Oh Crap!

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

"You better get down there. There's some creepy old man asking for Ellie. Ban's about to go on a murder spree" Diane pointed to the stairs.
"Where is Elizabeth?" He spoke. Oh god. It's him. Meliodas looked at me. I could feel the colour leave my face.
"He's found me" I squeaked. My heart started beating like mad. I could feel the sweat drip down my back.
"Who?" Diane tilted her head. I stared at her with fear in my eyes. Her face then dropped and she ran back down the stairs "GET THE FUCK OUT!"
"I just wanna see Elizabeth. I know she is here" I heard his voice again. It brought back memories of dark rooms and broken bones. It sent chills down my spine. Meliodas held my hand as he dialled a number on his phone.
"Bartra, Get the fuck out before I rip your stone heart out!" I heard Ban yell.
"Dad. Bartra's turned up at The Boar Hat" Meliodas spoke quickly. I didn't know what to do "No, I am about to lose my shit" He looked right at me. I still wasn't moving "No. Right now, With the way Ellie has frozen on the spot. Losing my shit seems like a good idea"
"Listen hear. Bartra, I think you should leave. You ain't welcome here" King was the only one who didn't shout.
"I'll try" Meliodas hung up the phone "Dad is on his way. He's bringing Zeldris"
"I want to see Elizabeth. Where is she" Bartra asked again.
"She doesn't want to see you, You sick fuck!" Ban yelled.
"I gotta go down there" I muttered "Meliodas. I'm scared" Meliodas grabbed my hand and held it tight.
"I got you baby. You don't have to go down there. I'll throw him out" Meliodas's eyes turned purple. Gotta admit, His Demon side is a slight turn-on.
"Your Demon eyes are out"
"I know. I want them out. Hopefully, this will scare him into never coming back" Meliodas stared down the stairs. I stood at the top and gripped the bannister "Ellie, Baby. Are you sure?"
"As long as you have my back. I can do this" I started to descend down the stairs.
"I can't promise I won't kill him" Meliodas followed me.
"Only hurt him, If he hurts me"

I slowly walked down the stairs. I knew the others would know that we were coming.
"Bartra, I won't tell you again. GET THE FUCK OUT!" Diane yelled.
"I just wanna see my little girl. Where is she?" Bartra sounded fake. I felt sick.
"Oh fuck off already. And FYI, Ellie ain't Your Daughter" Ban bellowed "We found her real Dad so you go crawl under the rock which you crawled out from under" Bartra squared up to Ban as we reached the bottom step.
"Go on then. Punch me in the face" Bartra taunted Ban. Ban saw red and he grabbed Bartra by the shirt and Ban went to punch Bartra.
"Ban, NO!" I screamed. Ban stopped mid-punch. His fist was less than a centimetre from Bartra's nose. Both turned their head towards me "Ban, Drop him"
"Okay" Ban dead-faced and let Bartra go, He fell on his arse. He put his hands in his pockets and came and stood next to me on my right.
"What do you want Bartra?" I crossed my arms as Meliodas stood on my left.
"For you to come home. I have been searching for you for the last 4 years. Ever since that day, I kicked you out, I looked everywhere" Bartra stood on his feet "I should never have done it. Come home, My Daughter" Bartra tried to reach for me. I backed away as Meliodas smacked his hand away.
"Don't fucking touch her!" My man sneered.
"Oh, I remember you. You turned up at my door and accused me of sleeping with my own child" Bartra put his hands on his hips.
"I've already said, She ain't your Daughter! Now fuck off!" Ban dead-faced.
"I was talking to Elizabeth. Can we speak in private?" He looked at me. It was the face he used to pull before he... Before he touched me.
"No" I shook my head "Whatever you have to say to me, You can say in front of my friends"
"Very well. You need to come home. I have reason to believe that this lot, is brainwashing you into believing I have done stuff to you" Bartra folded his arms as Meliodas and Diane started laughing.
"I'm sorry but you are speaking a load of shit" Diane howled. King had to use his pillow to support her.
"I am not. Elizabeth, I promise you I ain't lying" Bartra went to stand in front of me but I held my hands up. I blinked once and I turned my powers on. I could see Bartra's face turn. He hated Goddesses.
"You need to leave before I throw you out myself"
"You are being brainwashed by this. You need to come home"
"I am home and what you don't know about the people in this room, Is one of them can read minds" I smiled as I kept my hands up. Bartra turned around on the spot. You can see the cogs turning in his head.
"Which one?" He demanded. King went to put his hand up but Diane put it back down. Bartra went to grab me but Meliodas gripped his wrist.
"Sicko, I would think very carefully about doing that" Meliodas hissed. Bartra snatched his wrist away.
"I don't get what I have done for you lot to call me names" Bartra's face went blank.
"You beat, Abused and raped me. You claimed that I am your Daughter but I know that I am not. You told me, Meliodas told me. His Father told me and Ban told me. And as of an hour ago, it was confirmed by a DNA test that you are not my Father. A Father does not do things to their children like you have done" I scowled "A Father does not murder their children or do anything so sick and twisted. But that is just what you are. Sick and Twisted" That's when Bartra's aura changed.
"I hoped things were going to be easier than this" He sighed. He reached inside his coat and pulled a handgun out. He cocked it and aimed it at me "Either you leave with me or I kill you. Like I killed your sisters"
"Like hell, you will" Ban jumped in from of me "You going to shoot anyone? You can shoot me" Meliodas moved me about 3 inches to the left.
"Okay" Bartra shrugged as he pulled the trigger. The bullet pierced Ban's forehead. Blood splattered the wall as Ban's head snapped back and he fell to the floor. Meliodas cradled my head as I screamed "Lover boy here is next. Though I won't shoot him in the head. Too small of a target. I'll aim for his heart"
"Oi bastard, You kill him and I will slice your head off your shoulders" King clicked his fingers and his pillow turned into a spear. I pulled away from Meliodas. We looked at each other and nodded once.
"I ain't going anywhere. I am going to throw you out" I clenched my fists. Meliodas folded his arms.
"Then I will kill you Elizabeth. You lowlife Goddess!" Bartra screamed.
"You know, You shouldn't underestimate Ellie here. You will just end up in a world of pain" Meliodas tilted his head. His mark getting bigger. he was struggling to keep his cool "I made that mistake when we were kids"
"Yeah, I ain't afraid of Goddesses or Demons" Bartra glared at Meliodas "Yeah. Your eyes don't scare me. Now, Elizabeth. Walk out that door or I kill everyone here" Bartra waved the gun at the door. I looked at Diane, King and then Meliodas. Ban was still out cold. I had to think of something. Bartra will kill everyone.
"I ain't going anywhere with you" I held my hand up again. Bartra sighed as he spun around on the spot and shot Diane and King in both shoulders.
"King! Diane!" Me and Meliodas both shouted. Meliodas charged towards Bartra but Bartra was quick and shot him in the leg. Meliodas fell to the ground.
"Motherfucker!" He screamed as he grabbed his leg. I ran towards Meliodas but Bartra backhanded me across the bar. I landed on a table and roly polyed off it. Bartra then shot him again 5 more times. 3 in the back, one in the shoulder and one more in the leg.
"ARK!" I bellowed as my Ark covered Bartra's entire body "Get away from him" Tears flowed down my face. Meliodas was barely moving and Ban had only just started to smoke. King and Diane were holding their shoulders.
"How foolish, Do you truly think a pathetic technique will defeat me?" Bartra tilted his head at me.
"How can you take people's life's so easily?"
"I'll let you in on a secret. It makes me happy" Bartra grinned a rather toothy grin. I heard cars come to a searching halt.
"And I will let you deal with this. BURST!" I flung my hands to the door. The Ark went threw it and Bartra landed in a heap. I could hear yelling and gunfire. I looked out the door and saw Bard and Zeldris beating 10 bells of shit out of Bartra. I healed King and Diane as best as I could.
"El...lie" Meliodas grunted. I dropped to my knees. I rolled him over as gently as I could. His shirt was soaked to the bone will blood.
"Oh my god," I ripped his shirt open and placed one hand on his skin. I tried to heal him. Meliodas cried out at the softest of touches "I'm sorry"
"I'm... Okay... I'll be okay... Are you... Okay?" Meliodas panted. I went to speak but Ban had finally started to move. King and Diane hobbled over to us.
"We all got taken out? Good going guys?" Ban groaned as bolted upright.
"What did you think would happen? We got fucking shot!" Diane screeched. Ban creaked his neck. He placed his hands down behind him but his right gave out and he fell backwards.
"What the hell?" He looked around and saw Meliodas just to the left of his. I will still trying to heal him "Captain!!! Oh Crap! King! Get me a knife or something! And a cup! Come on buddy. Stay with me" Ban pleaded. King flew off. Diane was trying to stop the blood flow by placing a load of napkins where she could.
"I can't seem to heal him!" I cried. Meliodas placed a hand on mine.
"I'll be... Fine... Don't overdo it" Meliodas hand flopped to the side and his eyes closed.

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