chapter 43

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Beatrice P.O.V
An hour later my mom came in, she waved me over. "Come on." She said quietly. I hurried. As we got in the car it was silent. "Mom, she made my friend overdose. Sh-She called me a bitch" I choked. When my mom is silent, it means she's disappointed. "It's okay baby." She said driving away from the school. "I had to pick you up. This is my lunch break. So you'll be at home alone." She said dropping me off. I waved and she drove off. I went inside and went to my room it was 10:33am. I decided to go back to sleep.
Cameron P.O.V
I sat with Taylor, Aby, & Jack at lunch. "Do you guys think I'm right to be mad at Bea?" I blurted. Jack nodded and so did Taylor. Aby didn't say anything she stared at her food. "Aby?" I asked. "Well, I mean when a girl loses their chill you can't stop them. She was mad at the incident and couldn't resist when Syd called her a bitch." I looked over at Sydneys table. Her face was bruised badly. "Bea did some serious damage." I said laughing. They all joined in. "Thanks Aby." I said getting up.
Aby P.O.V
"Thanks Aby." He said getting up. I smiled. I looked at Jack. "I'm already getting nervous." I said shaking. Jack smiled. "Were gonna do great." He smiled. I looked at Taylor. He was on his phone. "Taylor, we need to talk after school." I said getting up. 6th period here we come. I yawned. "Aby!!" I heard someone say. I looked back and it was Nash. I groaned and rolled my eyes. He ran behind me. "So it's true? You really wanted Taylor?" He said. "Not when we were dating. Wait how the fuck is this ANY of your business? Go with that bitch that got my best friend suspended." I said walking faster. Ugh, Nash disgusted me after today. Taylor texted me.
Tayyy- what are we?
- I thought we didn't need a label?
Tayyy - I love you, more than a friend. & I want you to be mine already. & if we don't put a label on something, it will go wrong.
I was speechless. I turned off my phone. This is happening.
"Taylor, I wanted to talk about us." I said. "What about us?" He asked. "The text." I said quietly. He kissed me smashing our lips smoothly into each other's. I couldn't stop. "Let's go to my house?" He said grabbing my hand. Jack was gonna be pissed. I texted my mom telling her I'm at a friends. We finally made it to his house. He took my to his room, I took my jacket off and jumped into his arms kissing his soft lips.  He sat down on his bed, still kissing me. He turned over while kissing and he began slipping tongue in. I pulled his shirt off showing all his abs plus bruises. "Battle scars." I whispered in between a kiss. He kissed me harder after that. "I love you." He said kissing my neck. I clawed at his back. He pulled off my flannel. I kissed him harder when he began tugging at my shirt. I went through his hair with my finger tips. I groaned. "Mm- mm." He stopped kissing me. "I'm sorry, was I hurting you?" He asked with worry. "No! I have practice with Jack." I said grabbing my flannel. "You never answered my question." He said putting on his shirt. I looked at him and kissed him. "Were a couple." I said leaving his  house.

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