I have loved every minute of this day

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

I can't stop grinning! I have never laughed or smiled so much. Think I will get Diane to plan more parties. Speaking of Diane, I wonder where she went?
"She went to find Ban," Elaine said. I spun my head around to my left.
"Pardon?" I quizzed. Elaine's eyes were glowing.
"Sorry, I read your mind. Diane went to find Ban. Since everyone is starting to settle down and eat. Diane wants him to do his best man speech" She smiled.
"Oh okay. Has she heard it yet?" I said as I tucked into more pasta. Damn this stuff is good.
"No one has and Isn't that like your fourth bowl of that stuff?" Elaine said as she pointed to my bowl. I looked at her with the spoon still in my mouth.
"Urm, Maybe," I said with a mouthful. I swallowed "It tastes amazing"
"I thought you didn't like Ravioli?" Elaine cocked her head to the right. I ripped the spoon out of my mouth.
"I don't. Eww! Is that what I am eating!?" I put the bowl on the table "Why did no one tell me!?"
"I did," Meliodas said as he turned up with 2 plates full of food "When you asked what that divine smell was. I pointed to the buffet table and that would be Ban's famous Ravioli. You pretty much legged it over there. Here. Eat this instead of it" Meliodas handed me a plate. It had chicken, sausage rolls, Pizza, Quiche, apples, Chocolate chip cookies, Grapes and apples.
"Thanks" I tucked into the food "I may not like Ravioli but I may have to finish that bowl" I smiled as I popped a grape in my mouth. Meliodas laughed. Elaine stared at me so I poked my tongue out at her.
"I ain't pregnant by the way. I've just come off Satan's waterfall" I thought as Elaine tried to read my mind.

"Diane will you get off me" I heard Ban grunt. I craned my neck around everyone to see what was going on "Diane, Will you please chill the fuck out?" I rubbed the bridge of my nose. Meliodas looked at me funny.
"What's with the face?" He quizzed. I just hid my face and pointed to Diane.
"Oh" Meliodas's face dropped. His knee was bobbing up and down so he put Tristan on my lap.
"It's time for your speech. Now get up there" Diane shoved Ban.
"Diane is very bossy today" Mary spoke as she stood between me and Meliodas. Her hands were on my shoulders.
"That is normal" Meliodas scoffed.
"Can I at least have a microphone?" Ban asked as he adjusted his outfit. Mary sat down next to Bard.
"Nope, sorry" Diane grinned as she walked away to her seat.
"Good job I can shout at people" Ban sighed as grabbed a glass of champagne and a fork. He tapped the glass loudly and the entire hall turned their gaze towards him "Attention please!"
"Good luck" I mouthed at him. Ban winked.
"Hello everyone, My name is Ban and I am the best man. Well, What an emotional day it has been. Hasn't it? I mean, even the cake was in tiers. I will ask that you keep the clapping and cheering to a minus, I've got a terrible hangover. I know, I know. I shouldn't drink heavily before a big event but I couldn't let Meliodas drink alone could I? What kind of friend would that make me?"
I grinned as I looked around the room. Everyone was grinning.
More laughter came from the crowd.
"I must admit that I am not accustomed to public speaking. Up until I was asked to be best man, I thought a toastmaster was some sort of kitchen appliance"
"Oh god. that was a terrible joke" Meliodas mumbled as he chuckled.
"Despite Meliodas asking me to be his best man, I never received a formal invitation to this day. I really hope that I haven't eaten someone else's meal by mistake. If I did, blame our groom here. Cheapskate, Saving himself a quid on a stamp"
"Nah, I'm kidding. I actually googled the perfect best-man speech for today. It turns out you have to pay to read some examples and I thought to myself 'Ah screw that. I'm just gonna wing it'" Ban said as he threw a piece of card behind him.
"Oh lord," Mary muttered.
"I think I got this role by default as Meliodas doesn't have a lot of friends. I didn't really wanna stand up here and make a fool of myself but I thought today may be the only chance I will ever get a meal and Some drinks paid for by the shortie so I didn't risk turning it down"
Everyone chuckled. Someone clapped.
"As long as he never cooked the food, I'll think we should all be safe. As Best man, I provided everyone with sick bags under their seats. Just to be on the safe side"
"Oh, he is such an ass" Meliodas grinned as he shook his head. The crowd was still laughing.
"A fair few people, including Ellie. Have asked how I will cope now that my best friend is married and will spend all his time with the Mrs and I have gotta be honest, I'm thrilled. I'm finally gonna be able to go on a date with my Mrs and not have him third wheeling everywhere"
Everyone laughed. I looked at Elaine and her hand was covering her mouth.
"When the happy couple found out that I was planning this speech, They asked me not to include, The groom's mishaps, Mistakes or embarrassing moments. Like when we fell into the local duck pond or when we went to America a few years back and got caught in a tornado season and he was hammered, Walked up to it. Drunk as anything and throws the beer at the tornado saying have a drink on me. Did I mention that he was naked?"I heard more laughter.
"This more of a roast than it is a speech and I wasn't naked" Meliodas mumbled. He was still grinning so it can't be that bad.
"Yeah, he was. Though it may have taken x amount of years, Meliodas has finally admitted that I am the best" Ban pulled a superhero move. Which made the crowd howl.
"Oh, brother" Ellie shook her head.
"We all knew that Meliodas had found the one when he started spending more time with Ellie than he did sulking in his room"
I giggled as I looked at Meliodas who hid his head on my shoulder.
"Let's take a minute or two to be actual grown-ups about this I wanna quote a sentence that I found on Pinterest. Marriage isn't about being with someone that you can live with. It's about being with someone that you can't live without. Which is what these two have done. And I want to be the first to wish them a lifetime of happiness and that you will have the two things essential for a long happy marriage. A sense of humour and selective hearing. TO THE HAPPY COUPLE!"

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