Are you sure that's what you heard?

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

"Are you sure that's what you heard?" Elaine handed me a cup of teal. I wrapped my hands around the ceramic mug. Staring at the liquid "He definitely said Marry me?"
"There was a little hiccup in the middle of it"
"How do you feel about it?" Elaine sat next to me "Does he know about... Well, you know?"
"I don't know how I feel and no I haven't told him. Only you and Ban know"
"Then I am surprised that he doesn't know. Do you think that's why he said marry him?"
"I don't think so. When we were laying together the other night. I thought he would work it out"
"Why haven't you told him yet?"
"Guess I'm scared" I rested my head on my fist.
"Scared of what?"
"We've only been together 6 months... ish and I'm planning on telling him on Christmas Day"
"You've been trying for a baby 80% of it" Elaine sipped her tea "I can just imagine the look on Zhivago's face when you get knocked up, Hey Dad. Guess what?! You're going to be a Granddad"
"Would be funny. I think Bard would pass out first" I stared at the table "Despite it all, I can't really see myself as a Mum"
"Why not?"
"I just don't but then again I have a lot of doubt about things in my head"
"That's because Bartra is in your head. Block him out"
"Bit difficult that, I had 6 years of it" I ran a hand through my hair.
"Well if it is any help, I think that you will make a great Mum"
"Thanks, Elaine" I put my hand on hers "Thanks for listening"
"What are best friends for" Elaine beamed "I will ask this, Why didn't you talk to Diane about this?"
"She is the biggest gossip I know. Other than Ban"
"Yeah, you have a point" Elaine picked her phone up "Urm, Ellie?"
"You better go home. Your date night starts in an hour"
"Crap... Right, I'll see you later" I downed my tea and ran out the door.

Thankfully I only live 10 minutes away, I raced upstairs and jumped in the shower. It only took 5 minutes. I dried my hair which was an arm workout. It takes forever to dry my hair. Maybe I should cut it to shoulder length. Once dried, I put my hair, Half up, Half down I straighten it as well. A little bit of make-up. I was looking a little pale. I roamed through my closet and found my white skater dress with the black lace belt. I was about to spray perfume when Meliodas came into the room.
"Can you help with this tie? It won't behave" Meliodas pleaded. I padded across the room to help me. He stared down at me with his hands on his hips, Rubbing circles with his thumbs "I love seeing you dressed up" He mumbled, I tried to focus my eyes on his tie. I carefully tightened it when I was done, straightening it and then resting my hands on his shoulders.
"Same to you. You look amazing, love" I said, kissing his forehead. He smiled up at me "We're not cancelling dinner again though"
"Oh come on" He whined. His head lent backwards "Couldn't we turn up a little late?"
"No" I emphasized with a laugh, patting his chest "We deserve this" Meliodas opened his mouth to say something, but I walked off before he could say it.
"Come on, let's get going okay" Meliodas sighed as I slipped on my heels at the bedroom door and grabbed my purse, Meliodas following closely.

We were pulling into the restaurant parking lot when the call came. While Meliodas answered it, I turned to look out the window.
"I'll be right there" Meliodas hung the phone up. I spun my head around and Meliodas looked worried. I grabbed his hand.
"Meliodas? What's happened?"
"Zeldris has been in a car crash, Sorry darling but I need to go" I turned and smiled softly at him.
"It's okay. We can do this another night"
"I don't have time to take you back home, so I guess you're coming with me," he said apologetically.
"It's okay. I let the restaurant know" I sighed, resting the side of my head against the headrest "Should I let the others know?" I pulled my phone out and dialled the restaurant. Ready to apologize for not being able to turn up.
"Tell Ban, He'll tell everyone else" Meliodas frowned, Already pulling back out on the road.

Once inside the hospital, Meliodas ran around the place, trying to find out what had happened. I rolled my eyes and looked around for a Nurse.
"Sorry about taking you from your job but can you help us find the room that Zeldris Blackwood is in, please? He was in a car accident about half an hour ago" I said as politely as I could.
"And you two are?" The Nurse folded her arms.
"I'm his Brother, Meliodas Blackwood and this is Elizabeth Liones, My Girlfriend" Meliodas explained as the Nurse smiled at us.
"He said you two would be first to arrive. Wait by the elevator. I'm the head Nurse in his ward. I'll take you" As we walked to the elevator, The Nurse announced herself as Jennifer.
"Sorry if we interrupted you during whatever it was you were doing" I apologized. It's all I seem to be doing tonight. She smiled at me.
"It's no problem, I could use a stretch of my legs" Somehow you doubted that, but you decided to just go with it, preferring company over the mostly empty halls due to the hour.

The elevator took us up to the third floor and Jennifer led us down the hall and through a door, to another hall. She opened the second door and stepped aside, letting us rush inside. While I thanked her, Meliodas looked around briefly.
"Bed by the window" The Nurse pointed out "Left side"
"I'll go get us some drinks, You go to him" I smiled softly. Meliodas kissed my cheek before rushing off.
"I better get back, but if you need anything, I'm downstairs, or the floor nurses are out and about" The Nurse nodded as she wrote on her clipboard. I thanked her again. I walked down the hallway to a little room where they kept the vending machines. You wandered over to the counter and fixed me and Meliodas a cup of tea and grabbed a few snacks. I took them back up to the ward and settled into the comfiest chair I could find. It was going to be a few hours.

It was just past midnight when I felt my shoulder being shocked. While my eyes focused, I saw someone crouch down and brushed the hair out of my face. I opened one eye, A smile on my face when I saw that it was Meliodas.
"Hey baby" Meliodas whispered, a small smile on his face "Wake up sleepy head"
"I was not sleeping" I insisted, I pushed myself to sit up from the position, and I somehow manage to lay across the chair. Legs draped over the side.
"Explain the soft purs I heard then"
"How's Zeldris?" Changing the subject.
"He's fine. Out like a light" Meliodas turned his head over his left side. I looked at the bed. Zeldris was a bit bruised up. his arm in a sling "Doctors said he can go home tomorrow. Gelda's coming to get him. It would have been a lot worse if his darkness hadn't off protected him"
"How did he crash?"
"Hit a patch of black ice on his way to pick Gelda up. Smashed into a lamppost. Front's totalled. Complete write-off"
"It's only metal. He can always get another car"
"I said as much. Come on. You ready to go home now?"
"Yes" inhaled a deep breath and nodded. Before Meliodas could stand, I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him down, pressing a few kisses to his cheek before releasing him.
"What was that for?" Meliodas raised an eyebrow at me. His hand on his cheek.
"Felt like it" I shrugged. He smiled at me, leaning forward to press a kiss to my lips.
"I owe you a date night. So let's stop at the local Indian. I fancy a curry" Meliodas grabbed my hand and we walked out of the ward.

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