5 weeks later

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- Meliodas's Pov - 5 weeks later -

After a sweet smell hit my nostrils, I took a walk down the stairs. I was slightly weirded out to find Ellie was making chocolate cookies. She found the recipe, bought the ingredients and made the dough. Rolled the dough into a sausage and divided it into sections. Now she is pressing shining, man-shaped cookie cutters into the rolled-out dough, carving out an army of cookie men. I am very concerned. Since Ellie got pregnant, She has not been able to eat chocolate. No matter what she did.
"So you are making cookies?" I say, watching from a responsible safe distance. The kitchen makes Ellie weirder than normal. There are all sorts of throwing things, and curses so filthy that I was honestly shocked to hear them in her sweet voice, and knives embedded in the wall. Or there's this, which is somehow more unsettling.
"Correct" Ellie answers sweetly. She continues cutting out her little circles.
"So you're making cookies because... ?" Ellie shoots me an evil, evil look. I relaxed a little; I'm used to seeing that kind of expression on her in this room.
"Because I want to," she says, and she turns back to her project. And begins to hum. I really should consider calling a doctor. Or a priest.
"Ellie -"
"Have you ever had shortbread? Or will this be a new taste for you?"
"Um, no, We used to have it when I was a kid. I still don't understand why you're baking..." Ellie isn't listening. Ellie is humming again, humming a song I couldn't place, and cheerfully hacking little men from her dough. It would be okay if it was just the Cookies. (Okay, no, it would still be weird and unnerving.) But there are also trays of cookies, cooling on the counter waiting to be frosted, and more in the oven. Okay, something is definitely wrong here. With complete disregard for my personal safety, takes some steps toward the Goddess "Ellie . . . are you feeling all right?" Ellie smiles.
"Sure, sweetie. I feel fine."
"Nothing... bothering you at all?"
"Nope" I slide closer. Ellie is almost out of dough to puncture.
"Nothing at all?" Ellie looks at me, her mouth parted slightly.
"I'm fine. Stop pestering me!" She tries to shoo me away, but I stayed put.
"You're notoff, you're perfectly fine?" Ellie raises her eyebrow with a straight-up glare.
"Yes. Perfectly fine. Go away!" When I don't budge, Ellie picks up the wooden spoon she mixed the dough with, and brandishes it like a weapon "Seriously, mister. Have you ever been spanked with a wooden spoon?"
"Yes," I answered before I realize that I was just asked a rhetorical question, a silly threat, and not a legitimate query. Ellie blushes.
"By who?" She's just too pretty when she blushes. I forget my concerns over her obsessive baking; I close the distance between us. I slip my arms around her waist. Ellie drops the spoon as my mouth finds hers. Ellie's hands cradle my face. She kisses me back.
"Why were you baking?"
"I just wanted to make a lot of cookies for the Riverside Festival," She says. Her voice is low and breathy, and I can feel the words echo in her chest "It's your first one in like 10 years, so I wanted to make it a memorable one. Did I get crazy with the baking?"
"Just a tad. Besides, I don't need cookies or a festival to be happy"
"Oh yeah?" Her mouth twitched and if I wasn't already head over heels, I was dead certain that I would fall in love with her again right now "What do you need?" I kissed her.
"Just you. I just need you"

Later that day, We were sat in The Boar Hat. It was a long day. We were prepping plans for the Riverside Festival tomorrow. Diane was sitting on the floor with King. Ban and Elaine sat on one of the sofas while me and Ellie were sat on another one.
"I mean small creatures are way more vicious. That's because their anger has a lot less space to be bottled up in" Diane sipped her coke.
"Ridiculous. Give me one example of this" Elaine folded her arms.
"Spiders" Diane shuddered.
"Wasps" King replied.
"Bees " I raised my hand.
"Chihuahuas" Ellie snuggled into my side. She then bolted up and went to the loo. Again.
"Meliodas" Ban smirked as I shot him a glare "Point proven"
"I know this changes the subject but I really fancy a Holiday" King sighed as he floated on his pillow thing.
"I hear Spain is nice these days" I sighed.
"I prefer Hawaii" Ban put on his arms around Elaine and then behind his head. Elaine then sat up, Cocked her head to the side and floated away "Where are you going?"
"Checking something. Be right back" Elaine patted his shoulder as she floated off. I don't think I have ever seen her walk anywhere.
"So yeah, Holiday? where were you thinking?" Diane rolled onto her tummy.
"I always wanted to go to the USA. New York. Texas" King started to list when I heard a bang. My head spun around.
"What was that?"
"CAN SOMEONE GET UP HERE!!!!" Elaine shouted. I looked at Ban and we both ran to the bathroom.

"What's happened?!" I called out as I entered the toilets. Elaine pointed to Ellie. I froze on the spot when I saw Ellie hunched over the bath. Her hand was on the bump.
"I think the baby is coming" She panted.
"Right okay. Let's get you out of here" I replied in my most calming voice. Even if deep down, I was panicking like mad.
"It hurts" Ellie cried. I didn't know what to do. I didn't dare move her. Then Ban knelt down next to us.
"Ellie, Wrap one arm around my neck" He instructed as Ellie did as she was told. Ban placed one hand on her back and one under her legs "Ready? On Three. One... Two... Three!" And just like that, he lifted Ellie off the floor.
"Remind me to never do this again!" Ellie whimpered.
"Ellie, Here, Hold my hand. Just squeeze it. I can take it. I'm here" I grabbed Ellie's hand. She smiled. Then her face scrunched in pain. She did squeeze my hand. I thought it was about to break. Ban quickly got Ellie to the car and I sat in the back with her. Elaine and Ban are in the front.
"Here we go," I thought as Ban put his foot down.

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