Chapter 62

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I woke up and dressed into some high waisted jeans and a black croptop. I curled my hair and looked at Jacob who was eating breakfast. He smiled. I smiled back slightly and looked at Jack. "Ready?" I asked. He nodded and threw his apple away. "See ya brother." I said closing the door. As we got there I ran to Taylors arms. "Hi babe." He said kissing me. He slipped in tongue, I laughed. As we were at my locker Cameron and Beatrice passed each other without saying anything. I looked at Taylor and pointed at Cameron. He nodded and ran after cam, while I ran after Bea. "Bea, Bea, what was that?" I asked. She had tears streaming down her face. I took her hand and went to an empty hallway. "what's wrong?" I asked. She wiped her tears. "My.. Mom.. Isn't.. Letting.. Me.. See.. Cameron.. Anymore." She said breaking down and falling to the ground. She sobbed into her knees. "Why is she doing this?" I asked. "Because.. she.. knows .. we .. had .. sex.. so .. both.. our moms decided.. to not.. let us.. see .. Each.. other." She said in between sobs. "Oh my goodness, Bea. I am so sorry." I said hugging her. "I can't do this without him." She said crying. "I bet he's feeling the same, we'll talk about it at lunch." I said letting her go and standing up. She nodded anđ walked to class alone.

Jacob POV

"Jacob are you ready?" Mary asked. I nodded and rolled my eyes. "Dad is taking me right?" I asked. She nodded and walked outside. I grabbed a backpack and went to the car. I was being enrolled today. As we went in the office I saw girls staring at me. I only had eyes for my baby. They smiled and waved. I waved and looked down. While Dad and Mary filled out papers they said I could tour the school. I went around and saw Bea coming out the bathroom wiping her eyes. "Young lady why aren't you in class?" I asked sarcastically. She laughed. "I was cleaning up my face." She said walking next to me. "So, did you do what I told you earlier?" She asked. "Sort of. Did you wink at me?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah, you're cute for being Aby's brother." She said smiling. "She told me you have a boyfriend." I said. "Hmm, yeah. But I'm not allowed to see him soo.." She said shrugging. "Well, I'm sorry." I said sincerely. "It's cool, I know you'll be new tomorrow but, are you going to the dance. Aby and her boyfriend are going and I am too, it's a good way to make friends." She said. "I might as well, Dad will make me." I said laughing. "Good, I wanna see you there. I gotta go so bye." She said opening a door. I liked her. I really do. I went around and saw the guy in Aby's photo. He was on his phone. He looked up at me. "Jacob isn't it?" He asked. I nodded and walked pass him. He didn't know me. I went back to the office and we went back home.

Beatrice POV

I liked Jacob, he was cute. I had a tiny crush on him. He made me feel better. I didn't have a date now for the dance now. It was lunch and it was silent. I looked up at Cameron who was playing with his food. "How did they know?" I whispered to Cameron considering Nash, Jack, Taylor, & Aby were there. He shrugged. "Do you even care?" I snapped. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "Do you care? Beatrice, you think your the only one who got in trouble." He said looking back down. I looked at Nash who was staring at us. I got up and went to my locker. I heard footsteps after me. It was Nash. "Just leave me alone okay? I don't need your input." I said walking off.


I layed in my bed thinking of what to do. Jennifer and Nash came over to me saying I shouldn't go to the dance because Sydney is planning something. I don't care though, because she honestly couldn't ruin a perfect night and she won't. So I decided I am going. I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yelled. Jacob walked in, I sat up and smiled. "Hey." He said. I waved. "I need help picking out a tuxedo. For tomorrow." He said sounding annoyed. I laughed. "You can't pick out one yourself?" I asked. He shook his head. "I left my girlfriend, I need someone to impress." He said sitting next to me. I shrugged. "I'm ready if you are!" I yelled. He smiled and nodded.

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