Asking permission

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- Meliodas's Pov -

"I must be mad," I thought to myself "I've known this man since I was small. Why should I be afraid of his reaction" I ran my hands through my head as I heard a knock on my front door. Ellie was out with Diane and King. Ban was going to be here any minute now. I took a deep breath in and walked down the hall. I opened the door and saw Zhivago standing on the door frame.
"Meli!" Zhivago pulled me into a bear hug "Dude, How are you?"
"Better if you weren't suffocating me" He dropped me. and patted my head "Beer?"
"Do you even need to ask?" Zhivago grinned as we went into the kitchen. Normally I am banned from here but I don't listen "So why did you call me here? And where is my Daughter?"
"Christmas sales with Diane"
"So why am I here?" Zhivago folds his arms. Even in the storm of nerves raging inside me, I can feel a blossom of warmth in the centre of it all from my rendition of her words. It gives me enough strength to square my shoulders and own up to what I already know. I hold Zhivago's eyes as they become unreadable.
"Firstly, I want to apologize for failing you"
"Failing me? You never have"
"Zhivago, I've already failed you when I let Ellie go all those years ago. When I failed to protect her from him. so there's no making up for that"
"You were a child. I don't hold anything against you. Never have. Never will"
"I want you to know this sir. I love your Daughter, I plan to love, cherish, and care for your daughter for as long as she'll have me. I'll do anything in my power to keep her safe and happy. I would sacrifice anything to make sure she is happy" I widen my stance as if preparing for battle and raises my chin "That is the promise I make to you" The pitch my voice low and firm as my heart beats with strength. Zhivago, Normally timid look, appears as mighty and unwavering through my piercing stare as a papa bear should. Tension makes the air heavy and smothering, but neither of us back down as I await the verdict to my declaration.
"You talk big for someone so small but you've more than proven you can back up your claims" His eyes soften like warm cocoa and I falter, eyes rounding at the one-eighty "My daughter is happy because of you, flourishing even! I haven't seen her this carefree since she was a little girl, and I have you to thank for it!" Zhivago exclaims while placing a heavy hand on my shoulder. My cheeks become hot as I stutter my words.
"Th-That's all I want for her, sir. It's what I live for" I find myself grinning without thought, my inner peace deeply nourished by her beaming visage each day. Zhivago's cheeks rise with a smile.
"Not gonna lie, You sound as if you were fishing for a blessing" His voice is a delighted splash of butterscotch zeal as I squeezed my own hand.
"Was I really so obvious?! I do plan to ask her soon! I just don't know when. I know We haven't even been together a full year yet and -"
"Meliodas" The full name address slams my lips shut as I blink up at Zhivago, overcome with the weighty sensation of awe that sat atop my ribs. In 21 years of my being alive, He has never called me Meliodas. It's either Meli or Dude. He put both his hands on my shoulders "Try asking me again. And come up with a better speech"
"I've never been a man that much enjoyed flirting or chatting. Or indeed, Talking at all. But With Ellie, Your Daughter. Things have always been easy. Her laughter brings me joy. To meet a beautiful woman is one thing, But to meet your best friend in the most beautiful of women is something entirely different. And it is my sincerest apologies, That it took me this long for me to realize that I didn't want Ellie to be my friend. I want her to be my wife. So I wish to ask you, Her Father. For your blessing. So can I have it?"
"Well, when you put it like that" Zhivago rolled his eyes "When you ask for my daughter's hand, You have my approval" His eyes are toasty with sincerity as I extend my hand between them. I exhale in a rush as the weight presses in, my eyes pricking at the responsibility so readily given. I grab Zhivago's hand, firmly taking it without hesitation.
"Thank you, Zhivago" We shake our connected hands. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and Zhivago's steadiness crumbles into blubbering waterworks in a snap.
"You may have MY blessing but you still have one more person to convince"
"Ban" Zhivago agreed. I ran a hand over my face. I heard a car pull up. We both looked out the window and saw Ban get out of the car "Good luck" Zhivago patted my shoulder with his hand.
"Captain!" Ban called as he walked into my house.
"Head to the front room. I'll be there in a minute. Beer?"
"Do you even need to ask?" Ban cheered. I grabbed a beer from the fridge. I wasn't as nervous but my hands still shook. Zhivago put his thumbs up at me and pushed me out of the kitchen.

I handed Ban his beer at jumped over the back of the sofa.
"So why am I here?" Ban flicked my sticky-up hair "Though you did get me out of looking at Elaine's wedding book" Ban finally asked Elaine to marry him. And for some reason, she said yes to him.
"She still has that? That thing was made back in year 5" I chuckled as we took swigs of our drinks.
"Updates it all the time. I told her she should be on Pinterest. Turns out she has a wedding thing on there too"
"Good luck with that" I sat forward and placed my drink on the coffee table "Ban, I wanna be serious now"
"What did you do?" His face went blank "Who needs to be beaten up?"
"No one. It's what I am about to do. Well, what do I want to do" I ran my hand over my face "That sounded way better in my head" Ban narrowed his eyes at me.
"You're being weird... er than normal" Ban's phone pinged. He took a quick peek at it and then looked to the hallway.
"Pretty weird then" I muttered "Dude, I wanna ask you something. Something that means a big deal"
"You're asking if you can marry my sister"
"I wanna marry your sister. Wait, What? How did you know?"
"Zhivago" Ban pointed to the door. I spun around to Zhivago's head sticking out the door. Grinning at me.
"Zhivago!" I whined "I wanted to tell him"
"You took so long when you asked me. I just helped that's all" Zhivago shrugged his shoulder as I threw a pillow at him.
"Meliodas" Ban grabbed my wrist so I would look at him "Ask me the question"
"Okay" I took a deep breath "May I have your blessing to marry Ellie?"
"Yes!" Zhivago shouted from the kitchen.
"Dad! Shut up for a minute" Ban screamed "You have my blessing and I'm guessing Dad's too"
"I asked him about 5 minutes before you got here" I rubbed the back of my head. I crossed my legs on the sofa as Zhivago came and sat with us.
"Meli, Does your parents know of your plan?" He quizzed.
"Oh bollocks. I knew I forgot something" I grabbed my phone.
"Dumbass" Ban laughed as I ran out of the room. While I was in the hallway, I heard those two having a nosy around "I'VE FOUND THE BRANDY!" Ban shouted.
"I'VE FOUND THE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. LIKES MAKE THIS PLACE NICE FOR ELLIE!" Zhivago bellowed. I rolled my eyes and dialled Dad's number.
"THIRD DRAWER ON THE LEFT!" I yelled back. It's only 2 in the afternoon. I'm going to be drunk by the time Ellie gets home if those two have their way. Dad's not answering his phone. I'll him later.

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