Is It Really You?

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- Elizabeth's Pov -


I groaned as I lifted my head off the pillow. It was 9 in the morning. I was meeting Meliodas in an hour. I had barely slept a wink all night. Don't know if it was because I am nervous or because of where I am living. I chose to live in the roughest neighbourhood. I was only 10 minutes away from town and I heard the local Tavern was looking for a waitress. I think it was called The Boar Hat. I'll find out later. I rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up. I went back into my room and picked today's outfit. Blue skinny jeans, white vest top. Thin, Long sleeve pink cardigan and white pumps. Since it was a warm day, I picked out some round shades to wear. I don't remember the last time I put this much effort into an outfit. Come to think of it, I don't think I ever have.

After jumping in the shower and spending half an hour drying my hair (Which ended up in a high ponytail. My fringe still covering my left eye), Then got dressed. I grabbed my keys and handbag and left my house. I had a good 20 minutes to get to town. I could grab some breakfast.
"I wonder what Greggs have got in?" I thought as I made my way to town. I had my CV in my bag so I could hand that into the Boar Hat. If they were still taking on that is. I passed it on my way to town and saw they had taken the sign down "Bollocks. Oh well. Try again another time. I could always hand my CV in any way" I could hear yelling and a load of crashing coming from the Boat Hat. Someone is not woken up on the right side of the bed today.

It was now 5 to 10 and I had my Greggs breakfast wrap in one hand and what they call Tea in the other hand (I make better brews at home. This tastes like piss water). I sat on the edge of the fountain. I kept looking around, hoping to catch a glance of, Well him. Part of me thinks that this is all a prank and I am wasting my time. But then there was that dude in red. I swear I know him. He minds the kid that would follow Meliodas everywhere. Ban Taylor. I wonder what he is doing now. Probably still chasing King's twin sister Elaine. God, I wonder how they are doing. I remember Ludociel telling me that King was now the Fairy King. I wish I knew where that place was. I could have gone there. I need to see if Diane lives at the same address. Would be great to see her. I doubt any of them remember me. It has been 10 years after all. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw that it was now 10 o'clock and there was no one there. But then again Meliodas was never any good at timekeeping. I let out a small chuckle. I stared at the floor beneath my feet as munched on my breakfast. I held my necklace between my fingers. I heard footsteps approach the fountain but I didn't look up.
"Still wearing that necklace then" A voice spoke. My head shot up.
"Meliodas?" I put my foot down and stood up, Trembling with each footstep "Is it really you?"
"In the flesh. Been a long 10 years hasn't it? You haven't changed. Well, You got taller" Meliodas smirked.
"You still look as short as ever" I did a half-smile back. We stood there for a good 10 seconds after that before we flew at each other.
"I HAVE BLOODY MISSED YOU!" Meliodas cried as I buried my head in his shoulder "I searched everywhere"
"I've missed you too. I tried to get back. I ended up being kicked out of Bartra's house" I sobbed as we sat back on the fountain. Everyone was watching us.
"I know, I went to the house. You had been gone two hours according to him. Me and Dad searched the town for 3 hours" Meliodas held my hands. Was he in the black car that kept seeing that night? "I found out a lot of things after he kicked me out. Bartra isn't my Dad. My Mum was the Queen of the Goddess. I'm a flaming Princess. Me! A Princess" I exclaimed.
"I always said you were. And Bartra told me that he wasn't your Father. He also said that's why he did what he did to you" Meliodas's looked at the fountain's water.
"He told you that?" I pulled my hands away.
"Yeah. Since he said he wasn't your Dad. My Dad has been trying to find your real Dad" Meliodas bit his lip.
"I don't know if I want another Dad. So was Bartra bragging" I fiddled with my cardigan.
"Practically. He also said you were pregnant. Was that true? Is there a mini you running around?" Meliodas chuckled. I knew it was killing him inside to ask that question.
"No mini-me running around. I had to find a way to stop him, Well, doing what he did so I lied" I sighed. Meliodas's head shot back to me "Would it bother you, You know? If I had a kid?"
"I ain't sure. Think it would have bothered me more if it was Bartra's, You know" Meliodas sighed "I wanted to punch him that day. When he bragged about it. Dad was the only thing holding me back" I saw Meliodas clench his fists. His hair covered his eyes.
"Imma change the subject. How is your Dad doing? And your Mum? And your brother? I wanna know everything" I clapped my hands.
"Well, Dad is still Dad. He is still King of the Demons. Not as bossy as he used to be but he has mellowed out. Mum is still by his side" Meliodas smiled.
"She still the feisty lady I knew back then?"
"Oh God she is worse than ever" Meliodas rolled his eyes.
"Somethings never change then. What about Zeldris?"
"Zeldris is now engaged to The Vampire Princess. They get married next month" Meliodas crossed his arms.
"Vampire Princess? Do you mean Gelda? Gelda Evans? How in the name that is holy did that work out?" I gasped in shock.
"I don't know myself. I didn't even know they were a thing till Zeldris walked into the family dinner and told everyone. Dad is happy. Something about an alliance between the clans and now there will finally be peace" Meliodas rubbed the back of his head.
"Didn't know Demons and Vampires were at war with each other?" I pouted.
"It's more of a fallout. It originates from the first Holy War. I think. I don't know. I wasn't listening when Dad told me"
"There's the Meliodas I know" I half grinned "So what about the gang? Ban, King and Diane? Are they still in town?"
"See for yourself" Meliodas pointed over at the local dinner. My mouth dropped as I spotted them. Everyone was sat at the dinner "They missed you just as much as me. Only Ban knows you are in town. He was the one that delivered the flowers last night"
"I thought that was him! He was a little runt last time I saw him!" I stuttered.
"No one ever forgot you. We all searched for you" Meliodas put his hands on either side of him.
"Bartra said that you all gave up on me because I left you. He said you hated me" I placed my hands on my lap.
"Please tell me you didn't believe him?" Meliodas stared at me.
"I did have some doubt. Especially after he did what he did. I thought that if you knew what had happened then you wouldn't look at me the same way ever again" I looked at my lap. Meliodas placed one hand on mine and another on my cheek.
"Nothing that sick fuck could do, Would ever make me look at you any different than what I do now. You are still my Best Friend"
"And you are mine" I placed my forehead on Meliodas. We stay like this for a good minute before we pulled away. I glanced over at the diner.
"Wanna go see them?" Meliodas asked.
"Maybe in a bit. I need to get over seeing you again" I smiled "So got any gossip for me about that lot?"
"Let's see... Ban's immortal. And Dating Elaine. King has threatened to slice him up. He's dating Diane"
"Hold up? Ban's immortal? And dating Elaine? How???"
"6 years ago, A red Demon attacked the Fairy King's forest while King was on Holiday. Ban was visiting as he was planning on asking Elaine out. He called me to help, Dumbass beat the thing before I even got there. I flew as fast as I could but I wasn't fast enough. Ban got sliced up real bad. He was dying in Elaine's arms so Elaine gave him the Fountain Of Youth's water. Now Ban is the Fountain Of Youth" Meliodas explained "King came back the next day and tried to slice Ban into itty bitty pieces. Only I have managed to scar him"
"Bet King is well happy about that but my guessing is that Diane distracts him"
"Oh yeah. They have been together about 3 years now"
"I'm well pleased for them. I remember King having the biggest crush on Diane"
"Somethings never changed" Meliodas smiled as he watched our friends "You know, We never disbanded The Sins after you left. In fact, We gain two members. Zeldris and Elaine"
"What is their Sin?"
"Zeldris is Pride because he never backs down in a fight and Elaine is Lust because lusts after Ban" Meliodas fidgeted on the spot.
"So no one replaced me?" I raised an eyebrow.
"No one ever could" Meliodas had a slight red tinge on his cheeks.
"Glad to hear that. So what have you got up to in 10 years?" I pondered as I took a sip of my drink.
"Got kicked out of school a lot. Kept picking fights. Mostly with Ban. I opened up several businesses. Including that there diner. The Sins all work for me too. Mainly at my bar. It's called The Boar Hat Tavern" I nearly choked on my drink "What's with that reaction?"
"You own The Boar Hat Tavern?" I stuttered. Meliodas nodded "I was heading there later to give you my CV. I got fired from my last job"
"So you need a job and why did you get fired?"
"Yeah and Bartra found me in Ordan. Said that if I didn't go back with him. He would tell my Boss I was stealing from him" I pinched my lips together.
"Well, You know full well. I won't believe him so you can have the job at my bar because there is no way I am letting you out of my sight again. I will be like a bad penny"
"I don't want you to let me go," I thought to myself. I mentally slapped myself. I shouldn't think like this "I think I am ready to meet the others" I nodded my head slowly as Meliodas stood up. He held his hand out.
"Told you, I ain't letting you go again" Meliodas smirked as I gripped his hand. Swear it tingled.

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