who has eyes and ears everywhere" Bard raised his eyebrows.
"Yes. Even Ban" Meliodas rolled his eyes. Bard pulled us both into a hug.
"I'm so pleased for you both!"
"Do not tell Mum" Meliodas ordered.
"Why not?!" Bard whined like a child.
"Well. You weren't meant to find out just yet. We just wanted it to be us for a while" Meliodas hooked his arm around my waist.
"How long do I have to keep zipped about this" Bard made circles with his hands.
"Till we are ready" Meliodas poker-faced.
"Sorry Bard" I shrugged. Bard pouted for a bit but after a little while, He finally saw the reason behind it. This was just before he was about to leave.
"Right, I better get back. Please hurry up and tell people about this. I hate keeping secrets from Mary"
"Maybe" I jested as Bard pouted "See later old man"
"Old man my ass" Bard pulled me into a hug "See ya later Ellie"
"I'll walk you out" Meliodas smiled as he walked Bard out of the kitchen.

"I always thought Diane would be the first to find out?" I let a puff of air out. I flopped onto the sofa as did Meliodas. He pulled me into his arms. This was my new happy place.
"I had my money on the Fairies" Meliodas played with my hair "I was thinking something though?"
"You thinking? Never a good sign" I rolled my eyes as I stared at him.
"Such cheek" Meliodas pretended to be offended.
"What you thinking?"
"Well, this is a slightly delicate matter" Meliodas mumbled. I tilted my head to the right. His flapped open and closed. He looked like a goldfish. This was the first time I have ever seen him so flustered.
"Meliodas, What's going on in here?" I poked his forehead.
"I... urm was wondering... If you wanted... to.. urm.... sleepinthesamebedasmetonight!" Meliodas rushed the last part of the sentence. I tilted my head to the left "You know, When you tilted your head like that, You look like a puppy"
"I do not and what was the last part of that sentence?" I pouted. Meliodas took a deep breath and sat us both up. Him on one end of the sofa, Me on the other.
"I was wondering if you wanted to sleep in the same bed as me tonight?" Meliodas whispered. It was like he was scared of saying the words. I had a blank look on my face. Me and him in the same bed? "I don't wanna... You know. I mean I do wanna but I just wanna sleep with you. I mean sleep next to you. Oh god. I ain't wording this right" Meliodas hid his face in his hands. It was kinda cute seeing him like this.
"I have never seen you so flustered" I took his hands in mine.
"Well... As I said, this is a slightly delicate matter. I don't want you thinking that I might be some pervert "Meliodas removed one of his hands and he ran it over his hair "Ellie, I want to be in bed with you. I'm not talking about fucking and then passing out. No, you're way better than that. I just want to lay next to you. Rolling over and finding you next to me. holding you close, Protecting you from nightmares. Finding you in my arms when the sun rises. Listening to your heartbeat as you snore. Kissing you on the forehead as you sleep on my chest. Our bodies intertwined as we sleep. I just want to be in bed with you"
"I didn't know you thought of stuff like that?"
"Are you kidding?" Meliodas looked at me softly.
"What else do you think about it?"
"Before I realized that I was in love with you. I dreamed of travelling here, there and everywhere. Getting drunk as much as possible. Not exactly a future. Each time I got a lead to you. I... I started to lose hope" Meliodas laced his fingers in mine "But then you walked back into my life. That's when I dreamed of a future where we would travel together. We would be in each other's lives. I dreamed we would be friends forever"
"There's another but at the end of that sentence isn't there?" I quizzed as Meliodas smirked at me.
"Oh, you know me so well" He chuckled softly at me "But.. after you said yes to being my girlfriend last week. I dreamed of a different future. I dream that we would move out of town, We could buy a house just outside the city and make it our own. We could get a little puppy or a kitten. Or both. We could run the bar together. We would have a little family. Girl twin boys and another girl. Sit on the front porch as we watch our children run around. We could grow old together and on the said porch, We could watch our grand-kids grow up"
"I'd like that future too"
"There's also another but" Meliodas took a deep breath "Ellie, You know that I am next in line to be King of the Demons"
"Yes. I do"
"I want you to be my Queen. I want forever with you" Meliodas was suddenly right up in front of me "I want you to be my wife and the mother of my children. The person that comes with me on all my adventures"
"Meliodas... I.." I was a little taken aback. I had no idea that Meliodas felt this way.
"Sorry. I just thought I should tell you. Even after a week, I feel this strongly about us. I'm sorry if I freaked you out" Meliodas rubbed the back of his head.
"I will one day" I blurted out. This time, It was my turn to make Meliodas stunned.
"One day I will marry you. Because if I am being truthful. I think you are my mate"

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